The choice of neighborhood watch captains

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It's been proven effective when hoodie-wearing black kids attack you with Skittles and iced tea.
Is that the choice of Texas neighborhood watch captains?
I'm not a neighborhood watch captain, so I wouldn't know.

How much stopping power does it take to kill (in self-defense, after chasing him down, of course) a hoodie-wearing black kid armed with Skittles and iced tea in Texas?
'stopping power' is a term used for people who have little shot placement. expert shooters only need one shot while non experts need 'stopping power'.
Didn't stop you from posting in a thread about their choice of weapon, did it?
should it have?

Because this thread is about guns/shooting, is anyone who posts in it a liberal hoplophobe?
no, just those who started the thread.

It takes a real expert to hit a black kid you're pinning to the ground, doesn't it?
you have evidence that says this happened? i'm sure the police would like to have this evidence. so would the state and DOJ
I asked a question. Since this thread is about the weapon of choice for neighborhood watch captains, your contribution seems to indicate that you prefer the .45 ACP for that purpose.

Do you suppose it's be a match for a hoodie-wearing black teen armed with Skittles and iced tea?

"Do you suppose it's be a match..."???

Interesting sentence. lol

You may have asked a question. But I made a comment about a specific post. That you wish it to be about neighborhood watch captains is a product of your own interpretation.

And now, since I clarified what I prefer the .45ACP for, in post #11, you should understand.
Since I started the thread, titled it, and know what it's about, explain how I'm "wishing" the topic to be what it clearly is.

Would the .45 ACP be superior to the 9mm in killing a black teen you had pursued because he was wearing a hoodie?

Your assumption that, because you created a thread on a specific topic that all posts must be directly addressed to that topic is laughable. And I think you know it.

I think the .45ACP is superior, in most ways, to the various versions of the 9mm round. The rest of your question is nonsense.
So you think you know what other people know? Interesting.

Do you pack your .45 when you patrol your neighborhood looking for hoodie-clad black kids?

Since you have been on this board, how many threads have you seen, with more a couple of posts, that only addressed the specifics of the OP?

And how many times have you asked leading questions that are simply veiled accusations? You have asked me at least three that make the assumption that I participate in neighborhood watch and would shoot an unarmed teenager. If you've noticed, I am not going to address those bits of nonsense.

But I do often carry my M1911-A1.
But, in case you wanted to know, there are several reasons I think the .45ACP is superior.

The .45ACP is a bigger, better round. It is a better defensive round, unless you are sensitive to recoil. (although the difference seems minimal to me)

The M1911-A1 is one of the most tested firearms in the world, so reliability is almost guaranteed.
Wise. If you ever shot an unarmed black teenager, your lawyer could pretend you never boasted about the killing power of your preferred sidearm, is that it?

If I ever shot anyone it would be because either someone was threatened or the person had broken into my home (which amounts to the same thing).

In either case, my lawyer would have an easy time of it.
How many "gang bangers" have you personally confronted who were armed?
One, but I was also armed. So was my friend. so was his friend.

Don't "gang bangers" enjoy the same right to bear arms that you do - assuming they are not subject to criminal conviction/loss of civil rights?
I'm pretty sure that drive by shootings aren't covered under the fundamental right of bearing arms, nor self defense. In fact, i'm pretty sure that 'offensive' action isn't a right at all, so your question is moot.

Do you think it's normal to have a "throbbing erection" from "carrassing" (sic) a firearm? Thanks for answering these questions!
what's normal? I look at firearms as a tool. Others view it as a boogey man. i'm sure others get sexually excited. you could substitute a plastic blow up doll for firearm and the question would get the same answers from different groups of people.
Wow, so did your gang outnumber the other gang?
when did the definition of 'gang' become 3 long haired hippies on motorcycles? it's not like we're hells angels.

One man's drive-by is another man's self-defense, isn't it?
are you serious?

I agree. You wouldn't think it was weird if someone said they got a throbbing erection for "carrassing" (sic) a gun?
I would, yes. But I also try very hard not to judge people for their personal quirks.
You wouldn't think it was weird if someone said they got a "throbbing erection" from "carrassing" (sic) a gun?

I think it is weird to ask someone, who has never shown any propensity for attacking unarmed teens or any racism, the sorts of questions you were asking.

You know, like: "Is that a popular choice for defending your neighborhood from kids in hoodies?"
"Do you suppose it's be a match for a hoodie-wearing black teen armed with Skittles and iced tea?"
"Would the .45 ACP be superior to the 9mm in killing a black teen you had pursued because he was wearing a hoodie?"
"Do you pack your .45 when you patrol your neighborhood looking for hoodie-clad black kids?"

But I would guess that is why you deleted those questions.
Your guess is incorrect.

So you say. I guess it could be that they were deleted because you realized how ridiculous they are. Funny, I thought you have known by now that when quoted the posts stay up on the post which quotes them. In other words, try as you might the stupid statements have stayed up. The only thing that changed was that people could see you were ashamed of them.
Your guess is still incorrect, and since we both know "that when quoted the posts stay up on the post which quotes them", your theory is prima facie absurd. But keep guessing.

After posting the nonsense you have, it is laughable that you call anyone else's posts "absurd", at first glance or otherwise.

I maintain I am correct. Unless you would like to explain, it is understood that your shame had you deleting posts.
Are you under the impression that I am obliged to explain my actions to you, for some reason?

No moreso than you expect it of others.

I see you still haven't explained how drive-by shootings could be construed as defensive actions.