the Bankruptcy laws of 2005 and the forecloseur rates

By our citizens making less money. That is why I wanted to know about home forclosures in other estilished contries with a good life for their people. Every body blames the forclosures here on internal problems of the USA only. My point is asking if other countries are having the same problems, then there may be the same internal problems in those nations, or there may be something more global going on that nobody will admitt. I feel we have made this world (us, and other contries) very very dynamic when it comes to trade with countries that are no where near other nations civilian levels of economics. I feel almost anything bad can happen right now if we are not very very carefull.

Unfortunatly--I also feel it is needed for something really bad to happen--so we learn from it and remember.

In certain sectors people are making less money, in others people are making more. There's no doubt the manufacturing sectors have been hit hard (here as well, good old NAFTA), but other sectors have opened up - diversification. The eastern provinces are begging for workers to come back home. I never thought I'd live to see the day that Atlantic Canada NEEDED workers. The signifigance of that alone is probably lost on you, but it is a BIG deal. Canada is booming, despite the same mortgage crap that's going on.

I'm expecting a BIG crash anyday now.

Doom and gloom all the way.
Desh, the republicans saw this mess coming and that is why they pushed the bankruptcy laws thru.

The new laws enable more money to be obtained by the corps in personal bankruptcy cases.
They knew they has made bad loans and bankrupcies would rise.
Bankruptcy law changes are needed if hundreds of thousands of American families struggling with abusive subprime mortgages are going to escape foreclosure and the loss of up to $164 billion

LOL. They are so freakin' melodramatic when they report on the mortgage industry.
The the patch the "uncertainties " stimulus package is going to coast an estimated 150 billion so make that about 300 bill actual cost.
The bankruptcy laws were changed so that people like my sister are able to declare, while her ex hubby makes too much money. Hmmm... I'll have to start cheering for that...

Desh, the republicans saw this mess coming and that is why they pushed the bankruptcy laws thru.

The new laws enable more money to be obtained by the corps in personal bankruptcy cases.
They knew they has made bad loans and bankrupcies would rise.

It sure seems it was planned huh?

Are there some democrats who are not real demos who need to also be dumped Yes there are.

Im mad as hell at Harry Ried right now and will not vote for him next time arround.

The republicans need to realize that their party is wholely owned by the corporations and have only their interests at heart and dont give a rats ass about the rank and file.
hmm those bankruptcy laws changed in 2005 may actually have made people pay their credit cards instead fo paying their mortgage.
It sure seems it was planned huh?

Are there some democrats who are not real demos who need to also be dumped Yes there are.

Im mad as hell at Harry Ried right now and will not vote for him next time arround.

The republicans need to realize that their party is wholely owned by the corporations and have only their interests at heart and dont give a rats ass about the rank and file.

Yep it does seem like it. And all the while all we heard until a few months ago was how well the economy and all was doing.
Minority, I make my money as a financial analyst. I work in the oil industry but the SKILL SET is transferrable if I were to lose the job.
The big key minority is that idea of transferrable skill sets. I don't compete with Chineese making $10 day