Shaken, not stirred!
Just a few thoughts to add to the countless millions of essay’s, tweets, posts, feature broadcasts, etc., etc.:
Funny how the American conservative political establishment and punditry screamed bloody murder about Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders being a “socialist democrat”, yet they seem to be fast evolving into the very same thing as they put forth various economic/medical support packages and proposals from the federal government for the middle & working class and poor who are affected by the isolation methods used to stave off spread of the virus.
You can’t ask Americans to “pull together” when you hit the panic button and tell them to stay away from crowds, only go out if absolutely necessary and then watch their jobs slowly fade away due to lack of business. What this is foistering is a “every man for themselves” environment, and a dependence on the delivery services by corporations. And you middle management types just better suck it up and get to work....the folk who keep the lights and heat on and the water flowing are!
I wonder if the “preppers” (what use to be known as survivalists) are now high-fiving each other in their “secret” hideouts and community enclaves chanting “we knew it! We told them so!” Yep, some of those folk have been waiting damn near 40 years for this type of situation. Guess they got their Social Security checks and Medicare/Medicaid situation together before scurrying off to their stash of freeze dried foods and augmented full automatic weapons. Well, so long guys...we’ll see you back in the city and suburbs in a few weeks to sign up for welfare and unemployment. Don’t let the door hit your asses on the way out.
And then there’s our “leadership”.... the Orange Oaf (President Trump) and his Christo-fascist side kick Vice President Pence lying through their teeth as they deny responsibility for stripping the very federal agencies designed to handle such a crisis with seasoned personnel and replacing them with under qualified stooges .... then proposing to cut funding to federal health agencies (with the blessing of the Republican Party in Congress). Nope, all that had no effect on the documented delayed response and haphazard White House responses. Nothing to see here, move along.
Also, I find it interesting that the pharmaceutical industry in conjunction with the Food & Drug Administration has spent YEARS broadcasting propaganda against ANY claims that vitamins, minerals and supplements from trusted, decades old private companies have therapeutic and preventative properties … only the FDA approved drugs can help you. Yet yesterday I just watched a TV new feature telling me what type of supplements and such you can purchase from your local health food store that can boost your immune system while a vaccine is being developed for production a month or two from now! Can you say hypocrites boys and girls? Sure you can … I knew you could.
Bottom line: this pandemic is exposing the basic flaws as to how our society has been functioning just in the last 30 some odd years. Now our election process is on bullhorn to choose a candidate that is essentially the status quo on either side of the spectrum; Trump - an extremist, fringe version of conservatism, or Biden - a mildly liberal, slightly conciliatory deterrent. We are told to ignore a candidate that actually can put into motion REAL CHANGE in our political & social system that will help EVERYONE, as this is will take away our individual freedom.
Hmm, I would think this slide towards martial law during this pandemic will take care of that. I guess we all will have to learn to be nice to each other, share and help out as a GROUP OF PEOPLE LIVING IN THE SAME COUNTRY! So crazy it just might work,
Funny how the American conservative political establishment and punditry screamed bloody murder about Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders being a “socialist democrat”, yet they seem to be fast evolving into the very same thing as they put forth various economic/medical support packages and proposals from the federal government for the middle & working class and poor who are affected by the isolation methods used to stave off spread of the virus.
You can’t ask Americans to “pull together” when you hit the panic button and tell them to stay away from crowds, only go out if absolutely necessary and then watch their jobs slowly fade away due to lack of business. What this is foistering is a “every man for themselves” environment, and a dependence on the delivery services by corporations. And you middle management types just better suck it up and get to work....the folk who keep the lights and heat on and the water flowing are!
I wonder if the “preppers” (what use to be known as survivalists) are now high-fiving each other in their “secret” hideouts and community enclaves chanting “we knew it! We told them so!” Yep, some of those folk have been waiting damn near 40 years for this type of situation. Guess they got their Social Security checks and Medicare/Medicaid situation together before scurrying off to their stash of freeze dried foods and augmented full automatic weapons. Well, so long guys...we’ll see you back in the city and suburbs in a few weeks to sign up for welfare and unemployment. Don’t let the door hit your asses on the way out.
And then there’s our “leadership”.... the Orange Oaf (President Trump) and his Christo-fascist side kick Vice President Pence lying through their teeth as they deny responsibility for stripping the very federal agencies designed to handle such a crisis with seasoned personnel and replacing them with under qualified stooges .... then proposing to cut funding to federal health agencies (with the blessing of the Republican Party in Congress). Nope, all that had no effect on the documented delayed response and haphazard White House responses. Nothing to see here, move along.
Also, I find it interesting that the pharmaceutical industry in conjunction with the Food & Drug Administration has spent YEARS broadcasting propaganda against ANY claims that vitamins, minerals and supplements from trusted, decades old private companies have therapeutic and preventative properties … only the FDA approved drugs can help you. Yet yesterday I just watched a TV new feature telling me what type of supplements and such you can purchase from your local health food store that can boost your immune system while a vaccine is being developed for production a month or two from now! Can you say hypocrites boys and girls? Sure you can … I knew you could.
Bottom line: this pandemic is exposing the basic flaws as to how our society has been functioning just in the last 30 some odd years. Now our election process is on bullhorn to choose a candidate that is essentially the status quo on either side of the spectrum; Trump - an extremist, fringe version of conservatism, or Biden - a mildly liberal, slightly conciliatory deterrent. We are told to ignore a candidate that actually can put into motion REAL CHANGE in our political & social system that will help EVERYONE, as this is will take away our individual freedom.
Hmm, I would think this slide towards martial law during this pandemic will take care of that. I guess we all will have to learn to be nice to each other, share and help out as a GROUP OF PEOPLE LIVING IN THE SAME COUNTRY! So crazy it just might work,
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