The Bush Escalation


Well, it looks like those evil liberals were right, yet again, when they insisted that the bush "surge" was in fact, the bush escalation. And all of the cries of "give Patraeus a chance" were misplaced, because anybody who believe that this General, with all of his experience (didn't he "write the book" on counter-insurgency techniques??) ever believed that he was going to be able to make any significant progress by September, is an out and out fool. He knew. Bush knew. They all know.

The only thing I don't know is how many Republicans are going to stand with this come September. There is a campaign on now, to last all throughout the summer months, targeting Republicans considered vulnerable and up for reelection in 08. This is a grassroots effort. So I guess we'll see.

Petraeus: Iraq 'Challenges' to Last for Years

By Karen DeYoung
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, June 18, 2007; A11

Conditions in Iraq will not improve sufficiently by September to justify a drawdown of U.S. military forces, the top commander in Iraq said yesterday.

Asked whether he thought the job assigned to an additional 30,000 troops deployed as the centerpiece of President Bush's new war strategy would be completed by then, Gen. David H. Petraeus replied: "I do not, no. I think that we have a lot of heavy lifting to do."

Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker, his diplomatic counterpart in Baghdad, said a key report they will deliver to Washington in September will include what Crocker called "an assessment of what the consequences might be if we pursue other directions." Noting the "unhelpful roles" being played by Iran and Syria in Iraq, Crocker said: "We've got to consider what could happen."

Comments by Petraeus on "Fox News Sunday" and Crocker on NBC's "Meet the Press" were an indication of the administration's evolving strategy for confronting rising congressional demands to begin planning troop withdrawals. In addition to warning about the possible regional consequences of withdrawal, both men emphasized a "mixed" picture on the ground, citing successes while acknowledging the difficulty of the task ahead.

Asserting steady, albeit slow, military and political progress, Petraeus said that the "many, many challenges" would not be resolved "in a year or even two years." Similar counterinsurgency operations, he said, citing Britain's experience in Northern Ireland, "have gone at least nine or 10 years." He said he and Crocker would make "some recommendations on the way ahead" to Congress, and that it was realistic to assume "some form of long-term security arrangement" with Iraq.
Mitty is campaining on enlarging our military as well....

I know, I think it's a penis thing. That's why one of our newest bombers is called "The Bone". It's all very phallic. You know, if this sort of behavior didn't, oh, I don't know, burn children and other innocent civilians to death, it would be funny.
The enitre neo con movement would be pretty funny if people did not suffer in many ways because of it.
I am sure it is quite humerous to the rest of the world.
"How could 51 million people be so stupid?"
Conditions in Iraq will not improve sufficiently by September to justify a drawdown of U.S. military forces, the top commander in Iraq said yesterday.

Why, it's almost as if all that talk last January, about how we would know in a few months if the surge was working, was all just a snow job: A tactic to "sell" the splurge to congress and the american people.

I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you, that anyone would use deceptive sales and marketing tactics, to sell us on the splurge!
Sales and marketing is what the Neo's are all about. Without sales and marketing they would be down there with Ron Paul.
Conditions in Iraq will not improve sufficiently by September to justify a drawdown of U.S. military forces, the top commander in Iraq said yesterday.

Why, it's almost as if all that talk last January, about how we would know in a few months if the surge was working, was all just a snow job: A tactic to "sell" the splurge to congress and the american people.

I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you, that anyone would use deceptive sales and marketing tactics, to sell us on the splurge!

If the R's go to him in Sept, and tell him they're out, he's got to start withdrawing, he probably still won't do it, and then it's time to Impeach.
If the R's go to him in Sept, and tell him they're out, he's got to start withdrawing, he probably still won't do it, and then it's time to Impeach.

Darla, the overwhelming majority of republicans won't bail on Bush and patreus in September. IMO.

Patreus is going to canned presentation (probably already written) saying that there is some measurable progress, in a few areas. That will be good enough for republicans to stay on board, and give Bush another Freidman. ;)
If the R's go to him in Sept, and tell him they're out, he's got to start withdrawing, he probably still won't do it, and then it's time to Impeach.

Well, in my eyes, that ship sailed years ago. But the repugs in office are nothing but sheep. They won't go against him on this war. I have no doubt about that.
Darla, the overwhelming majority of republicans won't bail on Bush and patreus in September. IMO.

Patreus is going to canned presentation (probably already written) saying that there is some measurable progress, in a few areas. That will be good enough for republicans to stay on board, and give Bush another Freidman. ;)

You really think so? They are going to assign themselves to a permanent minority then.
Well, in my eyes, that ship sailed years ago. But the repugs in office are nothing but sheep. They won't go against him on this war. I have no doubt about that.

Wow, you and Cypress are depressing! I think some of them will turn, I don't think they have a choice. If you're right, I'll be amazed at their stupidity. We'll find out.
Darla, I might be totally wrong.

But, I don't see any evidence that republicans "get it". With 70% of the country against the war, they are cheerleading repub presidential candidates who are beating the war drums for the escalation, continue to insist that they would still invade iraq even knowing what they know now, and are standing shoulder to shoulder with bush on the splurge.

It's been four and a half years of cheerleading. How can they pivot on a dime, and make a u-turn from that cheerleading between August 2007 and September 2007? It's almost like the GOP has lost it's mind.
Darla, I might be totally wrong.

But, I don't see any evidence that republicans "get it". With 70% of the country against the war, they are cheerleading repub presidential candidates who are beating the war drums for the escalation, continue to insist that they would still invade iraq even knowing what they know now, and are standing shoulder to shoulder with bush on the splurge.

It's been four and a half years of cheerleading. How can they pivot on a dime, and make a u-turn from that cheerleading between August 2007 and September 2007? It's almost like the GOP has lost it's mind.

That's true. I didn't take into account the R presidential field and what they have been saying. This is depressing.
Wow, you and Cypress are depressing! I think some of them will turn, I don't think they have a choice. If you're right, I'll be amazed at their stupidity. We'll find out.

LOL. Darla. I'm a little shocked at you to be honest. Look at what they've stood behind so far. You can't apply logic and reasonability in regards to their following Bush. You know when you were young, and you parents said, "if everyone jumps off a bridge would you do it to?" These guys never learned that lesson. The sooner you accept it, the less hope you'll have for them to wise up and ultimately, the less disappointed you'll be in september when they back him up fully. There may be one or two that after 6 years of failure comes to his or her senses, but overall, they are mental midg.......they are sheep.
LOL. Darla. I'm a little shocked at you to be honest. Look at what they've stood behind so far. You can't apply logic and reasonability in regards to their following Bush. You know when you were young, and you parents said, "if everyone jumps off a bridge would you do it to?" These guys never learned that lesson. The sooner you accept it, the less hope you'll have for them to wise up and ultimately, the less disappointed you'll be in september when they back him up fully. There may be one or two that after 6 years of failure comes to his or her senses, but overall, they are mental midg.......they are sheep.

I have a friend who has said to me so many times "you are trying to take something irrational and illogical and apply rational and logical terms to it, and that doesn't work."

Well, if nothing else, maybe Boehner will weep again in Sept., and at least I'll have some entertainment.
It's been four and a half years of cheerleading. How can they pivot on a dime, and make a u-turn from that cheerleading between August 2007 and September 2007? It's almost like the GOP has lost it's mind.

Not really. The republicans that still have their seat have just been reaffirmed (if they were up for election in 2006) that they can do what they want to do short of eating a white baby, and their constituents will continue to blindly elect them no matter what they fail at: border security, port security, immigration, the war, get the picture. The travesty is that their are still republican supporters.