The Bush Legacy

Originally Posted by Classic Liberal
Again I’ll ask you what part Iraq played in 911 that necessitated the carnage of a brutal undeclared, unconstitutional war instituted by a moron American President taking orders from Dickhead Cheney?
You can ask that dimwitted question until you die; the answer will be the same: No one claimed that Iraq had anything to do with 9-11 you ignorant dunce.

Oh! Then what was the reason behind the unnecessary, undeclared, un-paid-for, unconstitutional Bushwhacker invasion of Iraq, Goober?

Oh! That’s right to enforce the UN resolution about Saddam’s non-existent WMD, huh? So who made America the UN’s muscled military enforcer Goober? Why are so-called “conservatives” enforcing UN socialist policy and bowing to the whims and resolutions of that mob of fucking communist bastards, drunks and crooks at the United Nations? I thought the UN was the favored child of the progressive leftist bastards Goober. Correct me if I error.
Originally Posted by Classic Liberal
“We know where Saddam’s WMD is and we will destroy it” (Dickhead Cheney)
The same thing Democrats and leaders of other nations believed.

Then why didn’t the ”other nations” initiate the attack on Iraq? Since Iraq & Saddam were the greatest threat to Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the rest of the middle east and absolutely no threat the America why wasn’t Saddam and Iraq their problem and none of our fucking business Goober? Oh! Could it have really been about ”OIL?” I can give you at least two magnificent reasons why America should never go to war over oil and true conservatives should be the last folks to promote it Goober, but that’s another thread.

Originally Posted by Classic Liberal
“Iraq’s Oil will pay for this war.”(Dickhead Cheney)
Do you have any evidence this is not occurring?

Do you have any evidence that it is? Since we’re on the hook for the cost of the war, have you heard about any premium payments arriving in America from the Iraqi government? I don’t think so Goober!
Originally Posted by Classic Liberal
“It’s not torture it’s simply enhanced interrogation.” (Dickhead Cheney)
It wasn’t torture; but then you are probably a dunce who thinks that terrorists trying to murder as many of our citizens as they can, can be handled with hugs and kindness.

Actually I rather just kill the bastards! Torture is the stuff that commies, fascist, leftist and neo-con RINO rightist bastards are made of.

Originally Posted by Classic Liberal
DUH!!! “OTAY Richard if you say so!!!!(The Bushwhacker)
The facts say so; your rant is that of a naïve uninformed Dunce.

“Uninformed?” Now ain’t that a fucking hoot coming from the keyboard of a fucking loser moron that was UNAWARE and in PARTISAN DENIAL of the established facts that America’s CIA played a major roll helping Saddam and the Baath Party to come to power in Iraq and the CIA played a major roll in deposing an elected official in Iran and reinstalling the fucking brutal Shah.

Keep trying Goober someday you’ll grow up and be more able to play with the adults!
The Bush Legacy:

Medicare Part D - No Child Left Behind - Tarp - Bush - McCain amnesty - Iraq - Haliburtan

Republican majority in both houses of congress - republican in the white house.


And just think, there are morons here that still try to defend Dickhead Cheney’s little brother, the Bushwhacker.

The absolute worst thing Bush did and is responsible for is the FACT that because of him, his unconstitutional wars, his socialist programs, his fucking lying bastard Vise President, his massive addition to the national debt and his unconstitutional Patriot Act and unconstitutional bailout of Wall Street, he guaranteed the election of the fucking communist bastard now occupying the People’s White House. That’s the unpardonable sin.
The small brains are still blaming Obama for everything Bush signed

Obama is nothing short of a fucking Bush clone! He’s extended every fucking Bush war and socialist program and shoved the ACA down the nation’s throat.

The Right is the spending horse and they don't care to recognize it. They always spend more than they tax which is driving up our national debt.

The Left tends to pay their bill, even when some people don't want to pay that taxation (but generally want everything included in that taxation)

The National Debt is on the small brains hands.

If you had a fucking rational clue moron you’d realize that THE LEFT’S fucking unconstitutional socialist programs are playing a major role in running up the national debt right along with the rightist fucking unconstitutional wars, world police force and nation building projects. There’s way more than enough blame to go around Idiot! Take your fucking leftist glasses off awhile and notice the real world!