The bible

I absolutely subscribe to the binding metaphysical truth Jesus taught: the desire for wealth, power, status, material possession is an illusion, leading to corruption and sin -- and aquisition of true knowledge involves the cultivation of moral freedom and spiritual enlightenment.

and you think that is the summation of why he incarnated?......
At least you are honest.
So you claim Jesus lied when he said,"When you've seen the son you've seen the Father"?
And again when he said " Before Abraham I AM".

What if Jesus didn't actually lie but rather:

1. he THOUGHT he was the son of God (honestly and earnestly). You know, like someone who got a "revelation" or some such.
2. OR he didn't say them because he didn't necessarily exist but someone wrote a story
3 OR (and this one is the scary one), maybe he DID say those things but you lack the proper holy mindset to understand them (the same thing you accuse atheists of when reading the Bible. Maybe this is God's way of making Luke 6:31 a real thing for you)

Once again history is replete with examples of all these things. Well at least 1 and 2. But you get the idea.
At least you are honest.
So you claim Jesus lied when he said,"When you've seen the son you've seen the Father"?
And again when he said " Before Abraham I AM".

There weren no claims that Jesus was God incarnate until the gospel of John, which seems to have been written at the end of the first century.

The earlier Synoptic gospels do not make the claim. They imply Jesus was a human based on the Jewish concepts of the Son of Man, or the Jewish concept of an adopted son of God.

The synoptic gospels were written earlier than John, and themselves seem to be based on even earlier but now lost written sources (Gospel of Q + sources L and M).

John does not seem to have been aware of, or did not use as source material, the Gospel of Mark or the Q source material.

All other things being equal, I am going to put more stock in the materiel written closer in time to the actual life and ministry of Jesus, aka the synoptics. Research prove that memories fade, and legend starts to creep in by three generations after the given events.
What if Jesus didn't actually lie but rather:

1. he THOUGHT he was the son of God (honestly and earnestly). You know, like someone who got a "revelation" or some such.
2. OR he didn't say them because he didn't necessarily exist but someone wrote a story
3 OR (and this one is the scary one), maybe he DID say those things but you lack the proper holy mindset to understand them (the same thing you accuse atheists of when reading the Bible. Maybe this is God's way of making Luke 6:31 a real thing for you)

Once again history is replete with examples of all these things. Well at least 1 and 2. But you get the idea.

it's interesting that there aren't billions of people who believe what atheists believe, it being all rational, you know.....
it's interesting that there aren't billions of people who believe what atheists believe, it being all rational, you know.....

I didn't realize popularity was the absolute measure of truth. Why aren't you MUSLIM now? There are about as many Muslims (1.97B) as Christians (2.2B)

So how can 50% of the earth get it so very, very, very wrong if it's so OBVIOUS?

(Certainly there are FAR more Muslims than there are people in your particular sect. So why do you continue to worship the wrong version of GOd?)
There were no claims that Jesus was God incarnate until the gospel of John

well, not counting Matthew 1:1 of course.....
Jesus the Messiah
.....or Mark 1:1
The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah,[a] the Son of God
.....and of course Luke 3
4 As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet:

“A voice of one calling in the wilderness,
‘Prepare the way for the Lord,
make straight paths for him.
5 Every valley shall be filled in,
every mountain and hill made low.
The crooked roads shall become straight,
the rough ways smooth.
6 And all people will see God’s salvation.’”[a]

but yeah, except for all four of them, none of the gospels make the claim.....