"The Democrat Party"


1960s Chick Magnet
What is this "Democrat Party" the trumpanzees are talking about?

Where does it stand ideologically relative to the Democratic and Republican Parties?

Why didn't they have any candidates on the recent ballots?
What is this "Democrat Party" the trumpanzees are talking about?

Where does it stand ideologically relative to the Democratic and Republican Parties?

Why didn't they have any candidates on the recent ballots?

The term "Democrat" Party is grammatically correct as opposed to using "Democratic." In either case, the word would be a noun, not an adjective in the later case. That would make members of the Democratic Party, Democratics, not Democrats. Noun agreement using proper rules of English would make it the Democrat Party and members Democrats. Democratic, technically adjective, not a noun. But if used as a noun you have to have agreement in its use. Thus, the earlier note that a party named Democratic would have members called Democratics.
The term "Democrat" Party is grammatically correct as opposed to using "Democratic." In either case, the word would be a noun, not an adjective in the later case. That would make members of the Democratic Party, Democratics, not Democrats. Noun agreement using proper rules of English would make it the Democrat Party and members Democrats. Democratic, technically adjective, not a noun. But if used as a noun you have to have agreement in its use. Thus, the earlier note that a party named Democratic would have members called Democratics.

The term "Democrat Party" is indeed grammatically correct, but so what? It's NOT the name of any American political party.

A Republican is a member of the Republican Party.
A Democrat is NOT a member of the Democrat Party because no such party exists.

The name is "Democratic Party." Anybody who uses the term "Democrat Party" is easy seriously stupid or deliberately being a fucking asshole.
In either case, he/she should be euthanized for the benefit of civilized America.

I appreciate good grammar, but in this case, grammar doesn't have a fucking thing to do with it.
It's instead about whether or not one is a sentient human being.
The term "Democrat Party" is indeed grammatically correct, but so what? It's NOT the name of any American political party.

A Republican is a member of the Republican Party.
A Democrat is NOT a member of the Democrat Party because no such party exists.

The name is "Democratic Party." Anybody who uses the term "Democrat Party" is easy seriously stupid or deliberately being a fucking asshole.
In either case, he/she should be euthanized for the benefit of civilized America.

I appreciate good grammar, but in this case, grammar doesn't have a fucking thing to do with it.
It's instead about whether or not one is a sentient human being.

Okay, so I should call you a "Democratic" then since that is your party's name.
Hello NiftyNiblick,

What is this "Democrat Party" the trumpanzees are talking about?

Where does it stand ideologically relative to the Democratic and Republican Parties?

Why didn't they have any candidates on the recent ballots?

It's a derogative term used by hateful Republicans who do not have it in them to show respect for their fellow Americans.
The term "Democrat Party" is indeed grammatically correct, but so what? It's NOT the name of any American political party.

A Republican is a member of the Republican Party.
A Democrat is NOT a member of the Democrat Party because no such party exists.

The name is "Democratic Party." Anybody who uses the term "Democrat Party" is easy seriously stupid or deliberately being a fucking asshole.
In either case, he/she should be euthanized for the benefit of civilized America.

I appreciate good grammar, but in this case, grammar doesn't have a fucking thing to do with it.
It's instead about whether or not one is a sentient human being.

Actually, it's anybody that thinks the Democratic Party has members called Democrats. That makes them either illiterate or retarded. Noun agreement is present in every other political party's name on the planet. The Democratic party alone doesn't have this.

Libertarian party = Libertarians
Republican party = Republicans
Labor party = Labor or Laborers
Communist party = Communists

So, this singular exception seems to be one of mendacious and rather tenacious, willful stupidity amounting to either illiteracy or retardation on the part of those pushing this.
You and me...and a few million other people.

Imagine that...a few million "uneducated hillbillies" kept this nation the most powerful on the planet.
Let's see what the "educated" ones will do in the next few years...
What is this "Democrat Party" the trumpanzees are talking about?

Where does it stand ideologically relative to the Democratic and Republican Parties?

Why didn't they have any candidates on the recent ballots?

It really ticks you off to be called a Democrat, doesn't it?
Hello T. A. Gardner,

The term "Democrat" Party is grammatically correct as opposed to using "Democratic." In either case, the word would be a noun, not an adjective in the later case. That would make members of the Democratic Party, Democratics, not Democrats. Noun agreement using proper rules of English would make it the Democrat Party and members Democrats. Democratic, technically adjective, not a noun. But if used as a noun you have to have agreement in its use. Thus, the earlier note that a party named Democratic would have members called Democratics.

It is up to Democrats to decide what our party name is, not Republicans.

You only use the term because you know it bothers Democrats.

Your goal should be to engage in mutually respectful discussion of the issues.

Taking snips and pot shots at the other side is cheap small potatoes.
What is this "Democrat Party" the trumpanzees are talking about?

Where does it stand ideologically relative to the Democratic and Republican Parties?

Why didn't they have any candidates on the recent ballots?

It's meant as an insult to the democratic party and has roots all the way back to George Washington.

Ironically the democrat party of today is the exact opposite of the target of washingtons ridicule, Thomas jefferson. Jefferson, adopted the term and called their pary the "democrat-republicans".
Hello NiftyNiblick,

It's a derogative term used by hateful Republicans who do not have it in them to show respect for their fellow Americans.

cause the democrats are all about respect for their fellow americans (as half the threads here are democrats calling for the execution of republicans_.////
Hello Bull&Terrier,

cause the democrats are all about respect for their fellow americans (as half the threads here are democrats calling for the execution of republicans_.////


If you want to find the worst of Democrats and decide for yourself that is what represents all of them you will have plenty of company. But that still won't make it right to do that.

And it is certainly not right to look for the worst of Democrats, and use that example as justification for acting like that. That is the same as saying two wrongs make a right.

If you see somebody else doing something wrong, does that make it OK for you to commit the same crime?

Many try to say it does, but in the eyes of the law it does not.

Right is right. Wrong is wrong.

The test of morals is when someone is surrounded by wrongdoing and they have to decide what their own actions will be.

The individual who stands up for what is right among many wrongdoers is an individual of strong moral conviction.