The Democrat Party is the party of [____________]?

It's obvious that none of JPP's leftists are able to describe how, in any way, Democrats are the party of children, women, men, or any so-called "working class" person. They've now had plenty of time to read the opening post of this thread.

Here, I'll even add another one to the list from my opening post.

The Democrat Party aren't the party of a clean environment. Their own cities are disgustingly littered with garbage (e.g. used masks, empty beer cans, plastic bags, various plastic products, used needles, fecal matter, etc). They also push for so-called "green energy" and the widespread usage, even mandating, of EV's and other battery-powered equipment, which results in used/broken solar panels, windmill blades, and batteries ending up in landfills (or otherwise piled up somewhere as useless junk) instead of being recycled (because it's largely not cost effective to recycle those materials).
Yes it does. Unlike you, I never thought America stopped being great. Even under a piece of garbage like trump who was elected by lowlife garbage like you.

I'm one person joined by tens of millions of like minded people.
This time trump is much worse than the first time.
It's looking more and more like he's going to wreck the economy, decimate the government and sell us out to Russia.
MAGA trash like you is too ignorant and blind to see it, too dishonest to admit it or too apathetic and stupid to care.

Well your attempt at mockery is as lame as everything else you post.

You're a lying piece of trash.
Here's a prime example of how the Democrat Party is the party of HATRED. NoNads is such a great example of this! :)
Here's a prime example of how the Democrat Party is the party of HATRED. NoNads is such a great example of this! :)

And we're supposed to believe that you hate-mongering trumpers are the party of harmony and love?

Like the way you love Mexicans?

Like the way you love Canadians?

Like the way you love Muslims?

Like the way you love trans people?

Like the way you love blacks?

Like the way you love moderate Republicans ("RINOS")?

Like the way you love climate change believers?

Like the way you love socialists?

Fuck off.
And we're supposed to believe that you hate-mongering trumpers are the party of harmony and love?
You are describing yourself, Sybil.
Like the way you love Mexicans?
I like Mexicans. I don't like illegal aliens.
Like the way you love Canadians?
I like Canadians. I feel sorry for them having to live in a dictatorship.
Like the way you love Muslims?
I don't like radical Muslims.
Like the way you love trans people?
I abhor sexual perversions and the mutilation of children, like what Democrats support.
Like the way you love blacks?
I don't give a damn what color your skin is.
But YOU DO, racist.
Like the way you love moderate Republicans ("RINOS")?
Why should I love a RINO?? It's just a Democrat living a lie.
Like the way you love climate change believers?
Climate cannot change.
Like the way you love socialists?
I don't. Socialism is theft of wealth. I don't like thieves.
Fuck off.
No. You don't get to order anyone around, little tyrant. You are a nothing.
And we're
Again, you pretend that you are more people than you actually are.
supposed to believe that you hate-mongering trumpers
What "hate-mongering"? I've provided all sorts of examples in the OP of this thread of the Democrat Party's hatred.
are the party of harmony and love?
Yes (in a general sense).
Like the way you love Mexicans?
Yes. Generally speaking, Mexicans are rather fun people to be around. They tend to be light hearted, very devoted to family, and very hard working. They offer a very rich and unique culture and some good food on top of it (just don't drink the water ;)). One of my favorite bands atm is a band consisting of three young sisters from Monterrey.
Like the way you love Canadians?
Yes. Generally speaking, Canadians are a rather nice/polite people. They tend to love their hockey and a number of them are pretty decent loggers who aren't afraid of doing some hard work. They're also quite good at producing maple syrup.
Like the way you love Muslims?
Yes. They are just as much a part of God's creation as anyone else. I've never really had any Muslims in my "sphere of influence", so I'm admittedly not very familiar with their people or with their culture, but I don't go about my day filled with hatred towards them. Their commonly held religion of Islam IS a religion that DOES fan the flames of hatred, though, and I'm not a fan of such radicalness.
Like the way you love trans people?
There is no such thing as "trans people". Nobody is "born trans" and there is no "trans" gender that humans can be. There is only male and female. I DO love people who happen to be confused about their gender, though. I don't do them a disservice by lying to them like the Democrat Party does.
Like the way you love blacks?
Yes. Generally speaking, blacks (especially men) are a rather "cool" people. They are generally pretty chill to be around and generally enjoy some good-hearted teasing. They tend to be pretty straight-forward, unafraid to say exactly what is on their mind. I don't use them as political pawns like the Democrat Party does.
Like the way you love moderate Republicans ("RINOS")?
RINOS are Democrats who are lying about who they are. I do hate such habitual lying.
Like the way you love climate change believers?
I don't go about my day filled with hatred in my heart towards them, but they do choose to believe in a wacky religion that requires the denial of logic, science, and mathematics... and I do hate the radicalness of their religion, which stokes the flames of hatred.
Like the way you love socialists?
Socialism is an evil economic system that is based on theft of wealth and rewarding slothfulness. I'm not a fan of either theft nor slothfulness.
Fuck off.
Love you too, NoNads! :)
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The Democrat Party is the party of [SLAVERY].​

A very valid answer and a good addition to this thread. Thanks!

The Democrat Party DID found and fund the KKK, and there's definitely a reason why they, on their own website, chose to completely ignore the first 100 years of their history as a political party.

Nowadays, while they still DO try to enslave blacks (although to a lesser extent due to that "pesky" Constitution) they more-so focus their attention towards enslaving illegal aliens, which is why they are so mad that Trump is deporting them. I mean, "who will pick their crops", right? ;)
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A very valid answer and a good addition to this thread. Thanks!

The Democrat Party DID found and fund the KKK, and there's definitely a reason why they, on their own website, chose to completely ignore the first 100 years of their history as a political party.
They ignore their entire history, not just the 1st 100 years. They even ignore what they last posted!
Nowadays, while they still DO try to enslave blacks (although to a lesser extent due to that "pesky" Constitution) they more-so focus their attention towards enslaving illegal aliens, which is why they are so mad that Trump is deporting them.
Again, you pretend that you are more people than you actually are.

What "hate-mongering"? I've provided all sorts of examples in the OP of this thread of the Democrat Party's hatred.

Yes (in a general sense).

Yes. Generally speaking, Mexicans are rather fun people to be around. They tend to be light hearted, very devoted to family, and very hard working. They offer a very rich and unique culture and some good food on top of it (just don't drink the water ;)). One of my favorite bands atm is a band consisting of three young sisters from Monterrey.

Yes. Generally speaking, Canadians are a rather nice/polite people. They tend to love their hockey and a number of them are pretty decent loggers who aren't afraid of doing some hard work. They're also quite good at producing maple syrup.

Yes. They are just as much a part of God's creation as anyone else. I've never really had any Muslims in my "sphere of influence", so I'm admittedly not very familiar with their people or with their culture, but I don't go about my day filled with hatred towards them. Their commonly held religion of Islam IS a religion that DOES fan the flames of hatred, though, and I'm not a fan of such radicalness.

There is no such thing as "trans people". Nobody is "born trans" and there is no "trans" gender that humans can be. There is only male and female. I DO love people who happen to be confused about their gender, though. I don't do them a disservice by lying to them like the Democrat Party does.

Yes. Generally speaking, blacks (especially men) are a rather "cool" people. They are generally pretty chill to be around and generally enjoy some good-hearted teasing. They tend to be pretty straight-forward, unafraid to say exactly what is on their mind. I don't use them as political pawns like the Democrat Party does.

RINOS are Democrats who are lying about who they are. I do hate such habitual lying.

I don't go about my day filled with hatred in my heart towards them, but they do choose to believe in a wacky religion that requires the denial of logic, science, and mathematics... and I do hate the radicalness of their religion, which stokes the flames of hatred.

Socialism is an evil economic system that is based on theft of wealth and rewarding slothfulness. I'm not a fan of either theft nor slothfulness.

Love you too, NoNads! :)


You lie like turds in the grass, sack-licker.