The Cancellation Of Dr. Seuss Should Disturb You, Because You’re Next

Some replacement books coming to a public school staffed by union teachers near you soon:




The Left Is Carrying Out a Cultural Revolution

Dr. Seuss has been cancelled.

Some of his work has been deemed racist, and we can’t have that.

Today, the entity that oversees the estate of Theodor Seuss Geisel announced it would no longer publish six of Geisel’s books.

The iconoclasm of the left’s culture war isn’t a side effect, it’s the point.

More @ link:

quit whining you little bitch
Congrats, you are the third whiny baby to start a thread about this. You know why I know about it? Because you idiots won't shut the fuck up about your OH SO DRAMATIC outrage. The company decided to stop publishing blatantly racist images. OMG the horror!!!! A company made a business decision that reflected current cultural norms.

This board has more whine than a Napa Valley vineyard.

Whine doesn't grow on vines, silly :rolleyes:

You won't be happy until you destroy the very core of this country.
Are you "offended"? Good! And fuck you, too.
The Left Is Carrying Out a Cultural Revolution

Dr. Seuss has been cancelled.

Some of his work has been deemed racist, and we can’t have that.

Today, the entity that oversees the estate of Theodor Seuss Geisel announced it would no longer publish six of Geisel’s books.

The iconoclasm of the left’s culture war isn’t a side effect, it’s the point.

More @ link:

Wahhh, your ignorant pussy must be so sore!
The left is not a monolith.
Who's further left than I?

I've constantly condemned those, however, who felt that anybody was entitled to a life of never having their feelings hurt.
If that's what you feel that you deserve, than you must definitely curse your parents for having you.
There may be, in fact, far lesser reasons than that for doing so, but that's definitely one.

Well, you folks painted every trump supporter as a racist, so you can get lumped in with your degenerate friends you align with
He is in charge of the department of education so if he doesn't know what his own people are doing then thats even worse.

Did he know about their decision to remove Dr. Suess?

Seriously, I don't know what the controversy is. All Biden did was omit any mention of Seuss in his proclamation of Read Across America. The proclamation is at this link and there is no mention of any other author in it, either.

It was a "Virginia school district [that] announced its refusal to celebrate Theodor Seuss "Ted" Geisel on Read Across America Day, which falls on the author’s birthday, because of a study that showed the books are filled with “orientalism, anti-Blackness and White supremacy.”

Pretty sad that you guys are making this about Biden, over something he didn't say.