Verified User
Originally Posted by Classic Liberal
Again I’ll ask you what part Iraq played in 911 that necessitated the carnage of a brutal undeclared, unconstitutional war instituted by a moron American President taking orders from Dickhead Cheney?
Oh! Then what was the reason behind the unnecessary, undeclared, un-paid-for, unconstitutional Bushwhacker invasion of Iraq, Goober?
Oh! That’s right to enforce the UN resolution about Saddam’s non-existent WMD, huh? So who made America the UN’s muscled military enforcer Goober? Why are so-called “conservatives” enforcing UN socialist policy and bowing to the whims and resolutions of that mob of fucking communist bastards, drunks and crooks at the United Nations? I thought the UN was the favored child of the progressive leftist bastards Goober. Correct me if I error.
Again I’ll ask you what part Iraq played in 911 that necessitated the carnage of a brutal undeclared, unconstitutional war instituted by a moron American President taking orders from Dickhead Cheney?
You can ask that dimwitted question until you die; the answer will be the same: No one claimed that Iraq had anything to do with 9-11 you ignorant dunce.
Oh! Then what was the reason behind the unnecessary, undeclared, un-paid-for, unconstitutional Bushwhacker invasion of Iraq, Goober?
Oh! That’s right to enforce the UN resolution about Saddam’s non-existent WMD, huh? So who made America the UN’s muscled military enforcer Goober? Why are so-called “conservatives” enforcing UN socialist policy and bowing to the whims and resolutions of that mob of fucking communist bastards, drunks and crooks at the United Nations? I thought the UN was the favored child of the progressive leftist bastards Goober. Correct me if I error.