The bible

I suspect you are another one of those GED grads. The only difference is you carved out a space for yourself by randomly decreeing "fallacies" when there are no such fallacies on display. You simply don't know enough to realize you are an idiot.

Sorry, but no one believe YOU hire anyone.

Well, YOU definitely know arrogance.

They are much better at their jobs than you are. Well, I shouldn't say that, I'm sure you are quite adequate as a school janitor moping up vomit and the occasional shit.

That's your speed.

"An anonymous Christian wrote the earliest surviving account of Jesus’s ministry and death, a work that we now call the Gospel of Mark. The author of this book does not identify himself. Only later in the 2nd century would Christians guess that the author was named Mark and was a companion of Peter. While the author remains unknown, we refer to him as Mark for convenience."

--> Professor David Brakke, Masters of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School, and PhD in religious studies from Yale University

Just copy and pasting again. No argument presented.
I have already presented some of it to you. Argument of the Stone fallacy.

You never present evidence, you just scream "fallacy" and I'm not even sure you know what that means. You're not anywhere near as smart or entertaining as you think you are so get better quick or fuck off.
You never present evidence, you just scream "fallacy" and I'm not even sure you know what that means. You're not anywhere near as smart or entertaining as you think you are so get better quick or fuck off.

I do present evidence. I have already presented some of the evidence to you. Argument of the Stone fallacy. A fallacy is an error in logic. You don't get to tell me what to post. Omniscience fallacy.
I do present evidence. I have already presented some of the evidence to you. Argument of the Stone fallacy. A fallacy is an error in logic. You don't get to tell me what to post. Omniscience fallacy.

You present nothing and if I'm tired of you I guarantee many others are too. Seriously, your schtick is tired and worn out.
You present nothing and if I'm tired of you I guarantee many others are too. Seriously, your schtick is tired and worn out.

I am, for one.

He makes good points, sometimes.

But this 'fallacy' obsession,
his 'billion multi-quote' attempts to derail conversations
and his steadfast refusal to even consider that he might be wrong...
...I am tired of his general 'schtick', myself.
Hey moron, I love how you try to argue with me by restating my opinion as yours. Stop being an idiot.

You are too fucking stupid to argue with.

I did not restate your opinion as mine.

I'd ask you to stop being an idiot, but I recognize that you cannot do that.
I never said that. In fact, you are the one who said that.

You asked, "...what about faith."

On the question of whether there are gods or not, a "belief" is nothing but a blind guess. And "faith" is merely the insistence that the blind guess is correct.

Think about it for a while before you shoot off your mouth with a reply.
You asked, "...what about faith."

On the question of whether there are gods or not, a "belief" is nothing but a blind guess. And "faith" is merely the insistence that the blind guess is correct.

Think about it for a while before you shoot off your mouth with a reply.

you know what they say.....there's none so blind as those who will not see...

you have to be blind to make a blind guess......I fully agree that you are blind.......but you are only entitled to speak for yourself...
There are quite a few dentist that are meat butchers. No, I don't go to them.

Trying to compare your 'experts' with someone skilled in a craft is a false equivalence fallacy. A piece of paper does not make a good dentist.
When your insurance company gives you a list of dental professionals in your network, none of them are meat butchers.

So you place so much value and importance on expertise, you actively seek only the most highly skilled and trained dentists.
does this one believe in God?.......look, I wouldn't hire a guy to fix my car if he denied the existence of automobiles and I pay no attention to arguments of Christian theology from anyone who denies the Bible is the word of with it......

lol.....Brakke is a gnostic.....

You went to a little Protestant bible school of no particular importance. And rather than giving you a real education in religious scholarship, they just taught you conservative Protestant dogma .

Here is some education I will give you for free. It is only Protestants, and particularly conservative Protestants, who assert the absolute authority and absolute inerrancy of the bible, and maintain a belief in strict biblical literalism.

Protestants are only a minority of world Christianity.
Cypress completely ignores the role of the Holy Spirit ,but takes men's spin as gospel!

I would think the message is more important than who wrote it.

It's not my fault that the majority of reputable religious scholars believe the gospels were written by people now unknown to us, but later attributed to two apostles and two companions of apostles.