The Colorado Shooter Just Sealed the Fate of New AR Sales

It shouldn't be disgusting but I understand the difference of lifestyles. I love animals too. I have dogs and cats and spend more money on them than I should. I and my family have eaten every deer that I have killed over the years. We butcher one calf a year and that combined with the wild game we take allows us to buy practically no meat from the market except for a bit of chicken and pork through the year. The goal of my household is to take two deer a year. That will last from October to October...season to season. Anything beyond that that we kill is processed and given to needy families in the area. I have full processing capability at my house ... extra refrigerators and freezers, industrial band saw and grinder, vacuum sealers. I like the "Hunters against hunger" programs that exist in most states but I also like processing and distributing to people I know (usually some of the students at the public school where i teach) are in need. As I indicated, for my family, firearms, hunting, fishing ... and yes, religion, they all make up our way of life. We'd like to keep living it.

I'm glad that you eat what you shoot. Deer are not an endangered species, although I do scold my dog for frightening them when they visit, even here in Boston yards.
Not strongly. Dogs can't deny their nature.

While hunting may be "disgusting" to me from an emotional standpoint,
I don't go so far as to say that it's wrong unless it's just for trophies.
As I said, I'm not a vegetarian and thus don't have the right to call hunting wrong.

I, as a long-lapsed Catholic turned secular humanist,
don't even oppose religion per se. I do oppose theocracy vehemently, however.
I'm glad that you eat what you shoot.
While hunting may be "disgusting" to me from an emotional standpoint,
I don't go so far as to say that it's wrong unless it's just for trophies.
As I said, I'm not a vegetarian and thus don't have the right to call hunting wrong.

I, as along-lapsed Catholic turned secular humanist,
don't even oppose religion per se. I do oppose theocracy vehemently, however.

:) Then you'll be glad to know that I'm about as far from a trophy hunter as can be. My motto when I'm deer hunting is "first legal thing" ... meaning that the first thing that is legal that I have a chance to get is what I take...whether it is a doe, smaller buck, or even a hog.
Depends what you are hunting, I will take a 5.56mm over a 7.62X39mm for coyote hunting any day, specially if the distances start getting out there, now for deer the AK would be better. A good 30/30 will do the job just as well and you can get one, well used to be when you could find them, for $450 and the cheapest AK costs a bunch more starring at around $750 plus the cost of mags, next thing you you know you have spent $1000, I know I did it twice, once with RAS47 and the other with a Mini30, costs add up quick.

People have less concern about a quick kill with varmints since they don't plan on hunting them down if only wounded. I wouldn't shoot any game animal with an AK or SKS at more than 200 yards for that reason, preferably 100 yards or less. Around here the brush is thick enough that less than 100 yards is about average.

However, for hunting both two-legged or four-legged varmints at less than 300 yards, it's got more knockdown than more .223 rounds. I know there are some specialized rounds which enhance the .223 to make it legal for deer in some states but the fact it needs to be specialized says something.

In war, the purpose is to neutralize the enemy and deprive them of their ability to fight. Wounding them is sometimes better since it might tie up another enemy or two trying to help him. As I'm sure you already know, it's better to wound 50 enemies at 400 yards than kill 25 at 200 yards.

Inflicting heavy casualties on enemy, even just wounding because of the 5.56's size, is a strong psychological argument for them to run away and fight another day.

A good "war" round doesn't necessarily equal a good "hunting" round. It's humane to go for the kill shot. Drop the animal where it stands. Merciful for it and less walking for me. :)
I'll not get into an argument of what gun is the "best" for this game or that. I am a gun enthusiast. I like to shoot. On another thread I said that I shoot to relax and some alphanumeric character didn't understand that...and I didn't respond. When I was in college I would load a couple thousand rounds of whatever I planned to shoot (357 mag mainly) and after finals I'd head to the woods to camp and spend a couple of days hiking and target shooting. Relaxing.

I still go to the range (or the woods) to shoot and unwind. I am an avid deer hunter though that is not my favorite game to hunt. I've probably killed 50-75 deer in the last 30+ years, not to mention those I've helped my son kill while teaching him to hunt. Over 90% of the deer I killed were killed with a muzzleloader or a bow. I am not a big rifle hunter, though I have the rifles (30-30, 44 mag, 303 British, Savage 308, etc...) to hunt with. I don't like going to the woods to hunt when there are so many other people out there so I avoid rifle season.

I don't have a practical use for an AR type rifle so I have never had a desire to own one but I will always stand on the side of the people's right to own them. The 2nd ammendment isn't about hunting, is it? ;) I like these types of threads where people discuss their "favorites" though. I said on the other thread that guns "were a way of life" for me (and others). The alphanumeric character resorted to feigned incredulity in response to that statement. My point is that for many families around here, one of the things that kids are taught as they grow up along with hygiene, shoe tying and such ... they are taught how to shoot and gun safety by dad or mom ... or mom and dad. I don't want that "way of life" to change for our kids here any time soon.

Oh, don't get me wrong, while I do like the AR style rifle and semiauto rifles are very useful, and yes I have them Mainly for a self defense situation, it goes with my Prepping lifestyle. The fact of the matter is if I were out hunting really small game I would use one of my 22Lr rifles or if larger game such a s deer I have lever action rifles in .44mag and 30-30, I was just pointing out that AR style rifles can and are used for hunting, .223cal/5.56mm for medsized game and 300 blk and 7.62 x 39 and 7.62 x 52 for larger game. That said most of my hunting in the last couple of years has been with a long bow, I have a neighbor that used to make very nice ones until he passed away, have two one in 45lb and one in 55lb pull.
As for the 2nd I do believe we can make a few changes that might help, one is to enforce the laws we already have, it is shocking how many people get away with legally buy one in a store that are not supposed to be able to, I have have no problems with background checks, though since I have a carry license I no longer have to go through that delay, and we need to find a away to ensure that people that are seriously mentally ill are kept away from firearms as much as is possible.
And there is the big problem as I see it, like yourself I grew up when guns were everywhere, people rode around with them in the back window of their truck, we called them truck guns. Kids learned at an early age to fire guns and how to safely handle them and treat every firearm as if it were loaded. We had little in the way of shooting and no one ever though it would be a great idea to go down to the local school or grocery store and starting shooting people/ So what has changed, We changed and we better figure out how to fix it or this will simple continue to happen, it is too late to take away the guns and it simply will not happen so we better figure out how to deal with the root cause of much of these shooting, that includes suicides which are also a sign of a mental break down, my fellow vets are kiliing themselves at frightening rates and that needs to stop.
WTF does the Houston PD have to do with the FBI or ATF? Looks like a total cluster fuck to me including some lying, POS Houston police officers:

and until evidence made it in to the public eye, those people stood by and defended those government agents.

there is a cold hard fact that most people are eventually going to have to come to terms with and that is that all law enforcement officers, save the elected sheriffs and his deputies, are government. they are not our neighbors or friends when they have that badge on.
lets also not forget how many judges get a bench seat that were former prosecutors..........fucking lawyers

True. If you take down the US government and the Constitution, what type of government would you seek to replace it with? How would it be organized? Would you be running for office under this new and improved government?
and until evidence made it in to the public eye, those people stood by and defended those government agents.

there is a cold hard fact that most people are eventually going to have to come to terms with and that is that all law enforcement officers, save the elected sheriffs and his deputies, are government. they are not our neighbors or friends when they have that badge on.
Well, that certainly explains why your Qless compadres had no qualms about attacking and, even killing, police officers at the Insurrection. ;)

True. If you take down the US government and the Constitution, what type of government would you seek to replace it with? How would it be organized? Would you be running for office under this new and improved government?

why would I want to take down the Constitution? I would simply restore the republic. it's the greatest political system on earth, when not in the hands of corruption and political parties
why would I want to take down the Constitution? I would simply restore the republic. it's the greatest political system on earth, when not in the hands of corruption and political parties

We already have it. You just don't like the results and, like Trump, want a do over. Back how far? To 1787 or 1860?
Right or wrong, depending on your stand on the issue of AR's, the shooter in Colorado just put the nail into the sale of AR's in the near future. He did this far too soon after the Florida shootings and killed too many People, including a Police Officer, for the Republicans to defend not banning them. Last night I was thinking that was what the result of this shooting would be if he used a AR style rifle and he did.

Not more than 10 minutes ago President Biden went on air to talk about the shooting and there it was, a call to pass the new Background Check Law already passed in the House and to ban AR's and high capacity mags. Guess what, it will end up getting passed, if not this week it will be soon, as in the next month or two at the very most.

So, If you want one I would suggest you get it now, that is if you can even find one at any price, they were already being over priced because of the shortage and this will drive the prices even higher, I assure you the gun stores will be very busy today and until they run out of everything. Same goes for Mags and Parts and Ammo which is already hard to get and expensive when you find it.

For those that already own them, you are probably safe, they will never be able to ban ownership if you already legally bought it but they can ban the new sales of them.

For those of that wanted them banned, this is your moment, enjoy it for while it lasts, because if the Conservatives ever get enough power in Washington the first thing will do is kill the ban, count on it.

Is What It Is Folks.

no he didn't seal the ar 15s fate democrats will try to , as democrats are seriously anti gun . as I told you awhile back when democrat try to ban or take your guns you only have yourself to blame if voting for them .And I think you did . You and dutch both have no clue if the left wing takes or bans guns or makes them expensive to own its your own fault because you voted for them So suck it up cup cake .

I have a few of them and I am capable of making ONE
MY compadres? you're going to stay on that false premise like a nympho on a sybian, aren't you?

Yes. Like you, the Qless consider killing cops a means to an end since they are all, with a few exceptions, "government agents". How is this a false premise? You say this shit all the time...that or you dance around it like you're doing the Funky Chicken. ;)
