The Axis of Evil

Damocles said:
It was. They made it so when they decided to cover it up rather than to put them in prison where they belonged. It became a place of safety for molesters... If you don't think those people talk to each other then you ignore the reality of NAMBLA and other organizations of those who molest.

NAMBLA is a left-wing organization. I would argue the Priests were likewise on the left-wing, and that, ultimately, the molestation was part the Axis of Evil conspiracy to corrupt our youth. However, now the evil is being uprooted. Do you honestly believe these were religious men? No, they were psychopaths who flocked to the Catholic Church because, thanks to the sodomite agenda, it provided the safe haven where they could sodomize young boys.

Why do you think the vast majority of molester Priests were homosexual, when statistics show that molestation of females is more common? The ratio is 3:2, if I am not mistaken. By comparison, the ratio in the American RCC is 4:1. Also, why do you think molestation in the RCC of other Nations is MUCH less common?
yeah, the catholic church is "left wing", :rolleyes: is because of their stance on abortion, divorce, or homosexuality.
LadyT said:
yeah, the catholic church is "left wing", :rolleyes: is because of their stance on abortion, divorce, or homosexuality.

No. The AMERICAN Catholic Church is (or rather, was) infested with left-wing conspirators, with the intent of sexualizing young children, and recruiting them into the sodomite agenda.
Brent said:
No. The AMERICAN Catholic Church is (or rather, was) infested with left-wing conspirators, with the intent of sexualizing young children, and recruiting them into the sodomite agenda.
Good. Better a sodomite than some other things I can think of.
Brent said:
Drop dead, you piece of communist filth.

Hey, Brent. Why don't you check yourself into one of those "5 star hotels" like your <*ahem*> "friend" works at. I think you need a tuneup, dude. I really do. Your paranoia gear is slipping badly.
Brent said:
I was not serious. It was a figure of speech.
Let's see now . . .
Brent said:
The AMERICAN Catholic Church is (or rather, was) infested with left-wing conspirators, with the intent of sexualizing young children, and recruiting them into the sodomite agenda.
That's some figure of speech there. "Sodomite agenda?" "Sexualizing" young children. Oooo, sounds creepy. Hooverian, even.
OrnotBitwise said:
Let's see now . . .

That's some figure of speech there. "Sodomite agenda?" "Sexualizing" young children. Oooo, sounds creepy. Hooverian, even.

I am serious about the sodomite agenda.

I meant, my comment about you dropping dead was a figure of speech.
IHateGovernment said:
Brent is bipolar I think. He has a real jeckyl and hyde nature about him.
I still think he's mostly just provoking people. I have a very hard time believing that anyone that retarded could even operate a computer. Maybe that's just my optimistic, sunny nature talking though.

Brent you can find almost anyone to support any kind of wacky scheme. Yes there are organizations like Nambla. They are vile and disgusting. However I don't think they are a powerful force that will lead to the moral decay of our society.

We tend as humans to overreact to things done by a small minority and then claim the world is going to hell in a hand basket. Things are not as bad as you make them out to be.
OrnotBitwise said:
Crown him what, White Queen? He does seem to believe three impossible things each day . . . .

It was a figure of speech for "I'm going to punch you in the head with a closed fist!"