You are suggesting the Dems are not voteworthy because that have not passed legislation. The fact is the process require any legislation to go through a 3 step process that includes the Republican Senate and President. They do not have the ability to get anything done, even though they have passed over 100 pieces of legislation so far in the house. Your premise actually says the Repubs do not deserve consideration.
Gonzomin, I advocate the federal minimum wage rate be increased 12.5% annually until it achieves 125% of its February-1968 purchasing power and thereafter annually adjusted to retain that purchasing power.
I suppose if I knew the specific "cap and trade" proposal to regulate carbon pollution, I'd probably be a proponent of that; I'm very concerned about global warming".
I want to restore most of the Republican changes to the Dodd-Frank Act for regulating the banking industry. Republican legislation regarding the financial industries that lacked bipartisan support has generally been contrary to the public's interests.
I'm pleased that the United States has begun (as all other of the world's industrial nations already do), recognize access to medical treatment as a human right and concern of their government.
[I believe regardless if a person is or is not medically insured, all legal USA residents should be entitled to government relief from catastrophic medical costs. The government, not the insurers would bear those catastrophic costs except an insuence organization would be held financially responsible if those costs were directly or indirectly due to persons when insured, not receiving reasonably appropriate medical treatment and screening services].
It's illogical for a nation to require great financial sacrifices of students and then complain about the high costs of professional services.
Democratic candidates pay"lip service to some of the same concepts you and I advocate, but after election day, they expect their promises to be forgotten.
I don't hold Democrats responsible for the Republican Senate majority; I don't hold Democrats responsible for what President Trump's administration does; I hold Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats responsible for not passing populist House bills and not taking whatever actions that's in their power to hinder the administration anti-populist actions.
Respectfully, Supposn