The bible

Christianity is a Conspiracy theory- No different than the one you also believe- that Hillary is slicing up babies and feeding them to people in a NY Pizzaria!

Just like the Conspiracy theory you also believe that the LGBTQ are trying to take over the world and they are grooming all of our children in Grade school to grow up and become gay!

All of your 100's of conspiracy theories you believe in are all based upon FEAR and paranoia including Christianity- Your fear of dying and being cast to hell!

Just as your fear of minorities are taking over America- So you are part of a Conspiracy Theory to prevent that from happening- KNOWN AS THE REPUBLICAN WHITE NATIONALIST CONSPIRACY THEORY!

You have conflated and Bastardized Religion, Science, and Politics wrapping them up in one little convenient package that plays into your narratives of SELF-INTEREST, SELF PRESERVATION, AND SELF-IMPORTANCE- while overlooking Common Sense, Common Knowledge, and Common Decency!

Truly amazing what squirms through your little Chicken-Little MIND!

If your sky is falling, don't look up, look from within! [Geeko Sportivo]
Wow. You sure went on a weird meaningless rant there. Jesus loves you.
Wow. You sure went on a weird meaningless rant there. Jesus loves you.

Meaningless to you!

Like common sense, Common Decency, and common knowledge!


Exactly who did PREACHER MAN?

King James? Mathew? Mark? Luke? John?
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Lol. Do you want to go down this rabbit hole?

while you're down there with all the other idiots I've buried I will refill the hole......but I warn you........if you cite an Atheists-r-Us website as an authority, I will fuck you sideways.....I don't tolerate idiots who cut and paste other idiots work.....
while you're down there with all the other idiots I've buried I will refill the hole......but I warn you........if you cite an Atheists-r-Us website as an authority, I will fuck you sideways.....I don't tolerate idiots who cut and paste other idiots work.....

I don't need to copy/paste anything. All you need to do is start with scholars who've written about the subject of Jesus mythicism. Start with Wikipedia. This is really common knowledge for anyone who studies the Bible in any capacity.

The question is are you willing to challenge your faith?
I don't need to copy/paste anything. All you need to do is start with scholars who've written about the subject of Jesus mythicism. Start with Wikipedia. This is really common knowledge for anyone who studies the Bible in any capacity.

The question is are you willing to challenge your faith?
/yawn.....try to find someone on wiki who actually knows theology.....common knowledge is for common people........are you ready to challenge someone who knows more about it than you do?......
all four, actually....were you not aware of that?......

Acts 1.....

Written a generation after the death of Jesus (ca. 30 C.E), none of the four gospel writers were eyewitnesses to the ministry of Jesus. Our earliest extant sources of information about Jesus of Nazareth and his teachings remain the letters of the apostle Paul.

Who witnessed the resurrection of Jesus?

Mention of the witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus brings to mind figures such as Peter, John, the remaining members of the Eleven, Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James, Salome, Cleopas, and his companion. Paul might at most be granted an honorable mention.
Written a generation after the death of Jesus (ca. 30 C.E), none of the four gospel writers were eyewitnesses to the ministry of Jesus..
Very common in the ancient world. The didn't have newspapers, cable TV to capture information in real time, and very few people were actually literate, so information tended to be passed on by oral tradition.

Herodotus wrote about the Greco-Persian wars two generations after they happened, and historians assume his sources of information were the sons and younger brothers of the warriors who fought at Marathon and heard the stories from them.

The life stories and philosophies of Confucius and Sidartha Gautama were not written down until centuries after they died by people who had received the oral tradition of those sages' lives.

It would be great if we had newspaper reporters in antiquity to capture information in real time, but historians have to work within the limitations of the era.
/yawn.....try to find someone on wiki who actually knows theology.....common knowledge is for common people........are you ready to challenge someone who knows more about it than you do?......
Indeed. I find it funny that people that don't study the Bible think they understand what it says.
Very common in the ancient world. The didn't have newspapers, cable TV to capture information in real time, and very few people were actually literate, so information tended to be passed on by oral tradition.

Herodotus wrote about the Greco-Persian wars two generations after they happened, and historians assume his sources of information were the sons and younger brothers of the warriors who fought at Marathon and heard the stories from them.

The life stories and philosophies of Confucius and Sidartha Gautama were not written down until centuries after they died by people who had received the oral tradition of those sages' lives.

It would be great if we had newspaper reporters in antiquity to capture information in real time, but historians have to work within the limitations of the era.

I heard that King James, Robert Barker and John Norton and 47 translators had thousands of ancient scrolls written in many different languages to rifle through, and many were damaged or not usable. They left many on the cutting room floor. Earlier translations were condemned by the State! So there was a political flair to the King James Version. There were some political narratives in play here!

I could tell a joke down here in Dallas, but before the joke reached you wherever you live, it would not even be the same joke. SO much for passing things down between generations by word of mouth.
I've managed to have a few good conversations with them, but what tends to be the stumper is that they seem to think everyone should just take their word for it that the bible is the "word of god".

So what method of interpretation of prophesy did you examine in the Bible?
I heard that King James, Robert Barker and John Norton and 47 translators had thousands of ancient scrolls written in many different languages to rifle through, and many were damaged or not usable. They left many on the cutting room floor. Earlier translations were condemned by the State! So there was a political flair to the King James Version. There were some political narratives in play here!

I could tell a joke down here in Dallas, but before the joke reached you wherever you live, it would not even be the same joke. SO much for passing things down between generations by word of mouth.
So you think that a God that would impress on men to record his wishes would not protect those wishes until they were available to the masses?