Tea Party leader says only property owners should vote
December 1st, 2010 by John Grooms
The group called Tea Party Nation has its own weekly radio show. ThinkProgress is reporting that during a recent show, the president of Tea Party Nation (TPN), Judson Phillips, declared that voting rights in America should be restricted to property owners. That’s how the Founding Fathers wanted it, says Phillips, and “that makes a lot of sense, because if you’re a property owner, you actually have a vested stake in the community.” That’s the Tea Party Nation, folks: Building a bridge to the 18th century."
"...According to this Tea Party leader, if you rent your house or apartment, then you should not have the right to vote. In his worldview, you simply do not count as much as the homeowners next door. Presumably, if you once owned your house, but lost it in bankruptcy or foreclosure, well then you will probably lose the right to vote as well."
Looks like the tea party is finally showing their corporate colors.
Once only landowners can vote then the restriction will be only landowners who own at least $10mil worth of property can vote. Then only landowners who pledge money to the party can vote.
It's interesting to finally see exactly what the tea party stands for.
Tea party voters should realize they just stepped in shit.