The Democratic party is dead.

It died when Kennedy was assassinated. If he was alive today, he would have nothing to do with the Democratic party. They are against almost everything he stood for. That is how much the party has changed.

I don't know about that. There are plenty pf philanderers carrying on his tradition in todays DEMOCRAT Party.
"Growing into the party" means becoming a Marxist commie sympathizer. So yes, there's no chance Kennedy would've done that.

The Marxist nonsense, makes you have no legitimacy in political discussion. Don't toss stupid shit like that around.
"Growing into the party" means becoming a Marxist commie sympathizer. So yes, there's no chance Kennedy would've done that.

Actually, if the alternative is American conservatism's, "I've got mine, screw you"...I think that is exactly what JFK and RFK would have done.

Who in their right mind would want to be part of the sewer that is American conservatism...except fo the mentally challenged people of the right who post here?
Irrelevant. He would disown modern liberalism, and you know it.

Disown it? Fuck Kennedy practically created social liberalism in this country. Back in 1960 though Catholics were pretty much thought along the lines of how illegal immigrants and gays are thought of today. The liberal progressive wing of today’s Democratic Party was literally created by the Kennedy’s. What are you guys talking about? He’ll both Clinton and Obama were considerably to the right of JFK.