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Duh! Because she is a lesbian! It's important for the same reason you ask why it's important. Political correctness needs to be opposed and trashed. Phonies are a dime a dozen.

She isn't a phony, it isn't a secret that she is a lesbian. Your answer is a non answer.

Yeah.....sure.....why would the Murdoch Street Journal lie about the Obamaconomy?

Take your pick! The fish wrappers are as partisan as you and the majority of JPP posters. America's media news is simply an extension of the duopoly dictatorship parties.
political correctness?

you mean what the world used to call social pressure to be decent to each other

And you're the poster child for "decency," right darlin?:dunno::rofl2:

"fuck you very much!":good4u::rofl2:
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She isn't a phony,

I know! I actually respect her for that and not much else.

it isn't a secret that she is a lesbian.

Her transparency is what I respect. I don't respect the political correct phonies that go outrage when the word "lesbian" is mentioned. All they're doing is proving they're ashamed of their political favorites being homosexuals.

Your answer is a non answer.

Your political correct reply proves your phoniness. Your're either a closet homosexual, or ashamed of your political agreements with a lesbian, which is it?
Lil Dubya's Treasury Secretary instituted the Wall Street BIG BANK and Insurance CROOK bailouts. Barrack Obama voted for it as a Senator and simply continued the Lil Dubya policy as President.


You Trump-lemmings will believe absolutely ANYTHING!!!!!

"The TARP program originally authorized expenditures of $700 billion.

The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act reduced the amount authorized to $475 billion.

By October 11, 2012, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) stated that total disbursements would be $431 billion, and estimated the total cost, including grants for mortgage programs that have not yet been made, would be $24 billion.

On December 19, 2014, the U.S. Treasury sold its remaining holdings of Ally Financial, essentially ending the program. TARP revenue has totaled $441.7 billion on $426.4 billion invested."

The one thing, we DID learn, was.....when Texas-Republicans SCREW-UP.....THEY DON'T MESS-AROUND!!!!!!

See: 4:40 thru 12:00