The bible

Technically, the Torah is just the five books of the Pentateuch (Books of Moses), whereas the TaNak is the entire collective Hebrew bible.

I think the Protestants, Catholics, and Eastern Orthodox have all 27 books of the New Testament, but the overall organization of their bibles is different, and the Catholics and Eastern Orthodox might have a few extra OT books

"Parliament 1 through 4"... Those were the first odd books I found in the Catholic Bible that were not in the one I was forced to study as a child.
I've already told you what is wrong (their sin).

"A sin" is nothing more than something a human does that offends his/her god.

Since it appears as though you think that all humans sin (and sin quite often)...the problem probably is not with the sinning. More likely, the problem is a god that gets offended too easily and too fucking often.

There are humans like that. People who you constantly hear say, "I was so offended by...blah, blah, blah."

Gimme a break. Stop being offended by so many things.

And if you get a chance to talk to that god of yours, gfm, tell him to back off all that "being offended" crap.

Make the world a much better place.
If you wish to engage in this conversation I recommend reading back a few posts so you know what you are discussing here. Thanks!

apparently I know what we are discussing far better than you......respond to what I said or not....I don't give a fuck.....I've pointed out your error either way......
If you are a Christian you would do it because it is your duty to, "Go forth and preach the Gospel,,,:

these have heard the gospel......they ignore the responses.......there is a different command for this stage of the conversation.....
Matthew 10:14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.
Since it appears as though you think that all humans sin (and sin quite often)...the problem probably is not with the sinning. More likely, the problem is a god that gets offended too easily and too fucking often.

lol.....correct his errors,'ll have an eternity to explain it to him.....oh'll be talking to the other guy........
all the shallow minded cunts will agree

Cypress is on a mission to deny God because he likes something deviant that he knows God doesn't.

Such is the case for many atheists.
You curse like a sailor, and you dropped to your knees to worship Trump who is the earthly embodiment of avarice,pride, gluttony, sloth, lust.

You would be hard pressed to find posts of mine where I indulge in cursing, hate, anger, resentment, grievance, or prideful narcissism.

You would also be challenged to find any post of mine denying the concept of a higher power or deity. I just do not accept the anthropomorphic version of a Christian God the biblical literalists insist on
I am very much understanding. God's eternal plan required that people painfully execute an innocent man. The people, unwittingly, did what God wanted but they did it for their own reasons.

But that doesn't really matter since God required that it happen. If humans had FAILED to painfully execute an innocent man they would be eternally separated from God and lost forever.

What is "wrong" here? That the people unwittingly served God in painfully executing an innocent man per God's plan?

Or are you of the opinion that there was another way to achieve the execution of an innocent man (because as I understand it that was going to happen no matter what)?

In a way, yes.

God? You're an atheist?