People can be assholes.
For perspective, there's about as much time between Henry Choate's murder and now and between the Civil War and the Vietnam War.
Some people can still be assholes, but the courts are better now.
Bland said the nation’s history of Black lynchings is often buried, with many people not even knowing that they occurred.
So what you're saying is that Jason Aldean had no knowledge of the courthouse's history that was in his video.
I understand.
Agreed. We need to make room for the racism of the far left. Too damn much racism.Racism needs to be faced to make it disappear
Pretending it never happened isn’t sane
Agreed. We need to make room for the racism of the far left. Too damn much racism.
That’s his fault huh
Would you have known it?
You mean black people caused this racism?
Why didn’t that small town teach their kids the city history?
I have no idea. I know for a fact that the far left is extremely racist.
Probaably because they are...
Agreed. We need to make room for the racism of the far left. Too damn much racism.
Meaning you hate black people huh
You mean it's too hard to shrink the far right? I agree.
If that's how you interpret it , sure. Whatever.
I also continue to advocate a....
I used to like you. What happened ?