Truck Fump / h1b
Verified User
Ideally, I think it should only be restricted to those who actively advocate harming people for no good reason (as opposed to stopping the Nazis in World War II, say). Unfortunately, even when it comes to this, it appears that governments and corporations are taking sides- for instance, it's ok to advocate harm to Russians or Palestinians because they're not following the Globalists' agendas, for instance.
I have no problem with -some- restrictions. I particularly like the ability of thread creators in this forum to thread ban people who they don't want to listen to in their own threads. But when it comes to information generally, I'm off the view that the best way to counter faulty arguments is with good ones, not by banning people from presenting said faulty arguments. Things get even worse when only a select few in power get to decide what arguments are allowed and what aren't.
Could you give an example of what you mean here?
Sure. But seeing as how the writers of the constitution have all passed, they won't be making any more revisions. It's up to the current generation of Americans to correct any flaws it has.
how should people deal with the innate totalitarianism of Keynesian (fake money) fascist totalitarianism?