The best part of the ignore feature

OrnotBitwise said:
Absolutely! If the shelling has to begin we want it to be as well targeted as possible.

C'mon Ornot.. they know who they are.. and you are too damn smart not to figure out who Im talking about.....

Lets put it this way ...

I could never figure out how one earns a law degree or a Masters in say Economics or Business.... while lacking basic grammar skills. Unless of course you get the certificate from the back pages of Popular Mechanic. There are others ... :clink:
IHateGovernment said:
Sounds like Alex.

Also I know Klaatu doesn't like AC.

Thats all I got. I get the impression their are more though.

No .. I dont regard A/C as a troll.. not at all.... I just think the guy has serious personal issues .... :)
it's a very nice feature. What sr doesn't realize is people are going to naturally ignore who they don't want to listen to anyway. I almost never read desh posts anymore. Ignore feature should be an individual choice.
gosh you i the only one that is good at this ''guessing'' game?

klaatu means topspin and alex....

i think?
toby2 said:
Maybe so Dam, but it is not all that hard to scroll on past that post is it? And well, how often is it that happens? If you note most who want an ignore feature want to exclude those who disagree with them. I don't mind those who ignore me, they can't make a logically arguement anyway. So I have lost nothing.

I note nothing of the sort. Most who want an ignore feature want to exclude those who only insult without points to be made. They scroll past the quotes, much like they would purposely ignore hearing the person they are avoiding at a party...

I haven't said you lost anything. If you notice you are still talking and you are still being heard regardless of such a feature. You can ease your fear, I won't ignore you....
klaatu said:
Why do I always feel like Im defending Toby? He is absolutely right... if you dont want to read someones posts.. just scroll by.. what is so hard about that? There a couple of people whom I consider trolls that most others wouldnt ... they add absolutely ziltch .., they dont have the ability to form more than 2 or 3 sentences ... yet some people regard them as heroes! As much as they annoy me.. I wouldnt use the ignore button.

Most wouldn't, but for those who want to it's there. Why should it be such a big deal... It hasn't effected you, has it?
toby2 said:
I don't mind having an ignore button. I was just pointing out that it is silly to use it. Why come to a discussion board and ignore a poster? If you don't won't to hear opposing views there are plenty of blogs to go to that you won't hear anything you don't like.

Speaking for someone using it, I can tell you why. To avoid communicating with people you just don't wish to deal with anymore. I'm sure you have some people who just want to post to antagonize you, I've seen them post. I am sure you get tired of reading it, and would just like to tune it out. The ignore option allows you to do this, so that your thread conversation is cleaner.

I commend Damo on this feature, and it's indeed the reason I am HERE and not THERE.
Dixie said:
Speaking for someone using it, I can tell you why. To avoid communicating with people you just don't wish to deal with anymore. I'm sure you have some people who just want to post to antagonize you, I've seen them post. I am sure you get tired of reading it, and would just like to tune it out. The ignore option allows you to do this, so that your thread conversation is cleaner.

I commend Damo on this feature, and it's indeed the reason I am HERE and not THERE.
Right. Its not about ignoring different viewpoints, its about ignoring the shit that goes beyond the fray.
Right. Its not about ignoring different viewpoints, its about ignoring the shit that goes beyond the fray.

LOL, except when a shitbrick goes beyond the frey to make a point to someone that is on his ignore list!

This feature is a very good for shitbricks to have an excuse not to reply to something that they have posted when convenient for them......:cof1:
The roof is leaking all over the place$

The wood got wet. it expanded.

Greenboard is a term that's occasionally used for a type of drywall that is used for walls
in damp but not wet zones in a building. Originally, greenboard was used as a direct backer
board for ceramic tile in highly wet areas such as showers or bathtubs but this usage began
to be phased out in the 1990s.Dec 10, 2020


Mold is a type of fungus. These small organisms can be black, white, orange, green,
or purple and live almost anywhere indoors and outside. Molds thrive on moisture and
reproduce through lightweight spores that travel through the air. You're exposed to mold
every day. They're usually harmless in small amounts.

Baseboard heating - Recessed lighting
What do you see? Confusion

He's tired and had it. Not getting what he normally gets.

Well, I was on my way home
From Woodgrain station
He stopped me in the middle of the road
He was a big black dog, whinin' along
He said, "You better do what you told"
I jumped back, rather astounded
I never heard a dog could speak

As sad as the whole situation is. The women the dog the husband. The rent! ;)


He's throwing the curveball and they're all dodging the
disfunction in the home that comes from the adults.

The kid has now become screwy.

I brake my back and now they call the phuzz on me and I get locked up. The backbone is no more. How do you fix it?$?$
Last edited:
He's tired and had it. Not getting what he normally gets.

Well, I was on my way home
From Woodgrain station
He stopped me in the middle of the road
He was a big black dog, whinin' along
He said, "You better do what you told"
I jumped back, rather astounded
I never heard a dog could speak

As sad as the whole situation is. The women the dog the husband. The rent! ;)

View attachment 19023

He's throwing the curveball and they're all dodging the
disfunction in the home that comes from the adults.

The kid has now become screwy.

I brake my back and now they call the phuzz on me and I get locked up. The backbone is no more. How do you fix it?$?$

You race bmx?
IMHO this is as true today as it was when it was said several years ago, POST #31

I've read countless announcements of ppl putting someone on ignore, not once was it for their views, but rather their actions:|

I just wanted to bump a post by Toby. :D