the biggest hustle in human history

What's your point? Here's the article's title:

Obama kept Law Review balanced

Hardly fits in with the howls from neocons, birthers and teabagging yahoos of a hell bent socialist cum communist.

:palm: Once again, another idiot neocon parrot types without thinking.

his campaign said he didn't write ANY articles

you claimed it wasn't true, now man up and admit his campaign said he didn't write or publish anything....thus, christie's article lied that he published something

silly neolib who can't accept reality
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Actually, YOU made some claims and assertions WITHOUT providing any documentation or proof of any kind. Seems you neocon parrots can't wrap your little brains around this simple concept....YOUR SUPPOSITION AND CONJECTURE DOES NOT SUBSTITUTE FACTS AND THE LOGIC DERIVED FROM THEM.

Also, "neo-lib", your mimicking of the abbreviation "neocon".... would signify that I was a former conservative who now expouses a new form form of liberalism.

As I've stated for years, I'm an Independent....never have been a conservative, never belonged to the GOP or any right-wing ideology.

"neocon" stands for "new conservative", the mindset which supports the power of the Executive Branch to supercede all other branches of gov't and the judicial process, and to the imperialistic usage of the military...a mindset expounded upon in the PNAC agenda and seen in the 8 year reign of the Shrub.

neolibtard....A childish retort that signifies the low intellectual level of it's user are you suggesting obama's campaign said he PUBLISHED once again show yourself for a dishonest neolib parrot Once again, you ask and answer your own question. I don't suggest ANYTHING of the sort as you imply. Your reading comprehension is deplorable.

please tell me you believe obama's campaign said he published something, if you know i am right, it is stupid to demand evidence...

and you are not at all an independent, you are neolib parrot that does nothing but spout party talking points

See folks, this idiot does NOT respond to what I actually posted, but instead creates his own version of events and then proceeds as if his creation is reality. He keeps pretending that all previous posts disappear the second he starts BS'ing....what a fool our Yurtle is!
his campaign said he didn't write ANY articles

you claimed it wasn't true, now man up and admit his campaign said he didn't write or publish anything....thus, christie's article lied that he published something

silly neolib who can't accept reality

:palm: You're contradicting your accusation in Post #99, and then you are making an false accusation regarding what I wrote.

I defy you to cut & paste that I wrote exactly what you accuse me of in no uncertain terms.

You're all over the place, Yurtle old thing....get a grip.
FACT: i said obama's campaign said he didn't publish anything

FACT: neolib claimed this is not true as i didn't provide evidence

FACT: i provided evidence and a statement from his campaign that obama didn't write anything

FACT: neolib continues to ignore this and be dishonest despite having the evidence he whined about
FACT: i said obama's campaign said he didn't publish anything

FACT: neolib claimed this is not true as i didn't provide evidence

FACT: i provided evidence and a statement from his campaign that obama didn't write anything

FACT: neolib continues to ignore this and be dishonest despite having the evidence he whined about

FACT: I didn't ask for a rehash of YOUR version of reality....I asked you to provide the PROOF via cut & paste of me stating EXACTLY what you claim in no uncertain terms. Bottom line: you CAN'T DO IT, that makes you a LIAR!

That our local dimwit Tutu Blabba cheers your bluff and bluster on is a key indication how full of it you are.
Last edited:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
FACT: I didn't ask for a rehash of YOUR version of reality....I asked you to provide the PROOF via cut & paste of me stating EXACTLY what you claim in no uncertain terms. Bottom line: you CAN'T DO IT, that makes you a LIAR!

That our local dimwit Tutu Blabba cheers your bluff and bluster on is a key indication how full of it you are.

And there you have it folks....another neocon blowhard/BS artist properly challenged and found out. :cof1:
And there you have it folks....another neocon blowhard/BS artist properly challenged and found out. :cof1:

neolib softhard....i showed you that obama's campaign said he didn't write anything and you still can't be honest and admit and recant

if rachel maddow stop talking we would never hear from you again
neolib softhard....i showed you that obama's campaign said he didn't write anything and you still can't be honest and admit and recant

if rachel maddow stop talking we would never hear from you again

Blow all the smoke you want, don't have the guts to admit that you cannot provide solid proof of your accusations and assertions

So all you do is just repeat the same old BS like the willfully ignorant neocon parrot that you are. Carry on.
Blow all the smoke you want, don't have the guts to admit that you cannot provide solid proof of your accusations and assertions

So all you do is just repeat the same old BS like the willfully ignorant neocon parrot that you are. Carry on.

i gave you proof from his campaign and even named the person who said it

if you want to continue to be dishonest and deny i did....knock yourself out
Disprove it.

I put your comment into google and this is what came up:

"I spent some time with the highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law a few months back, and he did not have many nice things to say about "Barry."

"The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings..."

In other words, no names, dates or places, just rumor and innuendo. Who is "the highest tenured faculty member"? Who are the "other professors"? Why are they afraid to be identified?

You've got to work harder than quoting RW blogs if you want to be taken seriously.
neolib softhard....i showed you that obama's campaign said he didn't write anything and you still can't be honest and admit and recant

if rachel maddow stop talking we would never hear from you again

"Law students elected to the prestigious Harvard Law Review spend two years working there. In their first year, most write the brief, anonymous "case comments" like Obama's, which bears the unwieldy heading: TORT LAW - PRENATAL INJURIES - SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE CAUSE OF ACTION BROUGHT BY FETUS AGAINST ITS MOTHER FOR UNINTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF PRENATAL INJURIES.

Obama's tenure at the Review has been chronicled at length in the Politico, the New York Times, and elsewhere.

But Obama has never mentioned his law review piece, a demurral that's part of his campaign's broader pattern of rarely volunteering information or documents about the candidate, even when relatively innocuous."
"Law students elected to the prestigious Harvard Law Review spend two years working there. In their first year, most write the brief, anonymous "case comments" like Obama's, which bears the unwieldy heading: TORT LAW - PRENATAL INJURIES - SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE CAUSE OF ACTION BROUGHT BY FETUS AGAINST ITS MOTHER FOR UNINTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF PRENATAL INJURIES.

Obama's tenure at the Review has been chronicled at length in the Politico, the New York Times, and elsewhere.

But Obama has never mentioned his law review piece, a demurral that's part of his campaign's broader pattern of rarely volunteering information or documents about the candidate, even when relatively innocuous."

Facts are like sunlight to a vampire for the likes of the Hat in the Ass and Yurtle the turtle. They'll just deny it and keep repeating their disproven talking point, or just keep trying to pass off their opinions, supposition and conjecture as fact, or just throw any BS up against the wall and hope it sticks. Failing that, they excerpt parts of your post and add on their insults and lies like a child. :palm:

What scares me is that some of these bozos are parents. :eek:
"Law students elected to the prestigious Harvard Law Review spend two years working there. In their first year, most write the brief, anonymous "case comments" like Obama's, which bears the unwieldy heading: TORT LAW - PRENATAL INJURIES - SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE CAUSE OF ACTION BROUGHT BY FETUS AGAINST ITS MOTHER FOR UNINTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF PRENATAL INJURIES.

Obama's tenure at the Review has been chronicled at length in the Politico, the New York Times, and elsewhere.

But Obama has never mentioned his law review piece, a demurral that's part of his campaign's broader pattern of rarely volunteering information or documents about the candidate, even when relatively innocuous."

so you're saying obama's campaign it

further, as i pointed out to you earlier.....obama is not published, you're not published unless you're name is attached

i gave evidence from obama's campaign, you give evidence from somewhere else....apparently you believe obama's campaign lied.....did obama ever correct his campaign?

no...thus, you're calling obama a liar
so you're saying obama's campaign it

further, as i pointed out to you earlier.....obama is not published, you're not published unless you're name is attached

i gave evidence from obama's campaign, you give evidence from somewhere else....apparently you believe obama's campaign lied.....did obama ever correct his campaign?

no...thus, you're calling obama a liar

No, I'm not saying that at all, and I wish you wouldn't put words in my mouth.

The Harvard law review is "student-edited", not student-written. Student writing is limited to notes, comments and book reviews. Their own website describes it this way:

"The Harvard Law Review is a student-run organization whose primary purpose is to publish a journal of legal scholarship. The Review comes out monthly from November through June and has roughly 2000 pages per volume. The organization is formally independent of the Harvard Law School. Student editors make all editorial and organizational decisions and, together with a professional business staff of three, carry out day-to-day operations...

...The Review publishes articles by professors, judges, and practitioners and solicits reviews of important recent books from recognized experts. All articles—even those by the most respected authorities—are subjected to a rigorous editorial process designed to sharpen and strengthen substance and tone...

...Most student writing takes the form of Notes, Recent Cases, Recent Legislation, and Book Notes. Notes are approximately 22 pages and are usually written by third-year students. Recent Cases and Recent Legislation are normally 8 pages long and are written mainly by second-year students. Recent Cases are comments on recent decisions by courts other than the U.S. Supreme Court, such as state supreme courts, federal circuit courts, district courts, and foreign courts. Recent Legislation look at new statutes at either the state or federal level. Book Notes, also written by second-year students, are brief reviews of recently published books...

Funny, John Roberts, Sam Alito, Michael Chertoff and other Republicans were also editors of the HLR and I don't recall a single question about it when they were being vetted for their jobs... nor have I been able to find any HLR writings under their names. So why the double standard for Obama?