The shithouse is in Washington DC.
That's the only one in the US, and you're it? Must be an interesting scent-experience!
Far from the only one. Every Democratic shithole has a stench all its own. Biden will now be responsible for the black on black crime and the death of every American killed by an illegal. He also starts racking up Covid deaths on his watch.
I should think your departing Fuhrer's guilt should last you a good thousand years, kid.
America died today. RIP America.
Nazi America, let's hope, died for good. Go join your Fuhrer in irrelevance, turd.
No, just America. The Nazis just took over.
While a bit off topic a fascinating read is 'Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust'. Daniel Jonah Goldhagen traces the roots of anti-Semites and the idea that Jewish people were a race rather than a religious group. You witness that even today with white supremist who are often religious. Race while a myth has powerful motivations and consequences.