1960s Chick Magnet
what is the most harmful religious superstition?
I don't pick and choose.
For me, it suffices to reject them all.
what is the most harmful religious superstition?
More Christophobic bigotry from you Marxists.
So? I dont think the church should "direct" government but we'd be a lot better off if elected officials had a faith that informed their decision making.
I don't pick and choose.
For me, it suffices to reject them all.
Are you looking at porn again?
So? I dont think the church should "direct" government but we'd be a lot better off if elected officials had a faith that informed their decision making.
but you don't go around maiming, killing, lying and stealing do you?
you must believe as i do that basic morality is rational.
mankind's greatest evolved trait.
Freedom of religion is also freedom from religion. The Defense Dept. recognizes over 220 religions. Which one should rule? I kid. It is yours. Of course, 28 percent of Americans have no religion. They should apparently have no power.