The Covid Jab Jive: a gentle reminder

Seven questions avoided!


Sorry, repeating "COVID doesn't kill" isn't answering the questions.....well, not for anyone who has two brain cells to run together.

Let's see if we can make it 12...

Why were people in NY so upset about the nursing home situation? Is it because lots of elderly got a virus or is it because lots of elderly died?

Why did people, who were hospitalized with covid, die? Oh, do you think it was just a coincidence that they happened to die while hospitalized with covid? Do you believe they would have died on the same day, at the same time, if they didn't have covid?
Argument of the Stone fallacy. RQAA
The fundamental point of the claim is that here was an 84% increase in deaths among 18-39 y/o men who got vaccinated. That is ludicrous

My first sentence, 'There is nothing to ignore or read through', is me reserving the right to not spend my time reading nonsense. Of an article or video begins with "So we all know the Earth is flat", there's a good chance I'm not going to spend my time reading it. Why would I?
Non-sequitur fallacy.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. RQAA
Twelve avoided questions!

Can you get it to 17?

Why were people in NY so upset about the nursing home situation? Is it because lots of elderly got a virus or is it because lots of elderly died?

Why did people, who were hospitalized with covid, die? Oh, do you think it was just a coincidence that they happened to die while hospitalized with covid? Do you believe they would have died on the same day, at the same time, if they didn't have covid?
Jimmy Dore

Yes Fauci, the CIA,the corrupt corporate news media & everyone in between,lied to you about the origins of Covid.The U.S. gov. actually PAID for it to be INVENTED. Thats PART of why Fauci needed a pardon. What’s most amazing is how so many people don’t care that the entire pandemic was created by the people who are supposed to be protecting us. Especially people in independent news shows completely ignored or inexplicably missed the biggest story of their lives cuz reporting the truth about Covid came with a heavy price. I know because I’ve paid that price & it has been painful. I’ve been slandered & smeared ruthlessly by people in the media & by people who’ve known me my entire adult life. People ruled by fear & cowardice who attributed the most unseemly motives to me & trashed my character for reporting the truth. It was a dark & horrible episode I wouldn’t wish on anyone. But I would do it again.


This dark age is profound.
Jimmy Dore

Fauci is a pathological liar. Most of my old friends ignore that fact cuz it’s too hard for them to accept it. If they allowed themselves to accept that Fauci is a pathological liar, they know it would eventually lead to them accepting that they have been lied to about Covid on a scale their brains can’t comprehend.It’s much easier for them to avert their gaze & tell themselves that Covid is over so we shouldn’t look into it. But this video, and many many more like it do exist & will never go away.


They wont face it because if our Overlords would tell the lies they told us about COVID then there is absolutely nothing that they would not lie to us about.