The Church should respect tough questions opinion is that your opinions are meaningless lies and that you live a life of intentional ignorance.........
Nope, you have a supposedly omni-everything god who allows needless suffering among his creatures. So, either he is not omni-everything or he doesn’t exist.

You choose the first. The feckless ability to do something about needless suffering.

I choose the obvious alternative. The rational one. That the Christian god, who was originally a storm god of antiquity, simply doesn’t exist.

Now, feel free to drop the omnibenevolent part of omni-everything, and you can start making progress.
I choose the obvious alternative. The rational one. That the Christian god, who was originally a storm god of antiquity, simply doesn’t exist. guess this and reject PP guess of the opposite.

I wonder which is correct??? guess this and reject PP guess of the opposite.

I wonder which is correct???
There may well be a god of some sort. That’s my agnostic take. I don’t know.

But, there is no god that is concerned about the well being of his creatures. When you can prove this statement wrong, let me know.
There may well be a god of some sort. That’s my agnostic take. I don’t know.

But, there is no god that is concerned about the well being of his creatures. When you can prove this statement wrong, let me know.
There is no way to "prove" you are wrong...but I question if a GOD would define "concerned about the well being of his creatures" quite the way you seem to be doing.

There could be a GOD that uses existence (on the level we humans experience) to feel certain things...including things we humans might consider very, very noxious and distateful. Hell, to the GOD it would be experiencing the thing for a tiny amount of time...the lifetime of a human being what to a human might seem a nano-second.

All that said, the notions of the Judeo-Christian god seem like a joke, of sorts. It would seem that if a GOD revealed itself to the ancient Hebrew people, they fucked up the message royally by substituting what they wanted the GOD to reveal rather than what it revealed.
Like I said....grating and annoying. Go play your game somewhere else.

Stop spamming the thread.
Oh, c'mon, Ob. Get with it. You obviously want to talk with me. So let's something a little more suited to your abilities. Or, as an alternative, you can just stop reaching out to me.

Oh, c'mon, Ob. Get with it. You obviously want to talk with me. So let's something a little more suited to your abilities. Or, as an alternative, you can just stop reaching out to me.


Honestly, Ross, you annoy me to no end at this point, and given your lack of honest debating I don't care to "play" with you.

Perhaps you could try being an honest debater and we can talk, but this whole bullshit about movies bores me. YOU bore me.
Honestly, Ross, you annoy me to no end at this point, and given your lack of honest debating I don't care to "play" with you.

Perhaps you could try being an honest debater and we can talk, but this whole bullshit about movies bores me. YOU bore me.
Ob, I am not going to discuss anything serious with you. You are not up to the job.

If you want to discuss TV shows rather than movies, fine with me. No pop music, though, I really am not into it. Classical music likes I'd enjoy...or old comic books.

Or, as I said, you can stop reaching out to me.
Naw, shitty things are when you stub your toe or get fired for being an idiot.

Evil and unnecessary suffering are those that I described. But I see where you can’t address that in defense of your omni-everything god.

Don’t feel bad, Rufus. I’ve watched hours of the best of the apologists take a swing at it. They all struck out, too. Failed miserably. Just like you.

I think this reality is a test to see if you join the evil or oppose it.
I think this reality is a test to see if you join the evil or oppose it.

I like the "Testing God". The God that introduces pain and suffering to a flawed and imperfect creature and didn't give any clear instructions that everyone can understand the same way so that some will fail a mystery "test" and be cast into eternal torment forever.

It's such a great view into the souls of the believers who think that way.