The Colorado Shooter Just Sealed the Fate of New AR Sales

Well, years ago you could mail order a rifle from Sears and buy an M1 Garand at the local hardware store.
Why weren't there "mass shootings" back in those days like there are these days? Wachasay?

Yep, I did buy an M1 Carbine for 35 buck at a Sears outlet store back in 1971. Sold it to my Father In Law. I just preferred my Brit 303 for some reason.

There were- But it was of the 4-legged Deer variety of Mass Shootings back in those grand ole days.

ANd then there was that shooter that started it all by climbing the UT Tower in Austin- and then the Luby's Massacre a couple of years later- AND THEN they just got worse and worse through the years I guess.

It's hard to understand Crazy!
Yep, I did buy an M1 Carbine for 35 buck at a Sears outlet store back in 1971. Sold it to my Father In Law. I just preferred my Brit 303 for some reason.

There were- But it was of the 4-legged Deer variety of Mass Shootings back in those grand ole days.

ANd then there was that shooter that started it all by climbing the UT Tower in Austin- and then the Luby's Massacre a couple of years later- AND THEN they just got worse and worse through the years I guess.

It's hard to understand Crazy!

A couple of years later?
For those that already own them, you are probably safe, they will never be able to ban ownership if you already legally bought it but they can ban the new sales of them." Safe? What type of comfort is that when it comes to the safety of society at lunatics getting their bloody hands on these weapons of mass destruction in order to feed the profiteering gullets of the NRA and other foreign enemy swine as a campaign for Americans to destroy each other as in the destruction of Democracy from within? Surely not to go hunting for food, protecting their farms and colonies against hostile invaders which was the purpose of the framers of 2nd Amendment rights of the 1700's.
For those that already own them, you are probably safe, they will never be able to ban ownership if you already legally bought it but they can ban the new sales of them." Safe? What type of comfort is that when it comes to the safety of society at lunatics getting their bloody hands on these weapons of mass destruction in order to feed the profiteering gullets of the NRA and other foreign enemy swine as a campaign for Americans to destroy each other as in the destruction of Democracy from within? Surely not to go hunting for food, protecting their farms and colonies against hostile invaders which was the purpose of the framers of 2nd Amendment rights of the 1700's.

Safe, as in not having them taken away if you already own them, that simply will never happen, whether you disagree or agree with that does not matter it is the fact of the matter. Actually those so-called weapons of mass destruction are used for hunting, protection of homes and farms, and if you do not believe you could have hostile invaders to your home or property you have not been paying much attention to what has been happening and could easily get worse. I would also point out that though there were two recent mass shooting only one was done using one of those weapons of mass destruction the other was done by a common handgun owned by people all across the Nation and by all political beliefs. So the common problem here is not a specific type of firearm, it is that every person that commits these mass shootings is Mentally Ill, and after the fact we always get the "he was always nuts" statements, and if that was known then why didn't someone get them help? The answer is we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or we are clueless on what to do, we better figure out what to do because so long as we ignore the real issue we will continue to get these terrible acts, and by the way they can just as easily find a crowd of people and just drive through them to kill lots of people, no firearm of any kind is required.
We took our hunting rifles to school (leaving them in our cars) back when I was in HS and not one problem. Hell, we left our cars unlocked and not one gun was ever stolen.
We had the hunter safety course in 6th. grade, which was more about firearm safety than hunting. The anti-hunters and anti-gun nuts made them stop teaching it.

I agree with that assessment. There were few restrictive firearm laws between the banning of fully automatic machine guns (mainly because of the Thompson) and
the assassination of JFK and MLK. After that, you're correct. Things changed.

We took our guns to school and went hunting afterwards. During my time at school, they cut it down to only 1 gun allowed, though.

Your sheer stupidity amuses me.

Again thank you for surrendering! Anger, and lashing out with obscenities point to your inability to have rational discussions, and your poor mental state, you don't own a gun do you, I would be worried about people around you if you did!
AR15s and AK47s are ugly as shit.
The first is quite accurate but frequently jams and makes pretty small holes when it doesn't.
The second never jams and makes bigger holes if you're close enough to hit anything with its scattershot "accuracy."

No self respecting person would accept one as a respectable fashion accessory among people who matter.

Weatherby MkVs are drop dead gorgeous, lethal as a motherfucker, and under no threat of being banned anywhere in America.
That's why I've got one of those instead.

lol, you probably sucked at care and maintenance. Weatherby MkV is a complete different animal.
Realistically, there is no need to have a military-style assault rifle with high capacity magazines, except to compensate for small penises.

You do not need a 30 round magazine to shoot deer.

You certainly do not need a high capacity mag for recreational target shooting.

The best weapon to defend your home is a shotgun, which is designed for short range fire power and for putting an intruder on their ass without even having to aim and track the target.

If you need to take out zombies, I suggest Molotov cocktails.

High capacity rounds are designed for one reason only - to kill and maim many humans very rapidly. Either on the battlefield, or at the neighborhood Wal-Mart
You have a lot to learn about guns for home defense.
Shotguns are mankind's best known weapon for close-quarters firepower and accuracy. That is why the military always has, and still does, employ trench guns and combat shot guns as part of their small arms tactics for engaging the enemy in close quarters conditions.

Why a Shotgun Is a Great Option for Home Defense

--- Shotguns are more accurate than handguns and ARs when an intruder enters your home ---

Shotguns are mankind's best known weapon for close-quarters firepower and accuracy. That is why the military always has, and still does, employ trench guns and combat shot guns as part of their small arms tactics for engaging the enemy in close quarters conditions.

Bullshit. The best weapon for self defense is the one you're most comfortable and proficient with. Shotguns are lethal, but messy.
Bullshit. The best weapon for self defense is the one you're most comfortable and proficient with. Shotguns are lethal, but messy.

Again, America is not obligated to indulge and accommodate your Rambo fantasies.

Case law provides that the second amendment allows for reasonable restrictions on the type of armaments a civilian can acquire.

Any normal person can become proficient with a shotgun. Assuming they are genuinely interested in defending their home, rather than living out some barrel-stroking Rambo fantasies.
Again thank you for surrendering! Anger, and lashing out with obscenities point to your inability to have rational discussions, and your poor mental state, you don't own a gun do you, I would be worried about people around you if you did!

My bowel movements are smarter than you.

Cussing and intellect
Again, America is not obligated to indulge and accommodate your Rambo fantasies.

Case law provides that the second amendment allows for reasonable restrictions on the type of armaments a civilian can acquire.

Any normal person can become proficient with a shotgun. Assuming they are genuinely interested in defending their home, rather than living out some barrel-stroking Rambo fantasies.

Over 20 years of experience as a firearms instructor tells me what I said is correct. I can load center fire handgun ammo that can blow a hole out your back the size of a bowling ball.
I ain't "Rambo." You just don't want to face me in an illegal entry situation with what I'm comfortable with. And, it ain't a shotgun.
Again, America is not obligated to indulge and accommodate your Rambo fantasies.

Case law provides that the second amendment allows for reasonable restrictions on the type of armaments a civilian can acquire.

Any normal person can become proficient with a shotgun. Assuming they are genuinely interested in defending their home, rather than living out some barrel-stroking Rambo fantasies.

For the AR barrel strokers who imply that a shotgun is too hard to learn to use proficiently, this girl can handle one.

Over 20 years of experience as a firearms instructor tells me what I said is correct. I can load center fire handgun ammo that can blow a hole out your back the size of a bowling ball.
I ain't "Rambo." You just don't want to face me in an illegal entry situation with what I'm comfortable with. And, it ain't a shotgun.

This girl could teach you to be proficient with a shotgun
