The best thing to do now is simply point and laugh at the left.....


Well-known member
Laugh LOUD,....laugh PROUD, in fact laugh right in their faces and draw a crowd . Dont even engage them actually,...they arent even worth your time. Just simply laugh them down and ridicule,...its all they deserve.

Of all the silly narratives they have TRIED and FAILED to sell over the last few years THIS ONE takes the cake. In a matter of days they went from....." OH NO!!!! WERE FUCKED with NO CHANCE of winning if Biden steps aside to..........KAMALA WILL DESTROY TRUMP!" :laugh: Kamala suddenly went from a cackling EXTREME LEFT WING idiot that NOBODY likes to..............Kamala is a " middle of the road centrist Democrat " that everyone adores. :laugh: She from " THE ALL POWERFUL BORDER CZAR" to......Border czar, WHAT border czar?????? :laugh: From trailing Trump Bigly to..........She's wayyyyyyyyy up in the polls! :laugh: From the unlikeable nutter who polled at ONE PERCENT in the primaries to...........OUR BEST BET and savior!......:laugh: Listen,....Ive seen the REAL numbers, anyone can, this is a fucking JOKE. What do you do when you hear a joke? You LAUGH AT IT. This is what should happen from now on no matter how many fake polls or articles are written ,....we know the REAL TRUTH and so do they which is why they are FEIGNING strength. So lets give them what they deserve,.......ridicule, and laughter. They are not to be taken seriously,.......they have zero merit or standing and their own words prove it as do the numbers. Kamala the POTUS? :rolleyes: Mmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmm, yeah, ok.....

This is why people like Jarod are literally BOMBING the place with new threads every ten minutes to the point where it has become SPAM. Its a feeble desperate attempt to change the narrative. It is done out of fear and desperation. Laugh,....just laugh,.......its what they deserve. November is coming and all the silly nonsense on the world cant stop that fact. We all know we cant take this goofballs seriously,....nobody really does but the real nutters. :laugh:
The best thing to do now is simply point and laugh at the left.....
Laugh LOUD,....laugh PROUD, in fact laugh right in their faces and draw a crowd . Dont even engage them actually,...they arent even worth your time. Just simply laugh them down and ridicule,...its all they deserve.

Of all the silly narratives they have TRIED and FAILED to sell over the last few years THIS ONE takes the cake. In a matter of days they went from....." OH NO!!!! WERE FUCKED with NO CHANCE of winning if Biden steps aside to..........KAMALA WILL DESTROY TRUMP!" :laugh: Kamala suddenly went from a cackling EXTREME LEFT WING idiot that NOBODY likes to..............Kamala is a " middle of the road centrist Democrat " that everyone adores. :laugh: She from " THE ALL POWERFUL BORDER CZAR" to......Border czar, WHAT border czar?????? :laugh: From trailing Trump Bigly to..........She's wayyyyyyyyy up in the polls! :laugh: From the unlikeable nutter who polled at ONE PERCENT in the primaries to...........OUR BEST BET and savior!......:laugh: Listen,....Ive seen the REAL numbers, anyone can, this is a fucking JOKE. What do you do when you hear a joke? You LAUGH AT IT. This is what should happen from now on no matter how many fake polls or articles are written ,....we know the REAL TRUTH and so do they which is why they are FEIGNING strength. So lets give them what they deserve,.......ridicule, and laughter. They are not to be taken seriously,.......they have zero merit or standing and their own words prove it as do the numbers. Kamala the POTUS? :rolleyes: Mmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmm, yeah, ok.....

That shit was too stupid to actually read.

That first line about that "loud and proud" shit sounds downright GAY.

I always thought there was something "funny" about you.... 🤔
35 years with Republicans only once getting the majority of the popular vote. Even their poor performance has only been positive by going extremely negative against Democrats. The vast majority of Americans do not want them.

Laugh at that all you want. I want you to laugh at that.
These far left Democratic Socialist loons have been trying for days to downgrade the assassination attempt on Trump.

Oh, it wasn’t a bullet, it was shrapnel…it was flying glass…it was a fairy who swooped down and pricked his ear.

The FBI has now stated that Trump was wounded by a bullet or bullet fragments.

Will these clowns apologize…sewer rats never apologize.
Uhm, you realize that Jews are well represented in the Democratic Party?
Sure they are, Walter and many of them boycotted PM Netanyahu’s speech to Congress…including Heels Up Harris.

These 9 Democrats voted against resolution backing Israel ...​

The Hill › homenews › house › 4276005-thes...

Oct 25, 2023 — Nine House Democrats voted against a resolution Wednesday that expressed support for Israel and condemned militant group Hamas's attack ...

Poor Walter.
These far left Democratic Socialist loons have been trying for days to downgrade the assassination attempt on Trump.

Oh, it wasn’t a bullet, it was shrapnel…it was flying glass…it was a fairy who swooped down and pricked his ear.

The FBI has now stated that Trump was wounded by a bullet or bullet fragments.

Will these clowns apologize…sewer rats never apologize.
Yep. Just ask the family of Corey Comperatore and the 2 others that were severely wounded if they were hit by pieces of glass.

Wray had no reason to create this conspiracy. He wasn't asked about it.
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Yep. Just ask the family of Corey Cpmperatore and the 2 others that were severely wounded if they were hit by pieces of glass.

Wray had no reason to create this conspiracy. He wasn't asked about it.
Indeed, Bigdog.

Wray volunteered this false information to downgrade the assassination attempt by a Trump hater.
I strongly doubt any members of the Democratic Party are also members of Hamas.

You do realize that we remember your lies, and then do not believe you in future posts?
The Hamas wing of the Democratic Party includes Rep. Talib.

In a statement, Bergman also said, "As Hamas terrorists beheaded infants, paraded dead Jewish teenagers through town, and attacked innocent concert goers in the most deadly day for Jews since the Holocaust, Rep. Rashida Tlaib chose to place the blame solely on Israel and the Jewish people."There is no moral equivalence between Israel defending itself and Hamas attacking innocent Israeli civilians. Tlaib's long history of anti-Semitic tropes and blatant anti-Jewish propaganda is both disturbing and evil - and should have no place in the halls of Congress."

Poor Walter.
Laughing at leftists makes no difference. I guess you've noticed that leftists have absolutely no shame..... absolutely none.
Leftists can do and say anything no matter how perverse or illogical or illegal. They are the vermin of the political theater.
Of all the projection I have heard from the MAGA right...this post takes the cake. Clear gold medalist of the projection posts.

You people are cretins. You people are the ones supposing Trump is the answer to our problems. Pathetic.

I hope in November, after Kamala Harris kicks Trumps ass thoroughly, you people decide to form a country outside of break a part of the country away...and go it on your own. I will be one of the people demanding that our federal government allow you to do it...demanding that our federal government offer you as much aid in your divorce as possible.

Including you people makes us a much lesser country...and having you gone makes us much the better.

Good riddance.