Jest often masks "ANGER"....basic psych 101. We did note that there was no answer when the anger was masked ...why? There is no retorting/debunking the truth, thus the ad hominem BS. Its always predictable....and they call themselves "progressive"? Really? All leftists are nothing but nadless "emotional" proponents of Nazi-Feminism....trained to walk and talk 3 paces behind their female handlers.....beginning in the early part of the 20th century.
As far as invoking ad hominem retorts.....As Pappy said, "If you are going to be a bear might as well be a Grizzly".
That's the fun of baiting a know what they are going to do and how they are going to react. Emotional hate.
There is a very predictable and correct Axiom historically quoted and paraphrased by many great individuals, basically this Truism states, "If you are not a socialist before the age of 25 you have no heart.....if you are not a conservative after the age of 25 YOU HAVE NO HEAD/BRAIN (implying you have no basic grounding in wisdom is gained through failure."
In other words....if one professes to be a liberal...i.e, a socialist (a from of communism) after his/her youth....making decisions upon EMOTION rather than fact, logic and reason in comprehending the reality that surrounds he/she....he/she will remain a youth/child for life. That's the problem with the United States.....there are simply to many 40+ year old children pretending to be MEN/WOMEN.
The "snowflakes" are funny......and this is expected of youth (the majority will grow out of this stage once they face THE REAL WORLD)....but 60 year old communist hippies are dangerous to they have proven they have no ability to think and reason for concept of logical independent reasoning....that's why they attempt to teach, they can't deal with reality.
But...its never to late, "God does not care who you were but WHO YOU ARE." There is only one unpardonable sin....the sin that remains unrepentant.