The democratic voters have just chosen Biden!

Are you dumb enough to still think the election was stolen? I guess learning is tough for you. You cannot process that Trump is hated for the kind of thoughtless person he is and his threat to the American experiment. Trump has no ethics, morals, or principles. He is still the unevolved teenage bully he once was. Does Trump sell blinders on his horrible web suites?
You are dumb enough to not recognize sarcasm.

Awesome - Biden loses to Trump every time - it's great you Communists are running him. Of course this is just your drunken/stoned rambling - it has no connection to reality. But I seriously hope your party sticks with Bought and Paid for Joe.
Biden lost to Trump the only time he ran against him? And you are talking about “no connection to reality?”
Biden lost to Trump the only time he ran against him? And you are talking about “no connection to reality?”


The party has you drones programmed with this idiocy.

In 2020 Biden had no record to defend - now he must explain why America would want the worst president in history back in office.
Biden is going to use it
No, he is not. I KNOW the reason why he wont,...actually why he CANT. It is obvious that You dont know,....but you soon will. ;) Your pathetic party of treasonous crooks are going down, ...HARD. "RICO" Learn all about what it actually means Evince. It will be your sad excuse for a political party's undoing. I tried telling you goofs over 4 years ago about RICO and how it WILL be used to undo you. tic tic tic tic.....................The whole corrupt piece of shit is going to come crashing down! I for one cant wait,......

No, he is not. I KNOW the reason why he wont,...actually why he CANT. It is obvious that You dont know,....but you soon will. ;) Your pathetic party of treasonous crooks are going down, ...HARD. "RICO" Learn all about what it actually means Evince. It will be your sad excuse for a political party's undoing. I tried telling you goofs over 4 years ago about RICO and how it WILL be used to undo you. tic tic tic tic.....................The whole corrupt piece of shit is going to come crashing down! I for one cant wait,......


These far left Democratic Socialist loons were warned not to use lawfare.

They did not listen

These far left Democratic Socialist loons were warned not to use lawfare.

They did not listen

The immunity ruling will have very little impact on anything. It shuts down the weaponized DOJ on the Pogrom against Trump, but has no impact on daily life.

It's fun to watch heads explode and listen to the insane conspiracy theories the hate sites are programming the drones to bleat, but this is nothing more than acknowledgment of Mississippi v. Johnson that was decided in 1867. The Biden Junta and his STASI were openly violating the law - the court reminded them that they are not permitted to do so,

Where the Communist Party REALLY got smacked down is on Chevron. The Communists have used the federal bureaucracies to rule the nation with no regard for laws, the constitution, or elected officials. Ending Chevron Deference is the most significant blow to the democrats power since we defeated them in the last civil war.
Dear fucking idiots

You handed the power to BIDEN not Trump

We thank you for your stupidity and

Fuck you very much
Let me make this as clear as possible


the SCOTUS handed the SITTING PRESIDENT massive new powers

is it fucking sinking in yet you perfect losers?
You can’t win

You gave us the power

You did not give this power to one of your cabal members

Just how fucking stupid are you people?
Dear fucking idiots

You handed the power to BIDEN not Trump

We thank you for your stupidity and

Fuck you very much
Sure Evince,...surrrrrre we did. :laugh: Joe the useless sap wont do shit, neither will you,....ALL TALK. Going to be fun teasing and taunting you while you watch joe and Kamala do NOTHING.