The Biden DOW reaches a new milestone

So when Trump wins; it's the Obama Dow...until it sinks. But when Biden wins, it's the Biden Dow??? You really are too fucking stupid for words.


From the day trump was nominated you told us it was now the Trump DOW. Well this isn't quite as radical but since Biden was elected three weeks ago his DOW has done extremely well. All despite the fact that Trump told us the market would crash with a Biden victory. Get your FACTS straight little lady.
We all know that Biden policies had nothing to do with the Dow levels. However, investors are pleased that a level headed person will be running the country. Investors want consistency and predictability. You never knew what Trump would do next.
Well, well, well. I see that T. D. (a.k a. "Terminally Deranged") has come out of hiding. I wonder which one of our noobs will now disappear?
Once again, you put your double digit IQ on full display. You are simply "deplorable" personified. Unable to post without using the word "cunt". Simply pathetic.

Don't write to me tacocunt you're a pussy that bans people. You are the EPITOME of A CUNT
This was and is a Biden rally. Remember when Donald told us a Biden election would crash the market? Wall Street sees professionalism and competency from the new administration and loves it.

they see Chinese dominance. they're banking on the triumph of internationalist fascism.
what word or phrase don't you understand, tard?

Whining and crying so early? All this administration has done is hire talented, and capable people. Unlike the current group who are only hired on the basis of loyalty to the Fuhrer or happen to write big checks. Compentency is meaningless.