The choice is yours!


Shaken, not stirred!
Okay world, you've got a choice....forget the old ways and start acting to acknowledge that the world and nature doesn't give a damn about your traditions or ethnicities or religions or borders. Hurricanes, droughts, forest fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis .... they will render the aforementioned human made distinctions irrelevant. Learn to share and be nice to each other, or live the horrors of all those "post apocalyptic" sci-fi movies we've come to love. :|
Okay world, you've got a choice....forget the old ways and start acting to acknowledge that the world and nature doesn't give a damn about your traditions or ethnicities or religions or borders. Hurricanes, droughts, forest fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis .... they will render the aforementioned human made distinctions irrelevant. Learn to share and be nice to each other, or live the horrors of all those "post apocalyptic" sci-fi movies we've come to love. :|

They Democrats hate will never allow that to happen
Okay world, you've got a choice....forget the old ways and start acting to acknowledge that the world and nature doesn't give a damn about your traditions or ethnicities or religions or borders. Hurricanes, droughts, forest fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis .... they will render the aforementioned human made distinctions irrelevant. Learn to share and be nice to each other, or live the horrors of all those "post apocalyptic" sci-fi movies we've come to love. :|

More importantly "You are being enslaved by the elites, this is your last chance to avoid the chains that have been prepared for you".
They Democrats hate will never allow that to happen

Really? Because last time I checked, it's not the Dems (en masse, anyway) who are climate change deniers, pushing deregulation for the oil & gas industry, against energy alternatives that work, blocking any true oversight enforcement for the mining industry or lumber industry, etc.

You, my friend are just a party hack/troll who doesn't even comprehend the full meaning of the OP.
Really? Because last time I checked, it's not the Dems (en masse, anyway) who are climate change deniers, pushing deregulation for the oil & gas industry, against energy alternatives that work, blocking any true oversight enforcement for the mining industry or lumber industry, etc.

You, my friend are just a party hack/troll who doesn't even comprehend the full meaning of the OP.

You must not be paying attention to what Biden is doing to help China
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Really? Because last time I checked, it's not the Dems (en masse, anyway) who are climate change deniers, pushing deregulation for the oil & gas industry, against energy alternatives that work, blocking any true oversight enforcement for the mining industry or lumber industry, etc.

You, my friend are just a party hack/troll who doesn't even comprehend the full meaning of the OP.

You must not be paying attention to what Biden is doing to help China

Another parroting by a willfully/congenitally ignorant MAGA troll.

You've proven again to be a waste of time. Back on the ignore list you go, as you will no doubt hound my posts and threads like a bitch in heat for a month or so.
Another parroting by a willfully/congenitally ignorant MAGA troll.

You've proven again to be a waste of time. Back on the ignore list you go, as you will no doubt hound my posts and threads like a bitch in heat for a month or so.

You love the Biden lies and do not want the truth. Biden is closing mines and making us dependent on China and other countries to get materials for chip and battery factories that are being built
Okay world, you've got a choice....forget the old ways and start acting to acknowledge that the world and nature doesn't give a damn about your traditions or ethnicities or religions or borders. Hurricanes, droughts, forest fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis .... they will render the aforementioned human made distinctions irrelevant. Learn to share and be nice to each other, or live the horrors of all those "post apocalyptic" sci-fi movies we've come to love. :|

Is that the "Do away with the four olds" I hear from you, New Red Guard? :rolleyes:

Go fuck yourself with a cactus.
Okay world, you've got a choice....forget the old ways and start acting to acknowledge that the world and nature doesn't give a damn about your traditions or ethnicities or religions or borders. Hurricanes, droughts, forest fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis .... they will render the aforementioned human made distinctions irrelevant. Learn to share and be nice to each other, or live the horrors of all those "post apocalyptic" sci-fi movies we've come to love. :|

The universe is neutral. In the grand scheme of things, humankind is nothing more than a contaminant.

In the long run, the earth will do just fine. People are doing nothing more than fucking it up for themselves. Shitting in their own nest, as it were.
Don't build your house in a flood plain, on top of an earthquake fault, in the middle of an overgrown forest, or somewhere hurricanes, tornados, or other storms occur and you'll be fine. Choose any of these lessor locations and either build to survive what nature tosses your way, or be prepared to rebuild your home on a regular basis...

As George Calin once said...

Don't build your house in a flood plain, on top of an earthquake fault, in the middle of an overgrown forest, or somewhere hurricanes, tornados, or other storms occur and you'll be fine. Choose any of these lessor locations and either build to survive what nature tosses your way, or be prepared to rebuild your home on a regular basis...

As George Calin once said...


There are no guarantees.
Tacky believes that the choice is ours.

That's not impossible, I suppose, but

I don't see any definitive evidence that choices exist.