By what article or amendment do you expand the power to “regulate interstate commerce” to spending taxpayer’s dollars on interstate highway maintenance and construction? The power to regulate commerce is simply to regulate taxes and duties between the States to assure equilibrium of same between the States. It takes a BIG government imagination to turn that into spending taxpayer’s dollars on projects that the States can and should do themselves.
Its not a matter of "expanding" anything....its a matter of simply applying Section 1 Article 8 properly.
A system of interstate infrastructures (highways and bridges) most certainly is of NATIONAL CONCERN in both the regulation of Commerce and NATIONAL DEFENSE. The Federal government under the 8 enumerated powers most certainly has the authority to LEVY and REGULATE where Interstate Trade and National Defense are concerned...under the "Common Welfare" clause. Its the best interest of ALL THE PEOPLE/STATES to be connected by a national system of highways for both Defense and Efficient Trade. Its not rocket science...its common sense.
The problem is the federal overreach in declaring "everything" a national concern under the Common Welfare clause when in reality the Fed's power and scope of authority are limited to 3 areas in which there are 8 enumerated powers granted to the Feds by the STATES/PEOPLE in the Constitution, all of which are contained in Article 1 Section 8.
1. National Defense 2. Interstate Commerce 3. The authority to levy taxes in support of interstate and foreign trade...which would include a national system of highways as well as an Air Force, Navy...etc., All for the COMMON WELFARE.
The fed should never stick its nose into any area where THE STATES have the authority and ability to regulate their own affairs that do not conflict with the US CONSTITUTION....see Amendment 10. What do you suppose the FEDS would do if a state...any state started printing their own money and coins? What's the difference in this happening and the Feds self professing to have the authority to REGULATE state responsibilities? There is none...both are UN-CONSTITUTIONAL AS HELL. The problem being.....the majority of the STATES are drunk on Federal Dollars and gladly allow the feds to do what they should be doing in taxing and regulating for themselves.
As I comes down to simple COMMON SENSE. Who is the best to judge whether your local county road needs pavement....bridge maintenance..etc., Your local government or some puffed up tax dollar pimp in DC thousands of miles away? The Fed has the constitutional authority to step in and regulate.....ONLY where a state/the people as in singular state...does not have the ability to accomplish something that is required for the COMMON WELFARE. Such as.... organizing and maintaining a NATIONAL DEFENSE in the form of military strength....building an INTERSTATE trade system of highways, national COAST GUARD, NAVY..etc.
Then we must ask a federally funded human walkway or paved bike trail project really in the COMMON WELFARE of all 50 states? That's where the waste comes in....the pet peeve projects where our congress critters funnel down FEDERAL DOLLARS for local governments to waste in order to be re-elected. What is the difference in this and standing outside a polling place passing out pints of liquor and 20 dollar bills? None...its all bribery. But...the word "LOBBY" rolls off the tongue much easier than BRIBERY.
This is what happens when a representative republic is attempted to be turned into a Social Republic....CORRUPTION of the CENTRAL GOVERNMENT becomes uncontrollable. Just ask the former USSR...FRANCE....etc., or any of the European nations that have had 6 major revolutions over the past 200 years...seeking SOCIAL JUSTICE. When the people realize they can simply LEGISLATE themselves MONEY and POWER and call it "COMMON WELFARE" over..... that government will soon collapse beneath its own weight as there is no such animal as FREE SHIT.