The Democratic party is dead.


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It died when Kennedy was assassinated. If he was alive today, he would have nothing to do with the Democratic party. They are against almost everything he stood for. That is how much the party has changed.
It died when Kennedy was assassinated. If he was alive today, he would have nothing to do with the Democratic party. They are against almost everything he stood for. That is how much the party has changed.

And there is absolutely no chance that JFK would have grown with the party...right?

Good are an idiot, Grugore!
It died when Kennedy was assassinated. If he was alive today, he would have nothing to do with the Democratic party. They are against almost everything he stood for. That is how much the party has changed.

Yup, and you should see what's happened with that "other" party.
Irrelevant. He would disown modern liberalism, and you know it.


Anyway, I am not a liberal myself...but even I see the liberal agenda as being aimed at helping make the world a better, fairer place.

The American conservative agenda is best summed up with: I've got mine, fuck you.

My guess is John Kennedy would not only embrace the "progressive" elements of the liberal agenda...he would have supported them enthusiastically.

And one other thing: I suspect he would have thought about the American conservative agenda much like I think of somewhere below whale shit.

Anything else I can help you with, Grugore...lemme know.


Anyway, I am not a liberal myself...but even I see the liberal agenda as being aimed at helping make the world a better, fairer place.

The American conservative agenda is best summed up with: I've got mine, fuck you.

My guess is John Kennedy would not only embrace the "progressive" elements of the liberal agenda...he would have supported them enthusiastically.

And one other thing: I suspect he would have thought about the American conservative agenda much like I think of somewhere below whale shit.

Anything else I can help you with, Grugore...lemme know.

Hmmm. Looks like your brain is also dead, because you can't back up anything you've said. Sucks to be you.
Most all the older presidents would be ashamed at our political system these days. It's gone downhill since the Reagan years of religious mingling. Religion ruins politics, and politics ruins religion. It takes two, and as the right has tried to drag politics to the fringes, Newton's 3rd law comes into play. Things have slowly gotten insane since the Reagan years. Many independents, and progressives are actually just originalist's left over in a sea of crazy.
It died when Kennedy was assassinated. If he was alive today, he would have nothing to do with the Democratic party. They are against almost everything he stood for. That is how much the party has changed.

There is a lot of truth in this. The party today is in decline and now in a war with itself. Meanwhile, the liars in the media continue to pretend Republicans have the problems.


What a compelling argument. Pretty much sums up all your lunacy and stupidity.

Anyway, I am not a liberal myself...
Most all the older presidents would be ashamed at our political system these days. It's gone downhill since the Reagan years of religious mingling. Religion ruins politics, and politics ruins religion. It takes two, and as the right has tried to drag politics to the fringes, Newton's 3rd law comes into play. Things have slowly gotten insane since the Reagan years. Many independents, and progressives are actually just originalist's left over in a sea of crazy.

You represent the worst of our politics these days. You support the corrupt rot that is the Democratic Party of the Jackass and then engage in brainless race hustling and asinine bloviating that is disconnected from reality and the truth.

The Democratic Party of the Jackass has now been shown to be the greatest threat to this nation in their despicable efforts to make a mockery of this President, the electoral process and our Constitution.

It is my sincere belief that this despicable campaign of lies will be reflected in the fall when Democrats once again do not win much of anything. But even with that, Democrats are such lying losers in denial that it is doubtful they will learn anything more form that than they did when Obama and BillyBob lost the congress to Republicans and watched them take over more than 2/3rds of State Houses.
Well for this particular cycle, they've won the honor of carrying water for the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class. Hillary's toast, rightly so, one utterly corrupt party down, one to go.

Another meaningless post lacking facts or basic coherence. Obama's entire Presidency has been marked by being great for the Wall Street crowd; blacks and the little guy, not so much.
"Growing into the party" means becoming a Marxist commie sympathizer. So yes, there's no chance Kennedy would've done that.

Oh I don't know, kinda like Goldwater, a real conservative back when there were such things, who knew the batshitcrazy outcome of the preachers taking over the Republican Party and said so. I don't see him "growing" into that "other" party either.
JFK said: "A rising tide only makes the rich and their corporations more rich at the expense of the workers." Right?