The best thing to do now is simply point and laugh at the left.....

Laughing at leftists makes no difference. I guess you've noticed that leftists have absolutely no shame..... absolutely none.
Leftists can do and say anything no matter how perverse or illogical or illegal. They are the vermin of the political theater.

...says the guy who supports the serial adulterer and convicted felon.
Here is the step by step procedure these dumb fucks go by ........

Step 1......The party heads give the marching orders to the left wing media about what narrative they want pumped out 24/7.

Step 2.....The complicit and subordinate LW media gets right to business of narrative creation....

Step 3......Lwers watch the LW media and after a matter of a few short days they know too what narrative they are supposed to push in their inner and outer every day circles...

Step 4.....Matters not how absurd the narrative is,.. or how much of a complete and total reversal of everything they literally just got done saying,....they will gleefully stop on a dime and spout the exact opposite of what they have been and they will do it shamelessly. Facts do not matter to them whatsoever,....its all about telling bigger and bolder lies in such a way as to control the narrative. They will simply just PRETEND they never said any of those earlier things and act as if it never happened.

So tell me, do you NOT just shake your head as you laugh and belittle them? Things THIS ridiculous fully deserve only ridicule.
In public spaces we must isolate them by mocking and ridiculing them, openly laughing at them. Trust me,...others will join in. We must bring up past statements they have made wishing that if only the R's would have ran a more centrist candidate like Nikki Haley that they surely would have voted for her. Bring up how they all along told everyone that Joe in fact was not too old and he was sharp as a tack and laser focused. How they said that if Joe dropped out that cackling Kamala had NO SHOT. These people are fragile and delicate with minds like children, they HATE to be mocked and laughed at because it reminds them of when they were school kids and how they were ridiculed and mocked then. They will do as all children do and throw a massive public FIT because they cannot control their infantile emotions. They are no longer our political opponents,....instead they are our TARGETS and our weapons will be laughter , humiliation and ridicule. Their own childlike ways will be their undoing and all we have to do is roll our eyes , snicker and mock everything they say. They are a ripe plum ready for the taking. Their asses are OURS now. ;)
They want to shape a false reality where they want to APPEAR as LEGION when in actual reality they are weak. I mean,.....just look at these people. :laugh: Their nothing. After November they will slowly go the way of the Indian until one day they are nothing but a memory, all but gone.
2045........." Daddy, what was a libtard?" "Well son,....they were just some very VERY confused people that just kind of faded away over time because they were so weak and feeble and expected others to care for them while they smoked pot, dyed their hair pink and played silly video games all day" Eventually the rest of the country just cut bait and let them sink to the bottom.
They want to shape a false reality where they want to APPEAR as LEGION when in actual reality they are weak. I mean,.....just look at these people. :laugh: Their nothing. After November they will slowly go the way of the Indian until one day they are nothing but a memory, all but gone.
The indian nations are a mere shadow of what they once were. Most of that was due to inter-tribal warfare, and exposure to germs from Europeans that they had no defense for. Some tribes were utterly destroyed by this.

Their's is a sad story, when it comes down to it.
Here is the step by step procedure these dumb fucks go by ........

Step 1......The party heads give the marching orders to the left wing media about what narrative they want pumped out 24/7.

Step 2.....The complicit and subordinate LW media gets right to business of narrative creation....

Step 3......Lwers watch the LW media and after a matter of a few short days they know too what narrative they are supposed to push in their inner and outer every day circles...

Step 4.....Matters not how absurd the narrative is,.. or how much of a complete and total reversal of everything they literally just got done saying,....they will gleefully stop on a dime and spout the exact opposite of what they have been and they will do it shamelessly. Facts do not matter to them whatsoever,....its all about telling bigger and bolder lies in such a way as to control the narrative. They will simply just PRETEND they never said any of those earlier things and act as if it never happened.

So tell me, do you NOT just shake your head as you laugh and belittle them? Things THIS ridiculous fully deserve only ridicule.
It's as regular as the days of the week.
Laugh LOUD,....laugh PROUD, in fact laugh right in their faces and draw a crowd . Dont even engage them actually,...they arent even worth your time. Just simply laugh them down and ridicule,...its all they deserve.

Of all the silly narratives they have TRIED and FAILED to sell over the last few years THIS ONE takes the cake. In a matter of days they went from....." OH NO!!!! WERE FUCKED with NO CHANCE of winning if Biden steps aside to..........KAMALA WILL DESTROY TRUMP!" :laugh: Kamala suddenly went from a cackling EXTREME LEFT WING idiot that NOBODY likes to..............Kamala is a " middle of the road centrist Democrat " that everyone adores. :laugh: She from " THE ALL POWERFUL BORDER CZAR" to......Border czar, WHAT border czar?????? :laugh: From trailing Trump Bigly to..........She's wayyyyyyyyy up in the polls! :laugh: From the unlikeable nutter who polled at ONE PERCENT in the primaries to...........OUR BEST BET and savior!......:laugh: Listen,....Ive seen the REAL numbers, anyone can, this is a fucking JOKE. What do you do when you hear a joke? You LAUGH AT IT. This is what should happen from now on no matter how many fake polls or articles are written ,....we know the REAL TRUTH and so do they which is why they are FEIGNING strength. So lets give them what they deserve,.......ridicule, and laughter. They are not to be taken seriously,.......they have zero merit or standing and their own words prove it as do the numbers. Kamala the POTUS? :rolleyes: Mmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmm, yeah, ok.....

Of course I would never bother to read all of that nonsense, but by all means...point and laugh.
Kids,....this is day one stuff. Politics for dummies,...Its not rocket science. The left wants to pump out the false reality that they are an Armada instead of the scattered collection of rafts and tubs that they truly are. The party heads have all seen the internal polling numbers and KNOW whats what,....thats why Joe is out and BACKUP Kamala is in. But she is a bench player, a back up, if she was any good she would have been the starter to begin with but she wasnt.

So,...their only option at this point is to give their base a little hope by pumping out this silly false narrative about her when we ALL left or right KNOW the truth. Hope springs eternal in their minds I guess... :laugh: and it sure beats the REALITY on the ground. ;) They can paint the false picture of a 10 foot tall Giant all they want to but we all know that a 4 foot tall midget in a wheel chair is what they have got. I guess when a party is THIS desperate they are willing to try just about anything in a last ditch effort. Good luck with all that....:rolleyes:,...eventually reality comes knocking. Laugh,....then point and laugh again,.....the ridicule they receive has been well earned.

In reality WE are Indiana.......:)

Legion MY ASS...............

Trump cheated on first wife Ivana with Marla Maples.

Trump cheated on current wife Melania with Stormy Daniels.

That is called Adultery.
And Brandon is a kid sniffing wacko that took showers with his daughter. Heels Up Harris made her career choice by blowing Willie Brown who is 60 years her senior.
Welcome to politics in America.