The bible

Your timeline is all screwed up.

Paul was writing decades before the gospels, so it wouldn't have been rehashing. The gospels were written in late first century. Paul was writing mid first century

Paul's epistles would constitute the only proof these prophesies actually came before the fact. But despite knowing Jesus'own brother James, Paul strangely says nothing about these prophesies.

I'll tell you one prophecy Paul did write about. Paul said Jesus predicted the end of times and the Kingdom of God would arises within the lifetime of the apostles. But Paul and the other apostles died without ever seeing the kingdom of God come to pass.
The things that occurred in the gospel happen BEFORE Paul. They were written to give testimony to the life of Christ. Paul was raised up to convert gentiles to Christianity. Acts 13:47 "For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth." Paul didn't talk about Mat. Mark, Luke or John even though we know they were alive in the time of Paul. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John didn't talk about Paul either even though he was alive in his lifetime. Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John didn't write about Jerusalem or the Temple being destroyed before they wrote their books.
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Frank just so you know. Profanity is defined as :

Learn to pronounce
blasphemous or obscene language.
"an outburst of profanity"

OK what does obscene ?

(of the portrayal or description of sexual matters) offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency.
"obscene jokes"

OK but what does Fuck mean?

have sex with (someone).
ruin or damage (something).
an act or instance of having sex.

So Fuck is a vulgarity that deals with sex. That makes it obscene which into makes it a profanity. Now does anyone agree with me and the Dictionary? Why yes they do . "Fuck is considered profanity and therefore unsuitable for use in normal public discourse."

Does the FCC define Fuck as profane? "Profane content includes "grossly offensive" language that is considered a public nuisance." So what are the & words you can't say because they are profane ? Just so you know Frank they are "Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits."

So stop being a (insert a word I can't say on TV) moron.

I can understand that you are unable to acknowledge that "fuck you" is not a profanity, but is instead (a rather frequently used) vulgarity. But that has to do with your level of intellectual competence. Far be it for me to ask you to think above your pay-grade.

Being profane means to make worldly what rightly belongs to the "divine." Telling you to go fuck yourself is not doing that.

Profanity, swearing, cursing, vulgarity are all words that have specific meanings...although they often are inappropriately used interchangeably.
Isn't a million also hundreds of thousands????

It is also hundreds of ones, but only an asshole would argue they are the same.

In any case, I renew my compliment for your improvement.

Keep it up. You may eventually get to somewhere realistic.
The things that occurred in the gospel happen BEFORE Paul. They were written to give testimony to the life of Christ. Paul was raised up to convert gentiles to Christianity. Acts 13:47 "For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth." Paul didn't talk about Mat. Mark, Luke or John even though we know they were alive in the time of Paul. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John didn't talk about Paul either even though he was alive in his lifetime. Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John didn't write about Jerusalem or the Temple being destroyed before they wrote their books.

Nope. We just have to accept the word of the authors of the Gospels that Jesus said those things. They were writing two and three generations after Jesus was executed, and you would have me accept that they are precisely and accurately representing conversations they didn't actually hear, and you expect me to accept sight unseen that no after the fact embellishments were involved.

Now, if Jesus supposedly had the divine knowledge of prophecy then you also need to explain the prophecies Jesus got wrong.

Jesus prophesied the appearance of his good
kingdom on earth was imminent: “Truly I tell you, some of you standing here will not taste death before they see the Kingdom of God come in power.” These are the words of Jesus (Mark 9:1). “Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away before all these things take place” (Mark 13:30).

Paul's letters indicate that people in the churches he founded were complaining that their relatives were drying before this Kingdom of God had appeared
Nope. We just have to accept the word of the authors of the Gospels that Jesus said those things. They were writing two and three generations after Jesus was executed, and you would have me accept that they are precisely and accurately representing conversations they didn't actually hear, and you expect me to accept sight unseen that no after the fact embellishments were involved.

Now, if Jesus supposedly had the divine knowledge of prophecy then you also need to explain the prophecies Jesus got wrong.

Jesus prophesied the appearance of his good
kingdom on earth was imminent: “Truly I tell you, some of you standing here will not taste death before they see the Kingdom of God come in power.” These are the words of Jesus (Mark 9:1). “Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away before all these things take place” (Mark 13:30).

Paul's letters indicate that people in the churches he founded were complaining that their relatives were drying before this Kingdom of God had appeared

John Kennedy was killed in Dallas, Texas...with photographers and videographers all over the place. There was detailed contemporaneous investigation into the incident...AND WE STILL HAVE CONTROVERSY OVER WHAT HAPPENED.

But people like ExpressLane are willing to accept as absolute truth words written by people divorced from the facts by decades...all of whom have an agenda they are serving.

Makes no sense at all.
Nope. We just have to accept the word of the authors of the Gospels that Jesus said those things. They were writing two and three generations after Jesus was executed

I'm sorry but that is bullshit........Jesus himself was still alive approximately 30 AD and the writers of the four gospels all were his followers who wrote within their lifetimes....why shouldn't we accept their word, as opposed to accepting some atheist's scepticism.....
John Kennedy was killed in Dallas, Texas...with photographers and videographers all over the place. There was detailed contemporaneous investigation into the incident...AND WE STILL HAVE CONTROVERSY OVER WHAT HAPPENED.

But people like ExpressLane are willing to accept as absolute truth words written by people divorced from the facts by decades...all of whom have an agenda they are serving.

Makes no sense at all.

I am willing to entertain the possibility that the historical Jesus predicted the destruction of the Temple.

The Jews revolted against their Roman overlords in 66 AD, and as was typical in the ancient world, the Imperial overlords retaliated with massive destruction and retribution.

Revolt and retribution: Not exactly an uncommon occurrence in antiquity.

But if Jesus had divine foresight, then the prophecies he got wrong have to be explained too. He guaranteed his good kingdom of God on earth was imminent. Paul was expecting it within his lifetime.

Not to mention it's been two thousand years and Jesus still has not come back as prophesized.
But people like ExpressLane are willing to accept as absolute truth words written by people divorced from the facts by decades...all of whom have an agenda they are serving.

Makes no sense at all.
makes as much sense as you denying you say, its just a matter of what one is willing to do.....especially when you accept the lie that the Bible is written by people "divorced from the facts by decades".........that lie is motivated by an agenda of your own......
I'm sorry but that is bullshit........Jesus himself was still alive approximately 30 AD and the writers of the four gospels all were his followers who wrote within their lifetimes....why shouldn't we accept their word, as opposed to accepting some atheist's scepticism.....


Nobody actually knows who wrote the gospels.

The authors are anonymous.

It was only in the second and third century AD that Christian tradition and folklore later gave the names Mark Mathew, Luke, and John to the gospels.

Nobody actually knows who wrote the gospels.

The authors are anonymous.

It was only in the second and third century AD that Christian tradition and folklore later gave the names Mark Mathew, Luke, and John to the gospels.

ask any atheist.......they will tell you the same.........
ask any atheist.......they will tell you the same.........

The original gospels were unsigned and unattributed.

The anonymous authors were clearly well educated and literate Greek speakers.

The names Mark, Mathew, Luke, and John were only added later in the second century when the four gospels were brought together as a compilation.

It would be fun to believe that the earliest gospel was written by a companion of Peter named Mark. I wish that were true. But belief is all it amounts to.
The original gospels were unsigned and unattributed.

an outright lie.......the gospels have been attributed to the named authors by the Christian community from the outset......almost all the denials can be traced to the critical theology of the German marxists in the 1930s and the so called "search for the historical Jesus.....
The things that occurred in the gospel happen BEFORE Paul.

But they may not have been written down until well after Paul's life.

They were written to give testimony to the life of Christ.

The most liberal interpretation puts Mark as the earliest written gospel from about 64-77AD (so a couple decades after Christ's crucifixion.)

Paul was raised up to convert gentiles to Christianity.

It is ironic that some in the early Christian Church felt that the faith was NOT for Gentiles. Paul even debates someone about the necessity of circumcision if I recall correctly.

Paul didn't talk about Mat. Mark, Luke or John even though we know they were alive in the time of Paul.

Not really. Given that the names Matthew, Mark and Luke are nowhere associated with the manuscripts and that attribution to them was done many decades later by Church fathers.

It may be that Paul didn't even know anything related to Mark, Matthew, Luke or John.

Paul appears to meet with some Disciples in Galatians, but I also believe that Paul suggests in his meeting in Antioch with Peter, that Peter was in the wrong about the outreach to Gentiles, so it is quite strange to me that a man who never met Jesus would have the temerity to tell PETER, upon whom Jesus built his church, that he was in error on a matter of the faith.
makes as much sense as you denying you say, its just a matter of what one is willing to do.....especially when you accept the lie that the Bible is written by people "divorced from the facts by decades".........that lie is motivated by an agenda of your own......

You call it a "lie" as if you have firm evidence that the opposite is true.

The fact of the matter is you don't. You cannot tell us who wrote the Gospels. They are unsigned. They make no mention of who wrote them. You cannot tell when they were written. The earliest scrap of even a fragment of one of the gospels dates to decades after Christ's death (in the 60's and 70's AD).

So before you decree something a "Lie" perhaps you should show everyone that you have the truth.
I can understand that you are unable to acknowledge that "fuck you" is not a profanity, but is instead (a rather frequently used) vulgarity. But that has to do with your level of intellectual competence. Far be it for me to ask you to think above your pay-grade.

Being profane means to make worldly what rightly belongs to the "divine." Telling you to go fuck yourself is not doing that.

Profanity, swearing, cursing, vulgarity are all words that have specific meanings...although they often are inappropriately used interchangeably.
I would like to match wits with you Frank but you are totally unarmed. Frank I refuse to continue to trade insults with you in the religious section. I come here for intelligent discussion. Have a nice day.
It is also hundreds of ones, but only an asshole would argue they are the same.

In any case, I renew my compliment for your improvement.

Keep it up. You may eventually get to somewhere realistic.
More Ad Hominem insults because it is all you have. Go back to the politics forum.
It is not a lie. The names Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are not in them and these names were not associated with them until many, many decades later.

Do you have any evidence for this point?

yes....the existence of the Bible......why do you think 3 billion Christians acknowledge the four authors of the gospels as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John........its because of 2000 years of acceptance of that Christians deny it......only the atheists.......