"The Democrat Party"

Hello Bull&Terrier,


If you want to find the worst of Democrats and decide for yourself that is what represents all of them you will have plenty of company. But that still won't make it right to do that.

And it is certainly not right to look for the worst of Democrats, and use that example as justification for acting like that. That is the same as saying two wrongs make a right.

If you see somebody else doing something wrong, does that make it OK for you to commit the same crime?

Many try to say it does, but in the eyes of the law it does not.

Right is right. Wrong is wrong.

The test of morals is when someone is surrounded by wrongdoing and they have to decide what their own actions will be.

The individual who stands up for what is right among many wrongdoers is an individual of strong moral conviction.

indeed your position here is duplicitious, you made a comment pointing your finger at the other side, suggesting your side does not engage in the same.

right now people who protest police shooting unarmed black men are CHEERING on this very forum a 14 year USAF vet unarmed being shot and killed by police.

right is right and wrong it wrong. its best when we live that principle over tribalism
Hello Bull&Terrier,

indeed your position here is duplicitious, you made a comment pointing your finger at the other side, suggesting your side does not engage in the same.

right now people who protest police shooting unarmed black men are CHEERING on this very forum a 14 year USAF vet unarmed being shot and killed by police.

right is right and wrong it wrong. its best when we live that principle over tribalism

Sounds like a case of reading things into my posts that are simply not there.

I have cheered no shootings.

I have no problem with answering for what I say. If I am wrong, point it out. I will own up to it. I have been wrong many times and I am certain I will be wrong again. I do not believe that is the case in this instance.

I bear no responsibility for what others say. It is absurd to try to hold someone accountable for something someone else said.

Now, I would like to make an observation about the 'two wrongs make a right' fallacy.

If someone criticizes the actions of others, and then uses those actions as justification for doing the same thing, that negates their criticism.

So, either the actions of the other were actually OK in the first place, or if those actions actually warranted the criticism, then using those actions as justification for doing the same thing is indeed duplicitous.

Both conditions cannot simultaneously exist.
Hello Bull&Terrier,

Sounds like a case of reading things into my posts that are simply not there.

I have cheered no shootings.

I have no problem with answering for what I say. If I am wrong, point it out. I will own up to it. I have been wrong many times and I am certain I will be wrong again. I do not believe that is the case in this instance.

I bear no responsibility for what others say. It is absurd to try to hold someone accountable for something someone else said.

Now, I would like to make an observation about the 'two wrongs make a right' fallacy.

If someone criticizes the actions of others, and then uses those actions as justification for doing the same thing, that negates their criticism.

So, either the actions of the other were actually OK in the first place, or if those actions actually warranted the criticism, then using those actions as justification for doing the same thing is indeed duplicitous.

Both conditions cannot simultaneously exist.

So what was my duplicity then?
Hello Bull&Terrier,

So what was my duplicity then?

It is looking at the worst of Democrats and assuming it is representative of all of them.

A criticism of Democrats in general, based on observations of only the most immature Democrats, is not realistic. It is duplicitous.

Duplicitous.: "Given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech."
What is this "Democrat Party" the trumpanzees are talking about?

Where does it stand ideologically relative to the Democratic and Republican Parties?

Why didn't they have any candidates on the recent ballots?

They are one of two groups.

1) Ignorant fucks who don't possess any grammar skill or know the difference between a proper noun and adjective. They are the people who say "I seen this."
2) They know better, like Limbaugh, but are merely partisan hacks that can't bring themselves to say "Democratic".

I submit that #1 applies to most.
What is this "Democrat Party" the trumpanzees are talking about?

Where does it stand ideologically relative to the Democratic and Republican Parties?

Why didn't they have any candidates on the recent ballots?

Slack-jawed, barely educated Deplorables are not capable of grasping the distinction between nouns and adjectives.
The term "Democrat" Party is grammatically correct as opposed to using "Democratic." In either case, the word would be a noun, not an adjective in the later case. That would make members of the Democratic Party, Democratics, not Democrats. Noun agreement using proper rules of English would make it the Democrat Party and members Democrats. Democratic, technically adjective, not a noun. But if used as a noun you have to have agreement in its use. Thus, the earlier note that a party named Democratic would have members called Democratics.

The name of the party, you ignorant fuck, is "Democratic Party". It's a proper noun.

Beyond that, grammatically, Democrat or democrat are nouns, not adjectives.

Were you homeschooled? Bitch slap your grammar teacher.
Hello Bull&Terrier,

It is looking at the worst of Democrats and assuming it is representative of all of them.

A criticism of Democrats in general, based on observations of only the most immature Democrats, is not realistic. It is duplicitous.

Duplicitous.: "Given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech."

but isn't that whats happening to the trump protestors? the vast majority of them were following the law, did not break any laws, yet they get labled no different than anyone who went inside.
Okay, so I should call you a "Democratic" then since that is your party's name.

Now it is you to reveal that you don't know how grammar works.
Republicans belong to the Republican Party.
Democrats belong to the Democratic party.
The two were NEVER consistent in that regard, and that is common knowledge among literate people.

The Democratic Party named itself what it wanted to name itself.
Afterward, the newer Republican Party named itself what it chose to name itself.
Neither had any influence in naming the other.

What's fact is that Democrats do NOT belong to anything called the "Democrat Party."
Only the most ignorant possible people don't know that, but many do deliberately use the incorrect usage for insult which is their prerogative.
I have no hesitancy to express my seething hatred for them either.
Now it is you to reveal that you don't know how grammar works.
Republicans belong to the Republican Party.
Democrats belong to the Democratic party.
The two were NEVER consistent in that regard, and that is common knowledge among literate people.

The Democratic Party named itself what it wanted to name itself.
Afterward, the newer Republican Party named itself what it chose to name itself.
Neither had any influence in naming the other.

What's fact is that Democrats do NOT belong to anything called the "Democrat Party."
Only the most ignorant possible people don't know that, but many do deliberately use the incorrect usage for insult which is their prerogative.
I have no hesitancy to express my seething hatred for them either.

If this bothers you so much I'll just call the Democratic Party and Democrats "functional illiterates" from now on since they don't comprehend how the English language works.
If this bothers you so much I'll just call the Democratic Party and Democrats "functional illiterates" from now on since they don't comprehend how the English language works.

Why don't you get used to calling yourself "resident of Leavenworth" as befits a trumpanzee terrorist?
Hello Bull&Terrier,

but isn't that whats happening to the trump protestors? the vast majority of them were following the law, did not break any laws, yet they get labled no different than anyone who went inside.

That is frequently happening.

Doesn't make it right. And who is doing that labeling? The worst of the left? Certainly not the best. If we allow each side to be defined by the worst of each side then the country is hopeless. And yet we have survived this far somehow, so there must be hope.

Plenty of Trump supporters are good peaceful people. Most of them. It is sad that they have fallen for his schtick, but Trump is the world's greatest conman, so it is an understandable mistake.

I stand ready to forgive any previous Trump supporter who decides it was a mistake to support him. I respect those who still support him as long as that respect is mutual. I still disagree with supporting him but I have no problem talking about it. I'd like to understand why good people can support him, and how they justify that. I know a lot of Trump supporters, and I know they are good people. They each seem to have different reasons for supporting him and they all simply overlook his serious faults.
I stand ready to forgive any previous Trump supporter who decides it was a mistake to support him.

And so we finally arrive at the truth, PoliTalker.

You too are irredeemable.

You also have a place in Hilary's "basket of deplorables."

Forgive whomever you might. Forgiveness will not be forthcoming for you...not from the morally and intellectually adequate.
So long Nifty,

And so we finally arrive at the truth, PoliTalker.

You too are irredeemable.

You also have a place in Hilary's "basket of deplorables."

Forgive whomever you might. Forgiveness will not be forthcoming for you...not from the morally and intellectually adequate.

Writing me off? Well, that's your choice. So be it. I hope that did it for you. It was your last chance to say anything to me.

It's been interesting sometimes, but I'm out. Gave it a good try, but it's just not worth it any more.

I hold no malice. I wish you well.
So long Nifty,

Writing me off? Well, that's your choice. So be it. I hope that did it for you. It was your last chance to say anything to me.

It's been interesting sometimes, but I'm out. Gave it a good try, but it's just not worth it any more.

I hold no malice. I wish you well.

I will continue to comment on your posts when appropriate.
My posts are monologue, not dialogue; your response is not necessary. I'm not offended.
I have no malice toward you either. I've merely less tolerance for trumpanzee douchebaggery, and have a difficult time understanding yours.
They are one of two groups.

1) Ignorant fucks who don't possess any grammar skill or know the difference between a proper noun and adjective. They are the people who say "I seen this."
2) They know better, like Limbaugh, but are merely partisan hacks that can't bring themselves to say "Democratic".

I submit that #1 applies to most.

There isn’t a Republicunt Party either but it doesn’t stop some people from saying it.

To me it goes back to the basic Dale Carnegie premise that the most important word in the English language to any person is their name. Thus how do you show disrespect to someone? Misspell or mispronounce their name. Or in case of politics misspell the name of the political party. Same reason people say libtard or reichtard. Sign of disrespect.
There isn’t a Republicunt Party either but it doesn’t stop some people from saying it.

To me it goes back to the basic Dale Carnegie premise that the most important word in the English language to any person is their name. Thus how do you show disrespect to someone? Misspell or mispronounce their name. Or in case of politics misspell the name of the political party. Same reason people say libtard or reichtard. Sign of disrespect.

Republicunt is an obvious defamatory bastardization of the party affiliation.

I submit that morons who routinely use “Democrat Party” are illiterate lemmings who don’t know the difference. I’ve had numerous “conversations” with those idiots.