The BIG Four Oh baby!

How can that be? You know God loves the world when the evil empire is being beat in the World Series. :)

To be honest, its hard to show league loyalty when its the Yanks, but at the same time, I'm also not fond of Philly. Were it the Dodgers, who are my favorite NL team, the tension on my part would be even stronger...
As an American Leaguer, I will be rooting for the Yankees to win, but it would have been nice to see the Angels go instead.

I would also like to point out that after seeing what happened in Pittsburg after the last Steelers Superbowl win, I do not believe that the people of Pennsylvania deserve to see any of their teams win at any sport.

Go Yankees, crush the puny National League team (admittedly, the Phillies do have a surprising amount of offensive power for an NL team)!!

Also as an American Leaguer, I'm hoping the Yankees lose their ass, proving that money alone doesn't buy championships. Other teams in either league shouldn't be acting as Yankee farm teams.
To be honest, its hard to show league loyalty when its the Yanks, but at the same time, I'm also not fond of Philly. Were it the Dodgers, who are my favorite NL team, the tension on my part would be even stronger...
Yea I know what you mean. I feel the same way about rooting for Michigan in bowl games. I'd rather kiss my sister.

I haven't watched pitch #1 yet. I don't want to add to the low level of interest. It gets boring to see the Yankees on ESPN all year long and I don't want to fuel it.
I see no magic in a team winning with 3-4 times the salary of some other teams in either league. Teams like the Marlins, Royals, and Padres can't afford to keep a player once the Yankees are interested. Have they developed anybody themselves beside Rivera and Jeter?
I was raised calling them the "Damn Yankees", and the "Damn Yankees" they will remain.
I haven't watched pitch #1 yet. I don't want to add to the low level of interest. It gets boring to see the Yankees on ESPN all year long and I don't want to fuel it.
I see no magic in a team winning with 3-4 times the salary of some other teams in either league. Teams like the Marlins, Royals, and Padres can't afford to keep a player once the Yankees are interested. Have they developed anybody themselves beside Rivera and Jeter?
I was raised calling them the "Damn Yankees", and the "Damn Yankees" they will remain.

The only one of them I really dislike is A-Roid, but its sad to see players like Swisher (and especially Pedro and Clemens) abandon their old colors and head off to New York. One thing I like about being a Mariners fan, is that we have had so many team players such as Edgar and Buhner, who were team players that refused to play for anyone else: a big reason why A-Roid is so hated here, although I resisted the temptation to be hateful until he agreed to play 3rd Base (something he had refused to do for us, thus costing us Omar Visquel) for the Yanks, and then the steroid use, of course.

The Expos used to have the greatest farm system in baseball, but the rest of us, Mariners included (Randy Johnson was our biggest pick-up), would buy out all of their tallent.
The only one of them I really dislike is A-Roid, but its sad to see players like Swisher (and especially Pedro and Clemens) abandon their old colors and head off to New York. One thing I like about being a Mariners fan, is that we have had so many team players such as Edgar and Buhner, who were team players that refused to play for anyone else: a big reason why A-Roid is so hated here, although I resisted the temptation to be hateful until he agreed to play 3rd Base (something he had refused to do for us, thus costing us Omar Visquel) for the Yanks, and then the steroid use, of course.

The Expos used to have the greatest farm system in baseball, but the rest of us, Mariners included (Randy Johnson was our biggest pick-up), would buy out all of their tallent.

I don't blame the players, it's a professional sport and a man is entitled to take as much as he's worth from whoever is paying him. I blame the league and the Yankees for manipulating salary caps to benefit the teams by the wealth of the market.
I can't fault A-Rod, he's a great player that any team would be happy to have, but only one can afford him. Beside, he graduated from my son's high school in Miami, signed letters of intent for 2 sports at the 'U' and is a great 'U' fan. They've named the baseball field there for him, though he never played there.(But he did make a substantial donation.)
Is it me or did the Umpires decided that winning against the Yankees is a violation of baseball rules and so gave the win to them?

I'm for getting rid of replay in Baseball. First, officials in MLB are some of, if not the best officials in professional sports. Second, one of the things that makes them great is that that don't get in the way of the game. (ussually), third they ruthlessly enforce professional conduct. Name one other professional sport that will toss a player or coach out of a game for misbehaving as quickly as baseball umps will? The last thing MLB needs is a committee to screw up the game more by far then any bad call can, as all to often happens in football. The way officiating screws up the pace and the flow of a game is the main thing I don't like about football. MLB shouldn't be emulating the worst aspects of another sport. (ok, I'm off my soap box now :rant: )
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The ball would have gone over if not for the camera. If a fan touches the ball and it bounces back but the fan was above the line it is a home run. It takes very little time and could take less if MLB would put monitors near the field so the Umps could just step over to them. There were some horrible calls in the early rounds of the post season that should have been overturned, and many of them would have gone against the Yankees. Games should not be decided by missed calls, they should be decided by the play of the teams. Off my box now too.

As for last night's game...Cole who? Did someone REALLY say that the pitching in Phil is BETTER than the pitching in NY? Granted Lee is good, but he is only one. We beat Pedro, and we chased Hamels out in 4 1/3. And WHO are they pitching tonight? Very real chance that the Yankees will go up 3-1 IN Philly.
I've been against the instant replay in MLB since before it was instituted, although I admit that most of the times I have seen it used have been in my team's favor.

CC will definitely be a tough obstacle for the Phillies to overcome.
3 games to 1! All you nay sayers didn't see that did ya? Lee will probably win tomorrow and then back to Yankee land so they can celebrate their world championship with people worthy of the celebration.
3 games to 1! All you nay sayers didn't see that did ya? Lee will probably win tomorrow and then back to Yankee land so they can celebrate their world championship with people worthy of the celebration.

I definitely worried for the Yanks after game 1, so, no, I didn't see this coming. Now, prior to game 1, I did think NY would have an easy time of it, but that's partly because I'm prejudiced against the NL...
No, it's vile and hateful. Go Phillies! Crush the Evil Empire!!

The top AL teams are not in the same league this year as the top NL teams. The yankees have great relief pitching but insonsitant aging starters and an aging infield that has shown there lacking in the clutch. The Phils have a strogner starting rotation a better closer and a more dynamic offense.

My prediction, Pillies in 6 games. 4 games to 2. There a better team then they were last year.
Just wanted to come back to this one. The Phillies had ONE pitcher, Lee, all the others we no comparison to the Yankees starters. And Pettitte, the aging starter, he pitches great in this position and tonight he did it on 3 days rest, Pedro had more than that and he was GONE in 4. Matsui was his daddy tonight!