The "Birthers" Win One...

This will follow an investigation of whether the moon landing was done in Hollywood, John Wilkes Booth was framed, our founding fathers were really communists, welfare for the rich isn't really socialism, the Hulk was gay, George W. Bush really is quite smart, Cheney is not evil personified, Elvis is alive, and Michael Jackson faked his death so he could rest. More to follow, stay tuned.
Entertainment comes from these types of reactions. This could be resolved with $15 and a phone call.


The state of HI has already shown his BC. You know as well as I do, a normal person doesn't waste a microsecond of time or energy trying to "disprove" baseless, inflammatory, and obviously false accusations.

Neither you or I would spend a nanosecond trying to find proof or documention to refute some hack who called us a pedophile.

If it wasn't the birthcertificate, the rightwing would simply find something else ridiculous to claim obabm is lying about. They don't actually care about the birth certificate. At least, the smart ones don't; the ones who know this is all about petty distractions.

The state of HI has already shown his BC. You know as well as I do, a normal person doesn't waste a microsecond of time or energy trying to "disprove" baseless, inflammatory, and obviously false accusations.

Neither you or I would spend a nanosecond trying to find proof or documention to refute some hack who called us a pedophile.

If it wasn't the birthcertificate, the rightwing would simply find something else ridiculous to claim obabm is lying about. They don't actually care about the birth certificate. At least, the smart ones don't; the ones who know this is all about petty distractions.
Please. I know as well as you do that somebody who has nothing to hide doesn't spend over $1M trying to keep such an easy solution from happening.
Why don't you admit that you're a birther instead of pretending to be "entertained" by them?
Because I'm not. At most I'm a "partial Birther." I think there is something to hide, but it isn't what the Birthers think it is. I can't deny the evidence of logic. Nobody spends Millions to defend against what would take $15 to end.
Barack was not born On U.S. Territory. Accept it.

He's going down. Hope you're ready to have Biden at the helm. This should be good.
Yeah, whatever, I still say if this was a legit argument, the GOP would be all over it.

It isn't relevant!
Raising awareness. Advocating protectionism and the end of fascist policies like "too big to fail" ism. Move away from fiat currency.
It is going to take a major revolution and we aren't there, yet, unfortunately and when people finally react, it is too late.
It is going to take a major revolution and we aren't there, yet, unfortunately and when people finally react, it is too late.

Not really. We are there now. We will react in time this time. The very notion that this is impossible to turn around is part of your brainwashing. Reject the lies.
Not really. We are there now. We will react in time this time. The very notion that this is impossible to turn around is part of your brainwashing. Reject the lies.
Thanks, negative thinking is not allowed. We really do need to be more proactive, thanks, again for the reminder.