The Black Problem

It's also a perfect example of how government programs never die, they spread like a virus. From a simple POTS line to super smart phone access and now an attempt to ensure everybody gets interwebs access.

If you're upset that Obama is giving "freeloaders" gratis cell phones paid for with your tax money, don't be.

Firstly, Obama had nothing to do with the Lifeline program: the "Obama phone" narrative is a myth that both liberals and conservatives have fallen for since 2009.

Secondly, Lifeline isn't paid for with tax revenues.

Lifeline is funded with a pool of money, called the Universal Service Fund, which is paid for with revenue donations from telecommunications providers.

Some of those providers—like Verizon, for instance—pass off that cost to their customers with a Universal Service fee, but the government doesn't mandate that the money come from citizens.
How about an African American Party? They strive for separation in so many ways. They have the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, and the United Negro College Fund, why not the United Negro Political Party? Can't we just imagine the "RACIST" cries if white people had such institutions?

It's because of discrimination that those groups or programs historically existed
What was the difference between Reagan and Obama? Both exploded the national debt.

The program started under Reagan. It had nothing to do with Obama. So why did you decide to call the program "Obama-phones"?

Poor Bobo.
Tsuke wrote: "Since blacks continue to vote Democrat we have ended up with a situation where neither party is willing to take up causes important to African-Americans."

There's the Congressional Black Caucus with the goal of "positively influencing the course of events pertinent to African-Americans and others of similar experience and situation", and "achieving greater equity for persons of African descent in the design and content of domestic and international programs and services."

Every current member but one is a Democrat. It's a non-partisan group that republicans aren't interested in joining.
Right! Blacks can talk with Democrats all day every day about assuring blacks remain "separatist," "anti-republican," "pro-captive," "good negro's," loyal to, and remaining on their Democrat Masa's BIG government plantation that feeds and houses them with other people's money. They'll even give them Obama-phones.

I think you mean reagan phones.
Tsuke wrote: "Since blacks continue to vote Democrat we have ended up with a situation where neither party is willing to take up causes important to African-Americans."

There's the Congressional Black Caucus with the goal of "positively influencing the course of events pertinent to African-Americans and others of similar experience and situation", and "achieving greater equity for persons of African descent in the design and content of domestic and international programs and services."

Every current member but one is a Democrat. It's a non-partisan group that republicans aren't interested in joining.

They never are. The agenda is contrary to their goals.
Tsuke wrote: "Since blacks continue to vote Democrat we have ended up with a situation where neither party is willing to take up causes important to African-Americans."

There's the Congressional Black Caucus with the goal of "positively influencing the course of events pertinent to African-Americans and others of similar experience and situation", and "achieving greater equity for persons of African descent in the design and content of domestic and international programs and services."

Every current member but one is a Democrat. It's a non-partisan group that republicans aren't interested in joining.

Officially it's non-partisan but the CBC has been closely aligned with the Democratic Party.

Allen West joined when he was in Congress. Mia Love is a member.
It's also a perfect example of how government programs never die, they spread like a virus. From a simple POTS line to super smart phone access and now an attempt to ensure everybody gets interwebs access.

I've got a better bit of information for you.
Every Obama phone gets at least 250 to 350 minutes every month.
At the beginning of each month, the unused portions are not carried over; but instead, they vanish.
Now think about all the unused minutes and the number of Obama phones; because I'm wondering how much money is spent, every month, for minutes that are unused and then thrown away.
Officially it's non-partisan but the CBC has been closely aligned with the Democratic Party.

Allen West joined when he was in Congress. Mia Love is a member.

I understand that but it's not like republicans have to be invited. Guess I'm wondering why they wouldn't join?
I've got a better bit of information for you.
Every Obama phone gets at least 250 to 350 minutes every month.
At the beginning of each month, the unused portions are not carried over; but instead, they vanish.
Now think about all the unused minutes and the number of Obama phones; because I'm wondering how much money is spent, every month, for minutes that are unused and then thrown away.

Cite the source of that information, please.

And you mean Reagan phones, don't you?

Stay on topic, or this thread will be moved to the war zone, where you will find all threads that devolve to back and forth insults.
I've got a better bit of information for you.
Every Obama phone gets at least 250 to 350 minutes every month.
At the beginning of each month, the unused portions are not carried over; but instead, they vanish.
Now think about all the unused minutes and the number of Obama phones; because I'm wondering how much money is spent, every month, for minutes that are unused and then thrown away.

Ring Wing Goes Crazy Over 'Obama Phones' Which Are Actually 'Reagan Phones'
Little did they know that the joke was on them.
By Laura Gottesdiener / AlterNet September 28, 2012

Romney’s dwindling army of right-wingers have their hunting vests in a bunch over a new viral video posted on the Drudge Report Thursday afternoon. The minute-long video, which has already gotten more than one million views since it was posted yesterday on YouTube, shows an African American woman in Cleveland voicing her support for President Obama because he gave her a “free phone.” As for her appearance, suffice it to say that she comes across as the living incarnation of the right wing’s stereotypical welfare citizen--which, according to Romney, is now a full 47 percent of the population.

Naturally, the right went rabid.

The Steve Malzberg show, hosted by the notoriously right-wing radio personality, quickly tweeted the video with the comment, “Obama voter. G-d help us.”

Rush Limbaugh’s comments were even more scathing--sprinkled with accusations that the woman lacked basic education except for one topic: how to game the system.

“So these are the people that don't like Romney because of what he said about the 47%? No, these are the 47%! (laughing) Yeah, I'll play it again. These are the 47%... She knows how to get this free Obama phone. She knows everything about it. She may not know who George Washington is or Abraham Lincoln, but she knows how to get an Obama phone,” he said yesterday afternoon.

But it’s the right that are going to end up looking like the ignorant fools. What Limbaugh, Malzberg -- and likely the majority of the million people who viewed the video -- didn’t know was that these “Obama Phones” are actually a creation of their beloved Ronald Reagan,who began the programin 1984.

Actually called the “Lifeline program,” the legislation permits some households to receive a free landline under Congress’s rationale that "telephone service provides a vital link to emergency services, government services and surrounding communities."

That idea dates back to 1934, under the Communications Act, but Reagan was the first to actually implement the legislation. The program grew under President Clinton, who recognized the advent of the newfangled new technology of cordless phones and expanded it to include cell phones.

To qualify for the program you must live in a household with an income near the poverty line or be already qualified for other assistance programs like public housing or food stamps.

Sounds like a very rational program. But in the lead up to the 2012 presidential election it has suddenly become the embodiment of the disgraceful government dependence of the poor--and in particular, minorities.

The video reeks of welfare queen stereotypes, down to the “angry black woman.” In another example of Limbaugh’s ignorance, he first assumed that the women was actually a man--highlighting her supposed lack of femininity--and was then corrected.

White supremacists responded to the video on the site Stormfront by writing, “racial inferiority on display” and calling the woman a “talking baboon.” The slew of racist responses to the video prompted the Atlanticto write a story teasing out “just how racist” the video is.

Their conclusion: fairly racist.
Most of the funds that contributed to the debt during Obama's administration were appropriated by law from previous administrations,
But of course you knew that, Pastor.

Bush overspent more than all presidents that preceeded him combined.......liberals were outraged........Obama overspent more than all presidents that preceded him combined, including Bush.......liberals were outraged at Bush......I knew that, Buckle......
Ring Wing Goes Crazy Over 'Obama Phones' Which Are Actually 'Reagan Phones'
Little did they know that the joke was on them.
By Laura Gottesdiener / AlterNet September 28, 2012

Romney’s dwindling army of right-wingers have their hunting vests in a bunch over a new viral video posted on the Drudge Report Thursday afternoon. The minute-long video, which has already gotten more than one million views since it was posted yesterday on YouTube, shows an African American woman in Cleveland voicing her support for President Obama because he gave her a “free phone.” As for her appearance, suffice it to say that she comes across as the living incarnation of the right wing’s stereotypical welfare citizen--which, according to Romney, is now a full 47 percent of the population.

Naturally, the right went rabid.

The Steve Malzberg show, hosted by the notoriously right-wing radio personality, quickly tweeted the video with the comment, “Obama voter. G-d help us.”

Rush Limbaugh’s comments were even more scathing--sprinkled with accusations that the woman lacked basic education except for one topic: how to game the system.

“So these are the people that don't like Romney because of what he said about the 47%? No, these are the 47%! (laughing) Yeah, I'll play it again. These are the 47%... She knows how to get this free Obama phone. She knows everything about it. She may not know who George Washington is or Abraham Lincoln, but she knows how to get an Obama phone,” he said yesterday afternoon.

But it’s the right that are going to end up looking like the ignorant fools. What Limbaugh, Malzberg -- and likely the majority of the million people who viewed the video -- didn’t know was that these “Obama Phones” are actually a creation of their beloved Ronald Reagan,who began the programin 1984.

Actually called the “Lifeline program,” the legislation permits some households to receive a free landline under Congress’s rationale that "telephone service provides a vital link to emergency services, government services and surrounding communities."

That idea dates back to 1934, under the Communications Act, but Reagan was the first to actually implement the legislation. The program grew under President Clinton, who recognized the advent of the newfangled new technology of cordless phones and expanded it to include cell phones.

To qualify for the program you must live in a household with an income near the poverty line or be already qualified for other assistance programs like public housing or food stamps.

Sounds like a very rational program. But in the lead up to the 2012 presidential election it has suddenly become the embodiment of the disgraceful government dependence of the poor--and in particular, minorities.

The video reeks of welfare queen stereotypes, down to the “angry black woman.” In another example of Limbaugh’s ignorance, he first assumed that the women was actually a man--highlighting her supposed lack of femininity--and was then corrected.

White supremacists responded to the video on the site Stormfront by writing, “racial inferiority on display” and calling the woman a “talking baboon.” The slew of racist responses to the video prompted the Atlanticto write a story teasing out “just how racist” the video is.

Their conclusion: fairly racist.

While I appreciate you attempting to participate, your post didn't address what I presented in mine; so I'm not sure why you quoted me. :dunno:
Bush overspent more than all presidents that preceeded him combined.......liberals were outraged........Obama overspent more than all presidents that preceded him combined, including Bush.......liberals were outraged at Bush......I knew that, Buckle......

Then the good Pastor must know that most spending appropriations are cumulative, not year to year. Vastly, most of the budget spent in Obama years could not be cut without overriding legislation congress is never willing to pass.
More disingenuous misrepresentation from the Pastor.
Then the good Pastor must know that most spending appropriations are cumulative, not year to year. Vastly, most of the budget spent in Obama years could not be cut without overriding legislation congress is never willing to pass.
More disingenuous misrepresentation from the Pastor.

Hillary wants to follow Obama as the next president.......the question you need to ask her is "What difference would you make?"......