the Corona Virus pandemic: my two cents.


Shaken, not stirred!
Just a few thoughts to add to the countless millions of essay’s, tweets, posts, feature broadcasts, etc., etc.:

Funny how the American conservative political establishment and punditry screamed bloody murder about Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders being a “socialist democrat”, yet they seem to be fast evolving into the very same thing as they put forth various economic/medical support packages and proposals from the federal government for the middle & working class and poor who are affected by the isolation methods used to stave off spread of the virus.

You can’t ask Americans to “pull together” when you hit the panic button and tell them to stay away from crowds, only go out if absolutely necessary and then watch their jobs slowly fade away due to lack of business. What this is foistering is a “every man for themselves” environment, and a dependence on the delivery services by corporations. And you middle management types just better suck it up and get to work....the folk who keep the lights and heat on and the water flowing are!

I wonder if the “preppers” (what use to be known as survivalists) are now high-fiving each other in their “secret” hideouts and community enclaves chanting “we knew it! We told them so!” Yep, some of those folk have been waiting damn near 40 years for this type of situation. Guess they got their Social Security checks and Medicare/Medicaid situation together before scurrying off to their stash of freeze dried foods and augmented full automatic weapons. Well, so long guys...we’ll see you back in the city and suburbs in a few weeks to sign up for welfare and unemployment. Don’t let the door hit your asses on the way out.

And then there’s our “leadership”.... the Orange Oaf (President Trump) and his Christo-fascist side kick Vice President Pence lying through their teeth as they deny responsibility for stripping the very federal agencies designed to handle such a crisis with seasoned personnel and replacing them with under qualified stooges .... then proposing to cut funding to federal health agencies (with the blessing of the Republican Party in Congress). Nope, all that had no effect on the documented delayed response and haphazard White House responses. Nothing to see here, move along.

Also, I find it interesting that the pharmaceutical industry in conjunction with the Food & Drug Administration has spent YEARS broadcasting propaganda against ANY claims that vitamins, minerals and supplements from trusted, decades old private companies have therapeutic and preventative properties … only the FDA approved drugs can help you. Yet yesterday I just watched a TV new feature telling me what type of supplements and such you can purchase from your local health food store that can boost your immune system while a vaccine is being developed for production a month or two from now! Can you say hypocrites boys and girls? Sure you can … I knew you could.

Bottom line: this pandemic is exposing the basic flaws as to how our society has been functioning just in the last 30 some odd years. Now our election process is on bullhorn to choose a candidate that is essentially the status quo on either side of the spectrum; Trump - an extremist, fringe version of conservatism, or Biden - a mildly liberal, slightly conciliatory deterrent. We are told to ignore a candidate that actually can put into motion REAL CHANGE in our political & social system that will help EVERYONE, as this is will take away our individual freedom.

Hmm, I would think this slide towards martial law during this pandemic will take care of that. I guess we all will have to learn to be nice to each other, share and help out as a GROUP OF PEOPLE LIVING IN THE SAME COUNTRY! So crazy it just might work,
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The book somewhere done said 1/3 of earth's population will die.the damned will get the desires of their heart for a very short time. ...

Not even close. This thing only kills about 2% of those who get ill. There is about a 31% shortfall there.
Actually your math is way off: the book done said somewhere that 1/3 of earth's total population . If there are 3 billion, that is one billion.

Yeah, figuring if everybody gets sick, whatever it is has to kill 33% of the folks. It will take a bit of work.

Hey readers! This jackass has been following me from 3 different chat boards under various screen names over 20 years! I asked him years ago to link the peer reviewed medical paper that proves this original claim back in the 1980's. To date, he can't...just like the medical profession that CHANGED it's mantra to associate HIV with AIDS instead of a direct cause.

And now instead of instead of discussing the OP, the little dope is still grinding his axe. Sad, but not unexpected.
Originally Posted by iewitness
The book somewhere done said 1/3 of earth's population will die.the damned will get the desires of their heart for a very short time. ...

Not even close. This thing only kills about 2% of those who get ill. There is about a 31% shortfall there.

Hey Damo, here's how my brother looks at it;

To all the people who like to appear fashionable and current because of peer pressure THERE IS NO CRISIS! . . . 167,517 worldwide cases, 6,455 deaths = 3.8% death rate and not everyone who has or had the virus is tested so the % is much lower . . .In the U.S. 3083 cases 60 deaths = 1.9% death rate. Again, not everyone tested . .so the % is within averages seen in previous years with flu . . . This is a stat from 2018 note the difference between what is called flu and influenza which kills a lot more . .AND THESE ARE ESTIMATES!
(CNN)An estimated 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This means it was the deadliest season in more than four decades -- since 1976, the date of the first published paper reporting total seasonal flu deaths, said CDC Spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund.
In previous seasons, flu-related deaths have ranged from a low of about 12,000 during the 2011-2012 season to a high of about 56,000 during the 2012-2013.
Total flu fatalities during the most recent season included the deaths of 180 children, which exceeds the previous record high of 171 during a non-pandemic flu season, according to the CDC.
Hey readers! This jackass has been following me from 3 different chat boards under various screen names over 20 years! I asked him years ago to link the peer reviewed medical paper that proves this original claim back in the 1980's. To date, he can't...just like the medical profession that CHANGED it's mantra to associate HIV with AIDS instead of a direct cause.

And now instead of instead of discussing the OP, the little dope is still grinding his axe. Sad, but not unexpected.

Nope. I have have only ever posted on P/FP/JPP as well as USMB and a site called Politics Central that was briefly created by a former JPP member.

If someone else is using my material on other forums, I would appreciate if they would give me credit.

But, you're still an idiot for denying this basic fact.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Hey readers! This jackass has been following me from 3 different chat boards under various screen names over 20 years! I asked him years ago to link the peer reviewed medical paper that proves this original claim back in the 1980's. To date, he can't...just like the medical profession that CHANGED it's mantra to associate HIV with AIDS instead of a direct cause.

And now instead of instead of discussing the OP, the little dope is still grinding his axe. Sad, but not unexpected.

Nope. I have have only ever posted on P/FP/JPP as well as USMB and a site called Politics Central that was briefly created by a former JPP member.

If someone else is using my material on other forums, I would appreciate if they would give me credit.

But, you're still an idiot for denying this basic fact.

This is a lie, dear this clown has used the same font type crawl since the initial AIDS crisis which started over 20 years ago, of which I was on other sites he does not list and not on some that he does lists.

As you can see the little dummy STILL cannot meet a simple burden of proof as requested above...but like all intellectually impotent trolls, that doesn't stop him from parroting drivel.

He doesn't respond to the OP, he just grinds his axe over a 20 plus year loss to me. So I do to him what I've been doing all these years after exposing his silliness...dump him into the IA. I wonder what his next incarnation will be?
Not even close. This thing only kills about 2% of those who get ill. There is about a 31% shortfall there.

Depends on the age group 80 + has a death rate of 15 to 20 percent. We have a lot of old people. 60 to 70 is 8 percent. Way over the percentage.
Funny how the American conservative political establishment and punditry screamed bloody murder about Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders being a “socialist democrat”, yet they seem to be fast evolving into the very same thing as they put forth various economic/medical support packages and proposals from the federal government for the middle & working class and poor who are affected by the isolation methods used to stave off spread of the virus.

Yes, the socialist states of China, North Korea, and France have done such a great job fighting the virus. At least in NK, while thousands of North Koreans die of it, they have not a single case of it.
This is a lie, dear this clown has used the same font type crawl since the initial AIDS crisis which started over 20 years ago, of which I was on other sites he does not list and not on some that he does lists.

As you can see the little dummy STILL cannot meet a simple burden of proof as requested above...but like all intellectually impotent trolls, that doesn't stop him from parroting drivel.

He doesn't respond to the OP, he just grinds his axe over a 20 plus year loss to me. So I do to him what I've been doing all these years after exposing his silliness...dump him into the IA. I wonder what his next incarnation will be?

The AIDS crisis started in 1979, which was seven years before I was even born.

I also didn't begin posting on political message boards until the fall of 2002, which was 18 years ago.

That said, as long as you continue to post your fake science on this site, I am going to continue to remind you about this.
Just a few thoughts to add to the countless millions of essay’s, tweets, posts, feature broadcasts, etc., etc.:

Funny how the American conservative political establishment and punditry screamed bloody murder about Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders being a “socialist democrat”, yet they seem to be fast evolving into the very same thing as they put forth various economic/medical support packages and proposals from the federal government for the middle & working class and poor who are affected by the isolation methods used to stave off spread of the virus.

You can’t ask Americans to “pull together” when you hit the panic button and tell them to stay away from crowds, only go out if absolutely necessary and then watch their jobs slowly fade away due to lack of business. What this is foistering is a “every man for themselves” environment, and a dependence on the delivery services by corporations. And you middle management types just better suck it up and get to work....the folk who keep the lights and heat on and the water flowing are!

I wonder if the “preppers” (what use to be known as survivalists) are now high-fiving each other in their “secret” hideouts and community enclaves chanting “we knew it! We told them so!” Yep, some of those folk have been waiting damn near 40 years for this type of situation. Guess they got their Social Security checks and Medicare/Medicaid situation together before scurrying off to their stash of freeze dried foods and augmented full automatic weapons. Well, so long guys...we’ll see you back in the city and suburbs in a few weeks to sign up for welfare and unemployment. Don’t let the door hit your asses on the way out.

And then there’s our “leadership”.... the Orange Oaf (President Trump) and his Christo-fascist side kick Vice President Pence lying through their teeth as they deny responsibility for stripping the very federal agencies designed to handle such a crisis with seasoned personnel and replacing them with under qualified stooges .... then proposing to cut funding to federal health agencies (with the blessing of the Republican Party in Congress). Nope, all that had no effect on the documented delayed response and haphazard White House responses. Nothing to see here, move along.

Also, I find it interesting that the pharmaceutical industry in conjunction with the Food & Drug Administration has spent YEARS broadcasting propaganda against ANY claims that vitamins, minerals and supplements from trusted, decades old private companies have therapeutic and preventative properties … only the FDA approved drugs can help you. Yet yesterday I just watched a TV new feature telling me what type of supplements and such you can purchase from your local health food store that can boost your immune system while a vaccine is being developed for production a month or two from now! Can you say hypocrites boys and girls? Sure you can … I knew you could.

Bottom line: this pandemic is exposing the basic flaws as to how our society has been functioning just in the last 30 some odd years. Now our election process is on bullhorn to choose a candidate that is essentially the status quo on either side of the spectrum; Trump - an extremist, fringe version of conservatism, or Biden - a mildly liberal, slightly conciliatory deterrent. We are told to ignore a candidate that actually can put into motion REAL CHANGE in our political & social system that will help EVERYONE, as this is will take away our individual freedom.

Hmm, I would think this slide towards martial law during this pandemic will take care of that. I guess we all will have to learn to be nice to each other, share and help out as a GROUP OF PEOPLE LIVING IN THE SAME COUNTRY! So crazy it just might work,

Please get back to us when you actually grow a brain, and learn what socialism is. Good fucking grief, for people who promote this shit to not have a clue about what it actually is, is truly pathetic.
Hey readers! This jackass has been following me from 3 different chat boards under various screen names over 20 years! I asked him years ago to link the peer reviewed medical paper that proves this original claim back in the 1980's. To date, he can't...just like the medical profession that CHANGED it's mantra to associate HIV with AIDS instead of a direct cause.

And now instead of instead of discussing the OP, the little dope is still grinding his axe. Sad, but not unexpected.

Hey readers, this cowardly cunt has gone in and out of hiding with the ignore feature since the first time I embarrassed him on this forum in 2016. He is regularly asked to support his claims and, quite often, uses the 'because I said so' defense.

Can't wait to see his next excuse for going in to hiding.
the Corona Virus pandemic: my two cents.

I would like to touch on what you said when Obama was in charge and the H1N1 ravaged the world and the United States. A disease that the CDC estimated global H1N1 pandemic deaths of 284,000 and where 59 million Americans contracted the H1N1 virus, 265,000 were hospitalized as a result, and 12,428 died.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
IMHO, it's just the latest phase in the unholy alliance between the FDA and pharmaceutical industry. When I saw that chick from the WHO declare a pandemic (and if she didn't, I'll take it back), I practically lept from my chair!

The worldwide death toll from this particular strain wasn't even enough to rate a percentage point as to how many people DIE annually in the USA from flu viruses that have been with us ever since I can remember.

Interesting that time tested cures and remedies have to wait YEARS before the FDA decides that they can market with declarations of they cure.....while suddenly VACCINES are being rushed through for the N1H1....a flu viruse that compared to others is NOT even exceptionally lethal.

As the old saying goes, follow the money!
Something else to think about when leftist liars proclaim how great socialism is; these virus outbreaks all start in third world shit holes run by corrupt Governments.


Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Funny how the American conservative political establishment and punditry screamed bloody murder about Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders being a “socialist democrat”, yet they seem to be fast evolving into the very same thing as they put forth various economic/medical support packages and proposals from the federal government for the middle & working class and poor who are affected by the isolation methods used to stave off spread of the virus.

Yes, the socialist states of China, North Korea, and France have done such a great job fighting the virus. At least in NK, while thousands of North Koreans die of it, they have not a single case of it.

:rolleyes: China and North Korea are communist countries, you imbecile! Your last sentence doesn't make sense. As for France (a major global tourist spot), here's a synopsis:

And of course, your drivel doesn't debunk what I've said by one iota.
Please get back to us when you actually grow a brain, and learn what socialism is. Good fucking grief, for people who promote this shit to not have a clue about what it actually is, is truly pathetic.


Aww, the widdle country bumpkin is having a meltdown...stamping his widdle feet and sputtering because his intellectual impotence prevents him from formulating a rational, logical and fact based response.
Just a few thoughts to add to the countless millions of essay’s, tweets, posts, feature broadcasts, etc., etc.:

Funny how the American conservative political establishment and punditry screamed bloody murder about Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders being a “socialist democrat”, yet they seem to be fast evolving into the very same thing as they put forth various economic/medical support packages and proposals from the federal government for the middle & working class and poor who are affected by the isolation methods used to stave off spread of the virus.

You can’t ask Americans to “pull together” when you hit the panic button and tell them to stay away from crowds, only go out if absolutely necessary and then watch their jobs slowly fade away due to lack of business. What this is foistering is a “every man for themselves” environment, and a dependence on the delivery services by corporations. And you middle management types just better suck it up and get to work....the folk who keep the lights and heat on and the water flowing are!

I wonder if the “preppers” (what use to be known as survivalists) are now high-fiving each other in their “secret” hideouts and community enclaves chanting “we knew it! We told them so!” Yep, some of those folk have been waiting damn near 40 years for this type of situation. Guess they got their Social Security checks and Medicare/Medicaid situation together before scurrying off to their stash of freeze dried foods and augmented full automatic weapons. Well, so long guys...we’ll see you back in the city and suburbs in a few weeks to sign up for welfare and unemployment. Don’t let the door hit your asses on the way out.

And then there’s our “leadership”.... the Orange Oaf (President Trump) and his Christo-fascist side kick Vice President Pence lying through their teeth as they deny responsibility for stripping the very federal agencies designed to handle such a crisis with seasoned personnel and replacing them with under qualified stooges .... then proposing to cut funding to federal health agencies (with the blessing of the Republican Party in Congress). Nope, all that had no effect on the documented delayed response and haphazard White House responses. Nothing to see here, move along.

Also, I find it interesting that the pharmaceutical industry in conjunction with the Food & Drug Administration has spent YEARS broadcasting propaganda against ANY claims that vitamins, minerals and supplements from trusted, decades old private companies have therapeutic and preventative properties … only the FDA approved drugs can help you. Yet yesterday I just watched a TV new feature telling me what type of supplements and such you can purchase from your local health food store that can boost your immune system while a vaccine is being developed for production a month or two from now! Can you say hypocrites boys and girls? Sure you can … I knew you could.

Bottom line: this pandemic is exposing the basic flaws as to how our society has been functioning just in the last 30 some odd years. Now our election process is on bullhorn to choose a candidate that is essentially the status quo on either side of the spectrum; Trump - an extremist, fringe version of conservatism, or Biden - a mildly liberal, slightly conciliatory deterrent. We are told to ignore a candidate that actually can put into motion REAL CHANGE in our political & social system that will help EVERYONE, as this is will take away our individual freedom.

Hmm, I would think this slide towards martial law during this pandemic will take care of that. I guess we all will have to learn to be nice to each other, share and help out as a GROUP OF PEOPLE LIVING IN THE SAME COUNTRY! So crazy it just might work,

if trump said go to crowded places and change nothing you would still be critical.

your word means shit.
:rolleyes: China and North Korea are communist countries, you imbecile! Your last sentence doesn't make sense. As for France (a major global tourist spot), here's a synopsis:

And of course, your drivel doesn't debunk what I've said by one iota.

China: 80,881 cases with 3,226 deaths
Italy: 27,980 cases and 2,158 deaths
Iran: 16,169 cases and 988 deaths
France: 6,633 cases and 148 deaths

I would say that the US is doing a far better job than Europe or shit holes like China where these things always seem to originate.