the Corona Virus pandemic: my two cents.

Funny how these "vote blue no matter who" people completely do a 180 on shit like that...

Isn't it? When it was Obama, no hysteria and Jarod and Taichiliberal basically called H1N1 a HOAX. A disease that actually killed 284,000. Now, major hysteria!!! Trump is mishandling this!!! Blah, Blah, Blah.

Originally Posted by Jarod
I have heard that the N1H1 flu is not really any worse than a regular flu.... Infact some reputable sources have told me its not as bad as a regular flu.
Why the hype? What is it about this flu that sets it apart from other flu's?

CDC estimate of global H1N1 pandemic deaths: 284,000
59 million Americans contracted the H1N1 virus, 265,000 were hospitalized as a result, and 12,428 died
Your next steps: Welsh and Scottish schools all closed down. England almost bound to follow. Some schools there closed already under popular pressure.
I was watching Fox Gnus and their doctor says that he is alarmed at what he sees in the lungs of young people. They are not symptomatic in lots of ways, but they are getting permanent lung damage.
I was watching Fox Gnus and their doctor says that he is alarmed at what he sees in the lungs of young people. They are not symptomatic in lots of ways, but they are getting permanent lung damage.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
No one would have faulted the border situation had Dump not initially made an exception to England and Ireland (where coincidently he has some real estate goings). The Orange Oaf just can't help being a narcissist, even when the welfare of the country is at stake.

stop whining.

Stop projecting and denying the facts. Stop kissing Dump's butt, because he just wipes his feet on who can't afford one night in his hotels without breaking the bank for the year.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Is this some sort of disease that passes among willfully ignorant and intellectually impotent right wing wonks? You know, where they totally avoid any points put forth or documented in an OP and just blather some childish accusations because they don't like facts an referral to facts that disprove their beliefs?

Once again, this jokers screen name says it all.

your repeated stupidty self illustrates.

See for yourselves, dear readers

This right wing ass hat cannot logically or factually disprove or refute the he just delves into the moronic knee jerks the right wing wonks on these boards repeatedly use.