The Browning of America

Granule says:

"Domer, you outed me as the willfully ignorant racist bitch that I am. I knew it, but the facts you have presented lets everybody know."

250 races? I still chuckle at that massive piece of ignorance!

Poor race hustler. Poor freedom despising race hustler.

Here, check out what these dehumanizers are working on.... a little jackoff material for you and your fellow flag burning degenerates. ;)
'The British Empire, the Roman Empire, and the Habsburg Empire—these were diverse. England, Italy, and Austria, until recently, were not.'

This is absolute codswallop, you know. As to England, it has been ruled by pretty well anyone who wanted too, and its aristocracy is a fascinating foreign mixture. while other peoples have been coming in at least since the Fifteenth Century to be exploited.
When you are trying to destroy a country, over diversifying it is a good step. Get many different people in, create multiple cultures, and more division. Balkanize, separate and destroy.

Then they can build their anarcho-Marxist state.
'The British Empire, the Roman Empire, and the Habsburg Empire—these were diverse. England, Italy, and Austria, until recently, were not.'

This is absolute codswallop, you know. As to England, it has been ruled by pretty well anyone who wanted too, and its aristocracy is a fascinating foreign mixture. while other peoples have been coming in at least since the Fifteenth Century to be exploited.
This is going to come as a total surprise to you, goat wrangler, but the US is different, but it's different in a good way. There's a reason that our country is so much better than yours, and it starts with having people like me, in it. ;)
The Damned are a global conglomeration of bad seeds. the damned crop is already ruined. harvest time. if you think there is another thousand's years of man's fail; you have not faith, you are stupid, ignorant, apostate, reprobate, marked, a fool and you do not know who the heck you are, where the heck you are, or what the heck time it is. grow up, believe the truth and stop bein' stooped. babel had this kind of problem and it was fixed. man is a repeater of the fails. this ends soon.
When you are trying to destroy a country, over diversifying it is a good step. Get many different people in, create multiple cultures, and more division. Balkanize, separate and destroy.

Then they can build their anarcho-Marxist state.

Thank God that plan was nixed.
Here's the thing that rubs me the wrong way about this from BOTH sides. First of all as a Conservative I find it very offensive to lump all of us as racist bigots. I sure as hell ain't. Second, I'm one who subscribes to King's ideal of "not judging a person by the color of their skin but by the content of their character" Which means to the idiots on BOTH sides, I could care less what color you are. I'm more interested in your abilities, attitudes, and attributes. Those are far more important to me than skin pigmentation. For example, at the church I attend, one of our elders is from India and just lost his wife to cancer a couple weeks ago. At the reception, we thoroughly enjoyed the rich and flavorful Indian cuisine and culture on full display.
When you are trying to destroy a country, over diversifying it is a good step. Get many different people in, create multiple cultures, and more division. Balkanize, separate and destroy.

Then they can build their anarcho-Marxist state.

Aren't these nutters weird! Examples of states without capitalism or government, please.
This is going to come as a total surprise to you, goat wrangler, but the US is different, but it's different in a good way. There's a reason that our country is so much better than yours, and it starts with having people like me, in it. ;)
Well, people like you, arsehole, guarantee a racist hole or civil war wherever you go. Go fuck another hedgehog.
Well, people like you, arsehole, guarantee a racist hole or civil war wherever you go. Go fuck another hedgehog.
Sorry, goat worship. You're the animal abuser in these parts. ;)

Now go cower somewhere in your local commune. Your kind is history once your dear friends, the towel heads, throw your asses off the buildings.
Here's the thing that rubs me the wrong way about this from BOTH sides. First of all as a Conservative I find it very offensive to lump all of us as racist bigots. I sure as hell ain't. Second, I'm one who subscribes to King's ideal of "not judging a person by the color of their skin but by the content of their character" Which means to the idiots on BOTH sides, I could care less what color you are. I'm more interested in your abilities, attitudes, and attributes. Those are far more important to me than skin pigmentation. For example, at the church I attend, one of our elders is from India and just lost his wife to cancer a couple weeks ago. At the reception, we thoroughly enjoyed the rich and flavorful Indian cuisine and culture on full display.
In total agreement here, and it's probably why these racists despise Conservatives so much. We're not America hating moral degenerates like they are, and it's driving them nuts!
In total agreement here, and it's probably why these racists despise Conservatives so much. We're not America hating moral degenerates like they are, and it's driving them nuts!

You have specifically said that you don't want the country overrun by blacks and minorities.
Excellent read for those NOT drinking the liberal Kool-Aid.

We believe our diversity, our differences, when joined together by a common set of ideals, makes us stronger, makes us more creative, makes us different,” Barack Obama pronounced at a citizenship ceremony last Fourth of July. Until half a century ago most serious historians would have called such an opinion ignorant or naïve. Ethnic diversity implies cultural diversity—if it did not, ethnic diversity would soon disappear. Cultural diversity means division, division means weakness, and weakness means, eventually, unfreedom. Such, at least, is the traditional view, and history appears to vindicate it. “Diversity” has been an attribute of subject populations: medieval elites communicated in Latin, laborers in various vernaculars. Diversity has been the form of belonging that typifies empires, just as nationality has been the form that typifies republics. The British Empire, the Roman Empire, and the Habsburg Empire—these were diverse. England, Italy, and Austria, until recently, were not. The motto E pluribus unum is a sign that the founders saw diversity as a challenge to be mastered, not a resource to be tapped.

Aw your butt is hurt. :(
