Anyone who uses a prophecy that Rome was going to invade ANY province or proof that there is a a moron.
Frank Rome was in firm control of Jerusalem in 33 AD. Christ said Jerusalem would be surrounded and destroyed DURING members in His
audience lifetimes. Rome had been in stable control of Jerusalem for at least 100 years when he said this. Christ prophesied
1. Jerusalem would be surrounded by armies.
2. People would have time to flee AFTER Jerusalem was surrounded by armies.
3. People in his audience would still be alive to witness this event.
4. Jerusalem which had existed for hundreds of years would be destroyed
5. Jerusalem's inhabitants would be put to the sword or led away captive.
6.. Additionally he prophesied the Temple would be destroyed The temple was built by Nebuchadnezzar in 516 BCE so it had stood for 546 years when Christ made this prophecy.
7. He predicted the massive stones of the Temple would be torn down stone by stone. [note: the wailing wall is a retainer wall and not the temple.]
Mat 24:5 As some of the disciples were remarking how the
temple was adorned with beautiful stones and consecrated gifts, Jesus said, 6
“As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”
According to Josephus when Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 Titus was instructed to spare the temple which had stood for 546 years. Jewish zealots retreated into the Temple and were attacking Roman soldiers the Roman soldiers fired flaming projectiles at them and set the Temple on fire. (It had a cedar covered in gold roof on it.) The huge carved stones that made the walls were torn down because the gold that covered the roof and other areas melted. The soldiers tore down the huge stone walls to recover the gold.
Frank your argument that Rome would be likely to destroy the temple and tear it down stone by stone, that Titus was told to preserve, which had stood for 550 years and destroy Jerusalem and put over a million people to death or enslave them in the next 40 to 50 years
is laughable.