This disease, this way of looking at all life, and the planet, rolled out over the tribes of Europe first. We are all the descendants of tribes and a spiritual perceptual reality of the universe and the creator. That memory has been wiped out of white consciousness pretty much, our enslavement having happened long before the disease rolled out across the rest of the planet via colonialism and proselytizing.
That perceptual reality was replaced with a male dominator god perceptual reality which gave rise to the notion that this male dominator god gave mankind, only the “chosen ones” mind you, dominion over the natural world, the planet, anything they “discovered”, and any other human beings they could manage to whip into consent. So you bring that into a technological perceptual reality era where we are now, and we’ve all been enslaved to/by an economic system that has no other purpose than to continue the colonialization of all human beings, further redistributing and concentrating wealth into the pockets of fewer and fewer, much of that wealth coming from the natural world that was in place long before the humans who manipulate it into their own hands. In the same manner the system mines uranium or coal or gold, it also mines the energy, spirit, and soul of the human being to run these authoritarian systems that enslave us all. In essence, they mine the being part of the human being.
And so all of this racism, classism, sexism, religion, arises from the system’s need to keep the masses quibbling amongst themselves. The same applies to the american political system; it is designed to prevent any gathering of the masses against the aristocracy. It’s an illusion, this democracy and liberty. You have ostensibly “two” political parties who very comfortably don’t really have to do anything at all except point at the “other” party and with our consent present them as evil and scary; disconnected from what? Well, they’re not “real” americans like you and they don’t bow as deeply to the male dominator god as you do. Again, go back and look at Bacon’s Rebellion and the aftermath. The power structure learned that lesson very well. The system also learned very well from the 60-70s / the Viet Nam War / Civil Rights era, the last large scale questioning of our authoritarian system.
But absolutely Jack, peoples everywhere had to be beaten and murdered into accepting a new perceptual reality, there has never been anything civil about becoming "civilized".