1960s Chick Magnet
It shouldn't be disgusting but I understand the difference of lifestyles. I love animals too. I have dogs and cats and spend more money on them than I should. I and my family have eaten every deer that I have killed over the years. We butcher one calf a year and that combined with the wild game we take allows us to buy practically no meat from the market except for a bit of chicken and pork through the year. The goal of my household is to take two deer a year. That will last from October to October...season to season. Anything beyond that that we kill is processed and given to needy families in the area. I have full processing capability at my house ... extra refrigerators and freezers, industrial band saw and grinder, vacuum sealers. I like the "Hunters against hunger" programs that exist in most states but I also like processing and distributing to people I know (usually some of the students at the public school where i teach) are in need. As I indicated, for my family, firearms, hunting, fishing ... and yes, religion, they all make up our way of life. We'd like to keep living it.
I'm glad that you eat what you shoot. Deer are not an endangered species, although I do scold my dog for frightening them when they visit, even here in Boston yards.
Not strongly. Dogs can't deny their nature.
While hunting may be "disgusting" to me from an emotional standpoint,
I don't go so far as to say that it's wrong unless it's just for trophies.
As I said, I'm not a vegetarian and thus don't have the right to call hunting wrong.
I, as a long-lapsed Catholic turned secular humanist,
don't even oppose religion per se. I do oppose theocracy vehemently, however.