The cops and military will kill you

No one was murdered asshole and the only treason has been by Milley

This story ain't over yet. Trump is going to have more American blood on his hands and you, by your support of his lies, share a portion of that responsibility.
Absolves him from what?

Jesus fucking Christ, kid. Did you wear a helmet in school? Ride a short bus? The blood on his hands from fucking up the COVID response and all the beatings and deaths caused by the Insurrection.

Now start your little dance that it wasn't an Insurrection. One Two Three GO!

Jesus fucking Christ, kid. Did you wear a helmet in school? Ride a short bus? The blood on his hands from fucking up the COVID response and all the beatings and deaths caused by the Insurrection.

Now start your little dance that it wasn't an Insurrection. One Two Three GO!


His covid response was great even with the hurdles Pelosi and Shumer through at him, if Biden had been in charge no vaccine would have been developed even now. Biden has over 300k lives lost on his resume in 9 months
The cops will blow you racists away if you start your little race war

Go hide and don’t tell your fellow humans about your racism

No one wants racists around

Translation: Desh either thought or did something overtly racist and feels the need to atone.
Boy you are a shallow fuck

That stupid label is a far as you got into that set of ideas

That was the stupidest label ever placed on a set of good ideas

I still want to know who is responsible for that label

And force them out of my party

They are an idiot

Just like you

And dude

Your assholes killed cops

Do you think Dems will vote to abolish the Minneapolis PD in November?
try to take the homes of over 20 million people, the military and police will not stand a chance.........and then we come after you

They will have first accomplished their goal of not only destroying America's landscape and infrastructure, but they will have done it without an army or an air force, and they would have gotten us to help them destroy America.

And after the widespread violence and destruction has subsided, there will be rebels and insurgents hiding in the cities as well in the more natural areas outside the suburbs. In forests and wilderness areas across America.

And our society will become more segmented than since the Civil War, but this time it will be even longer lasting and divisive.

America might become as polarized as Israel is polarized by the Palestinian population.

Israel became a state in 1948.

It's division today seems wider and deeper and more hateful than ever.

All because we allow the Left and their media to keep us uninformed or misinformed.

This is from JFK's Cuban Quarantine speech almost 60 years ago.

President John F. Kennedy's Speech Announcing the Quarantine Against Cuba, October 22, 1962

"Our policy has been one of patience and restraint, as befits a peaceful and powerful nation, which leads a worldwide alliance. We have been determined not to be diverted from our central concerns by mere irritants and fanatics. But now further action is required-and it is under way; and these actions may only be the beginning. We will not prematurely or unnecessarily risk the costs of worldwide nuclear war in which even the fruits of victory would be ashes in our mouth-but neither will we shrink from that risk at any time it must be faced."

We might win, but at what cost?
His covid response was great even with the hurdles Pelosi and Shumer through at him, if Biden had been in charge no vaccine would have been developed even now. Biden has over 300k lives lost on his resume in 9 months

These are Russian assets folks

They say the opposite of truth non stop

Americans don’t think or say crap like this anywhere in the USA

There are a few racist idiots with brain damage running around this nation

If they tried anything it wouldn’t even last as long as the shit on the sixth

Fox pushes these lies

Why does fox do that?

For money

They are an evil family who doesn’t care about anything if true value

They are nothing but greedy evil people

And these evil people will GO DOWN

Starting with Alex Jones who just lost a massive case to the families of the sandyhook murders

He is totally fucked now

Doubt me

Go try

Cobble together all your racist buddies and try to play race war

See what happens
Doubt me

Go try

Cobble together all your racist buddies and try to play race war

See what happens
Playing race war online is all these fucking moronic chickenshits are capable of doing. Not a single one of them went to the Trump "Stop the Steal" rally on 1/6 much less followed Trump's orders to assault the Capitol.

Not a single one of them is an active militia member plotting to blow up a Federal building, day care center or not.

While a few of them did serve in the military, note that none of them abide by their oaths.

They are limp-dicked cowards who are all talk, no walk. They'll never do more than post vile posts on this message board because they are scared, weak examples of men. Spineless wusses who talk tough, but run from danger.

Sad to see what passes for duty, honor, country these days.