Into the Night
Verified User
I have made nothing up. You are trying to redefine words. You are not an atheist nor an agnostic. You believe in the Church of No God.Where do you make this stuff up from?
True Scotsman fallacy.Do you think that just because you imagined something it makes it real?
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself. You cannot get away with projecting YOUR problems on me.Now you are just making up things about atheism.
Huxley did not define 'atheist' nor 'agnostic'. False authority fallacy.NOT EVEN CLOSE. NOT EVEN. Read Huxley.
Discard of philosophy.You have a vivid imagination.
To explain:
The circular argument, or Argument of Faith, is an argument the uses it's own conclusion as a predicate. It is NOT a fallacy. Only trying to prove a circular argument True or False produces the fallacy.
To define 'religion', one must look at the common characteristics of religion in it's simplest terms. If you examine religions, both organized and unorganized, they all share a common trait. They are all based on some initial circular argument and have arguments extending from that.
In Christianity, for example, the initial circular argument is that Christ exists and that He is who He says He is, namely the Son of God. ALL other arguments in Christianity stem from that initial argument. Every religion also has supporting evidence. In the case of Christianity, it is the Bible itself, and the teachings within it. It is also the presence of Earth, life on Earth, and even just the existence of believers itself. ALL of these are supporting evidence. Evidence is not a proof. Do not mistake it for such. It is not possible to prove that God exists, but evidence DOES exist for it, such as what I just listed.
In the Church of No God, which is your religion, the initial circular argument is that no god or gods exist. ALL of your arguments stem from that initial circular argument (or Argument of Faith). It is not possible to prove that no god or gods exist.
ANY attempt to try to prove ANY circular argument is the Circular Argument fallacy. This is what a fundamentalist does. This is what you are trying to do, which I called you on.
Bulverism fallacy.Another word for your posts is "trash".
Wrong. Proofs are available in ANY closed functional system. They are NOT available in any open functional system, such as religion. Two commonly use closed functional systems are mathematics and logic.I wholly agree with you on this. There is no way to prove ANYTHING outside of mathematics.
You claim to have studied logic. It is obvious that you never learned it. You are making too many logic errors (which are called fallacies). You claim to have studied philosophy. It is obvious you never learned it. You cannot present an argument and the reasoning for it. You attempt to conduct a proof using cut and paste. You use nonabsolute words as if they were absolute. You have already denied several branches of philosophy.
You claim to understand where words come from. It is obvious you have no clue. Your lack of understanding on this and upon history is appalling. You have several times already referenced made up shit as 'history'.
Your continued use of the argument of the Stone fallacy, false and void authority fallacies, insult fallacies, instances of compositional errors and even bigotry, and lately the bulverism fallacy only show that you are desperate to try to prove something you aren't. You are a pretender.
You claim that there is no god or gods, then try to condemn anyone that disagrees with you. You cannot prove this. It is not possible. It is YOU saying 'fuck off' now. You have wandered into kettle logic, and you are approaching closer and closer to locking yourself into paradoxes.
This is not imagination. Logic is not imagination. Philosophy is not imagination.
Science is not logic. Observation is not logic. Neither disagree with logic, however. I am beginning to see that you do not know what science is either, and probably never studied it.Certainly empiricism and science agree that there is no such thing as "proof" of a thing's existence.
Again, you show you have never studied logic. The Proof of Identity is axiomatic in logic. If an object exists, it exists. ?A->A.
The evidence has already been presented to you by me and by PostmodernProphet. You cannot make it go away by denying it. Asking for it AGAIN mindlessly like this is a fallacy in it's own right...the repetition fallacy, or chanting. This is why you are seeing me point this out with RQAA (Repetitive Question Already Answered). Stop mindlessly asking the same question over and over. It's been answered.And the presence of "evidence" would be nice for a change from your side. But that's hard to come by.