The Constitution is what stands in the way

ROFLMAO. He loves Kim Jong un, sucks Putins cock and considers Erdoğan a friend. Meanwhile, Trump has bad-mouthed all the leaders of free Western nations.

Can you explain this anomaly?

meanwhile.... bidens are directly on the ccp color guard and you're cool with it.

Beep! Boop! Beep! Danger Will Robinson! Danger!

I'd say it was your choice to act like a fucking moron but I truly believe you have no choice in the matter.
The Usual Suspects on JPP only believe the fakes they like and hate the ones they don't. Whatever Q tells them to do in many cases.

A few Youtube comments:

Brian McHaney
3 years ago
2008: Pics or it didn't happen.
2018: Pics are a lie.

Chris Sche
2 years ago
It won’t be long until video, photographs, or audio recordings are no longer considered evidence in a court of law.

3 years ago
This is terrifying.

Imagine when deepfake videos can frame innocent people as guilty.

I agree. It's very worrying especially when done to any politician they don't like.
A few Youtube comments:

Brian McHaney
3 years ago
2008: Pics or it didn't happen.
2018: Pics are a lie.

Chris Sche
2 years ago
It won’t be long until video, photographs, or audio recordings are no longer considered evidence in a court of law.

3 years ago
This is terrifying.

Imagine when deepfake videos can frame innocent people as guilty.

I agree. It's very worrying especially when done to any politician they don't like.

They'd have to establish the veracity of the video. A video of Trump fondling a 15 year old showing up in the mail would be seen as suspicious. Who took it? When? All the details to establish the truth.

Of course, if it showed Biden and was sent to Fox, they're run it without question.
Yep. It is what stands between us and those traitors.

To be clear, in the case of the Insurrection, a treason charge would probably only stick to those who took an oath to the Constitution.

AFAIK, the law has never prosecuted a former oath taker who is no longer in government but I'd support their prosecution for treason if the situation warranted.
explain how that is. while you're at it, explain who it is you think are traitors and why..............then you can explain how you think your 'lefties' are true patriots........according to the Constitution that is.

No doubt there are fucking morons on this forum who think only one side has patriots, but APL doesn't appear to be one of them.

Not a lawyer, but it appears only those who took an oath the Constitution can be prosecuted for treason over 1/6. The Qless idiots are just idiotic domestic terrorists.
explain how that is. while you're at it, explain who it is you think are traitors and why..............then you can explain how you think your 'lefties' are true patriots........according to the Constitution that is.

I didn't say anything about "lefties". Besides, aren't "lefties" supposedly Communists/Socialists anyway?

The traitors are those who want to bypass the Constitution and install the government their way. If they attempt to do so, there will be blood in the streets.
BTW, I am very sad that Ashli had to pay the price. Very sad for her family also.

I believe that she believed what she believed. On that I forgive her.
I didn't say anything about "lefties". Besides, aren't "lefties" supposedly Communists/Socialists anyway?

The traitors are those who want to bypass the Constitution and install the government their way. If they attempt to do so, there will be blood in the streets.

Agreed. No party or political ideology has a monopoly on treason or seeking to overthrow the Constitution.

IMO, there's Freedom Fighters who seek to protect American citizens and there's terrorists/traitors who will kill Americans who get in their way. STY has already confessed that killing Americans is okay as collateral damage to bring down the Federal government he hates.

this is precisely why I don't have a huge problem with collateral damage. Your emotions and feelings will do nothing but keep you a slave to tyranny

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