The bible

Wrong. I don't think God made any mistakes. I wish I could explain that to you more simply to match your understanding. I don't believe God exists so the reason I ask the questions I do is to understand why YOU are OK with God's actions in the Bible.

You believe in God. So clearly this is something YOU must have an answer for. You worship God and love him with all your heart and soul. So I can only assume that all of God's actions are "good" in your eyes.

If you were seated on a jury and someone said they killed because God told them to, would you allow that as an excuse and find him not guilty? If not why not?

If you believe God exists and God occasionally requires murder in his name (which the Bible clearly shows) then why do you doubt someone who claims God told them to murder someone?

But you Don't believe there's a God?
Even nicer for you!

Why you're Augustine of Hippo! Glad to meet ya!

But here you are defending a faith you don't necessarily seem capable of defending. You have not ONCE said ANYTHING even REMOTELY about the content of 1 Sam 15:3 which indicates to me you still have not read it.

You should read the BIble. Especially if God gave you the gift of a revelation!

If I have a Revelation ,why would I need a Bible?
Anytime a book comes along and says that some God, that no one has ever seen, carved 10 commandments at the hands of a burning bush onto a tablet made out of stone, and the very first one on the list is, "You shall have no other Gods before me", I have a problem with it. Sounds like something Trump would say- "Thou shalt have no other president but me"! :laugh:

In fact, the first 4 commandments on the list are all about him, a God, trying to sustain his existence! Notice how the Bible refers to their God as a Him- as if the God is of a superior sex."Our God- Our Father"! And "Our Father" borned his only begotten son from a women, without even fucking her. Or did God violate his own commitment, and commit Adultery.

Honor thy Father and Mother- In that order, of course!

Thou shall not kill! No, leave the killing up to God, to kill by natural disasters, flu pandemics, religious wars and crusades in my name, cancer, and etc., we'll just chalk all that up to, "God's Will"!

Thou shall not lie to your neighbors! No! Leave the lying up to me and my Bible! Donald Trump says lies mean nothing- because these bastards, I'm lying to and about, are not my neighbors.

Thous shall not have idols- Well Duh Uh, EXCEPT FOR ME! :thinking:


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I'm well aware that what you assume is Christianity has a lot of spins!
It's what confused me before my Epiphany, why there were so many denominations and different spins!
Then I found out after my Epiphany exactly what Jesus meant by "Many come in my name but they aren't mine"!
Organized Religion is Spiritual Babylon!

Religion is individual conscience in the face of the infinite.

I am therefore of the opinion that no one individual Christian, Buddhist, Daoist, Jew, Hindu, or Muslim is in a position to dictate a rigid dogma for their entire faith community.
"The Bible is a's a good book. But it is not the only book."

- Spencer Tracy as Clarence Darrow in "Inherit the Wind" 1960
Yes everything I learned from the Holy Spirit is in the Bible

How do you know? It doesn't seem that you have read the Bible. You are unable (or unwilling) to discuss ONE SINGLE VERSE. I wonder why that is.

In your revelation does God tell you to slaughter an entire race of people? If he did what would you do?