“The Ball-less Buffoons Of Bad And Badder Deals,” .....Act Two

Why would they want to? That's what the budget if for.

I understand your lack of knowledge but I'll try to make this simple for a simple mind. The "budget" is a delineation of government spending for a year (or different period of time). The budget includes all spending, and cuts, for that year. In normal times, the President submits a budget proposal to Congress, Congress acts upon the budget proposal, approves the budget, and sends the budget to the President for signature.

The ”budget” you say? What fucking budget? The budgets that Obama sends to Congress even the Democrats won’t vote for! Aside from that, The Republican controlled House has sent a budget to the Senate every year and the Democrat dictator of the Senate Harry Reid won’t even bring it to the floor of the Senate, let alone a vote or amendments. You’re shitting right? Budget indeed! Now that’s funny, I don’t care who ya are!

Following that, Congress often has to summarily increase the debt ceiling to allow for payments they already approved under the budget. Increasing the debt ceiling is only a certification of spending already approved by Congress and the President. It is historically not a spending or cutting action.

And who in hell do you accuse of claiming it’s a spending or cutting action? It sure as hell isn’t I! The fact is Obama and the Treasury Department has to get the debt ceiling raise approved by the ”CONGRESS.” The fact is the Congress, (the House Republicans specifically), are threatening to not approve a raise in the debt ceiling UNTIL Obama agrees to agree to cut federal spending a dollar for every dollar of debt ceiling raise. The fact is, it’s a political partisan fight over Obama agreeing to cutting government spending in return for Republican votes to raise the debt ceiling.

The argument, idiot, isn’t about what the debt ceiling is IS, it’s about using the debt ceiling vote to get a dollar for dollar cut in spending.

I already did.

You did in a pig’s ass! I defined what the debt ceiling IS in total accordance to the challenge you offered. Your challenge was never offered by you to define what the fucking debt ceiling WAS FOR! Your quote follows,

I guess you two don't understand what the debt ceiling is.

I did comment. Not not as you wished. Your explanation was erroneous in that it was lacking the real reason for the debt ceiling.

And your comment was replied to and easily and accurately debunked!

Republicans don't need Obama to make an ass of them. They're doing a might fine job of it all on their own!

If you’re expecting me to defend the cowardly Republicans, think again! They don’t have the balls to hold Obama’s feet to the fire, they’ll fold like a cheap tent just like before in the debt ceiling fight. They’re not only cowards, they’re idiots only concerned about reelection and being blamed by the neo-communist Obama the master of blaming everybody else, especially for a government shutdown. Thus, my title of this thread, “The ball-less Buffoons of Bad And Bader Bargains”
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btw...Classless Liberal...

If you don't believe me, will you believe the Congressional Research Service? (pdf)

"the debt limit does not control or limit the ability of the federal government to run deficits or incur obligations. Rather, it is a limit on the ability to pay obligations already incurred".

Who in hell do you accuse of suggesting that the debt ceiling “limits the federal government to run deficits or incur obligations?” When did I ever even suggest any such thing? I said,
“debt ceiling” is a mandatory “ceiling” set by Congress whereby the Treasury Department can borrow money up to but not beyond.”

“…….The Congress shall have the power to….. borrow money and pay the debts of the United States…….”(Article 1, Section 8, United States Constitution)

The debt ceiling does “NOT” control or limit the ability of the federal government to run deficits or incur obligations. It simply is a limit that the federal Treasury Department can borrow money TO PAY THE DEBTS OF THE NATION WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF CONGRESS The Treasury Department could/can pay the debts of the nation without borrowing MORE money IF CONGRESS AND THE PRESIDENT AGREED TO CUT SPENDING ENOUGH TO MAKE BORROWING MORE MONEY UNNECESSARY

Do you even have a fucking clue????
Obama was absolutely correct in 2004.
Show how Obama was incorrect.
Bush spent like a drunken democrat, for eight years. His vice said "deficits don't matter".
We wouldn't be in nearly the situation we are in now if not for Bush's idiotic, childish and utterly reckless spending.
The ONLY hypocrite is YOU.

But it’s the Congress that “spends” the money. Nary a dime can be spent without the appropriation of Congress. In 2006 after the first 2 years of the Bush watch, the “DEMOCRATS” took control of the House Of Representatives. Thereby, congressional spending was equally the responsibility of both duopoly parties. The national debt has elevated by 5 trillion $ under the Obama Presidency. Even if you could rationally blame all of that on Bush, (and you can’t), why is Obama opposed to cutting spending dollar for dollar relative to any debt ceiling hike of what you falsely claim belongs to Bush? Do you and Obama like what you falsely call the “Bush Debt?”

Maybe you should set your partisan quackery aside and face the actual truth, huh?

You’re only proving that YOU and Obama are both hypocrites.

Hardly. You didn't even respond to my point. Thanks for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are indeed the hypocrite.

The above proves beyond any doubt that I DID respond to your partisan ignorant point. You simply can’t handle TRUTHFUL RESPONSES!!!!
The above proves beyond any doubt that I DID respond to your partisan ignorant point. You simply can’t handle TRUTHFUL RESPONSES!!!!

The above illustrates that you don't even understand my point.

You reply to a post about an incident in 2004 with things that happened in 2006.

It seems like you neither pay attention, nor are capable of paying attention.

Bush outspent every leader in world history, where was your outrage then?

The only reason Obama appears to spend as much as Bush is because he isn't hiding the costs of the "long war".

Seriously, get your facts and dates straight or shut the fuck up, you are coming off here as very ignorant.
The above illustrates that you don't even understand my point.

You reply to a post about an incident in 2004 with things that happened in 2006.

It seems like you neither pay attention, nor are capable of paying attention.

Bush outspent every leader in world history, where was your outrage then?

The only reason Obama appears to spend as much as Bush is because he isn't hiding the costs of the "long war".

Seriously, get your facts and dates straight or shut the fuck up, you are coming off here as very ignorant.

Of course what you’re intentionally failing to admit is that the majority of Democrats in Congress voted for the unconstitutional “resolution” that gave Bush the unconstitutional Congressional proxy to DECLARE both wars.

You also refuse to admit that the Bush Wars, (now the Obama Wars), WERE NOT & ARE NOT the only cause of the deficits and debt. The Democrats had control of at least one or both of the Houses of Congress for half of the Bush years.

So dim-wit what happened during ALL of the Bush years is perfectly relevant to government spending, deficits and debt for which Democrats must share half of the blame and should take all of the blame for the first 2 years of Obama’s Presidency when they had total control of Congress and could have ended both Bush Wars/Obama Wars, but failed to do so. If y’all lefties didn’t like the Bush War Spending, why did y’all vote for the wars and continue the wars and not end them when y’all had the perfect opportunity to end them?

Oh! I bet I know! Y’all wanted to blame Bush for all of the deficits and debt and hope nobody would recognize that y’all are fucking liars, frauds and idiots, huh?

BTW numb-nuts, Democrats also voted in vast majority and had the blessings of Obama for the Bush Bail-Outs that Obama put on steroids.

Republicans & Democrats are just people with different faces that operate the same scam.