Geeko Sportivo
Verified User
Well, years ago you could mail order a rifle from Sears and buy an M1 Garand at the local hardware store.
Why weren't there "mass shootings" back in those days like there are these days? Wachasay?
Yep, I did buy an M1 Carbine for 35 buck at a Sears outlet store back in 1971. Sold it to my Father In Law. I just preferred my Brit 303 for some reason.
There were- But it was of the 4-legged Deer variety of Mass Shootings back in those grand ole days.
ANd then there was that shooter that started it all by climbing the UT Tower in Austin- and then the Luby's Massacre a couple of years later- AND THEN they just got worse and worse through the years I guess.
It's hard to understand Crazy!