The Democrat's War on Men

LOL that article had nothing to do with democrats but I have to acknowledge I have no idea what they are talking about. I've never in my life felt this so called 'war', it must be in their heads or in their personal and psychological makeup. It is a imaginary war that probably has more to do with their own accomplishments, hopes, wishes and dreams. Life, for we men is just fine, but I guess for some, insecurity leads to aimless finger pointing. 'It must be something but I just can't put my finger on it.' So along comes this site with a reason and excuse.

"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny." Albert Ellis

You may find reasons in the pieces below:

'Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right' by Arlie Russell Hochschild

'White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide' by Carol Anderson

"For decades conservatives have been demonizing government and not enough has been done to defend it. Ever since Ronald Reagan declared in 1981 that "Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem," Republicans have been waging a political war against this institution. They have been joined in this anti-government crusade by libertarian thinkers, Tea Party activists, right-wing media pundits, and wealthy corporate lobbies. This powerful political coalition blithely ignores anything good about government and conducts a relentless smear campaign against this institution. They constantly play upon the fears and insecurities of average Americans and encourage them to blame all their problems on big bad government."

That's because you're a left wing pussy that fits within the mold of leftists. They have you where they want you, little girl.
What a crock.. There's nothing masculine about grabbing women or attempted rape. There's NOTHING masculine about whiny Trump or Kavanaugh. Perhaps your author should give some thought to what "masculine" means.

There's nothing masculine about marrying a cunt like you. Perhaps that's why your husband is your husband. He's the type of pussy you left wing bitches want to control. It puts him in the same category as the fags.
Actually, it's blacks and most of them aren't conservative.


Someone that plays the banjo. Great. If you claim it's me, you shouldn't have any trouble finding me and looking me in the eye. That is, unless you, like the others, don't have the guts to look me in the eye. The list is growing daily.
Masculinity = Kanvanaugh crying like a baby and weeping about being attacked with facts. Ford was careful, honest, intelligent and showed all the signs that honest testimony would have. Brett was merely the opposite.
That's because you're a left wing pussy that fits within the mold of leftists. They have you where they want you, little girl.

CFM, you need more and better material, this isn't even up to teenage level repartee. If you are very young please accept my apology and ask mom for help. If any words here are too hard for you, she can help too.

"Stupid is as stupid does." Forrest Gump
Hello Red Crow,

All Democrats identify with Fascism today, on one level or another ....

You have nothing credible to support that. No link. It's pure opinion, and a hateful one at that. Holding your view contributes to the polarization which is paralyzing our nation and preventing meaningful progress.

Many Democrats, just like many Republicans, are hard working tax-paying Americans who love our nation and love freedom. There are Democrats in every walk of life making positive contributions to society. Without Democrats, this nation would come to a grinding halt. We all need to stop dehumanizing people with whom we disagree. We need to talk, and have basic respect for one another. Together, we can build a much better USA.
Hello Red Crow,

If you were capable of understanding such a comment you wouldn't have to be asking.

It has nothing to do with me or my abilities. I am not the subject. If you are unable to discuss a political subject without making it personal, that indicates you are possibly unable to disagree with someone without feeling that they are inferior for believing differently. Which is absurd, because each of us is unique, and each possesses different reasoning for believing the things we do. It is not logical to assume that if two individuals disagree that means one of them is incapable of understanding a comment made by the other.

How about we not waste each others time.

Meaning you only want safe conversations in which you only talk to people who agree with you? Or does it really mean if someone calls out your outrageous contentions as the completely unsupported baloney that they are, that you suddenly feel uncomfortable in not being able to control the conversation and begin looking for the emergency exit? Is that your queue to turn ugly and start getting personal, so you won't have to try to support your 'out-there' wild claims?

I gotta say. I really don't understand how people can seriously think this nation would function just fine without HALF THE POPULATION.

How can one political half of the nation realistically and utterly dismiss the other half of the nation? And actually get to the point that they feel millions of humans have no worth at all?

Do they imagine the nation could function for a day without so many jobs being performed?

So much hatred can not possibly build a prosperous nation.

I would suggest we seriously consider another vision!
It isn't a war on just men; liberals are making war against our election processes, our laws and our institutions. Their Fascistic tendencies are no longer masked by attempts to argue they just care more than anyone on the planet.

The left doesn't care about minorities, particularly the black community, women or the people of this nation. These are merely pawns in the thing Liberals really want and crave; total unbridled political power.

it's all coming to and end for your kind isn't it :laugh:
Hello Red Crow,

You have nothing credible to support that. No link. It's pure opinion, and a hateful one at that. Holding your view contributes to the polarization which is paralyzing our nation and preventing meaningful progress.

Many Democrats, just like many Republicans, are hard working tax-paying Americans who love our nation and love freedom. There are Democrats in every walk of life making positive contributions to society. Without Democrats, this nation would come to a grinding halt. We all need to stop dehumanizing people with whom we disagree. We need to talk, and have basic respect for one another. Together, we can build a much better USA.

Black Lies Matter ....


OWS ...

Fvck off Leftist .....
CFM, you need more and better material, this isn't even up to teenage level repartee. If you are very young please accept my apology and ask mom for help. If any words here are too hard for you, she can help too.

"Stupid is as stupid does." Forrest Gump

Just more proof that you fit the Democrat mold of pussy. They have you, son, and you're a willing participant.
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Hello Red Crow,

Black Lies Matter ....


OWS ...

Fvck off Leftist .....

Why are you being such a jerk?

I've been respectful to you.

It's pretty hard to have a meaningful dialog with somebody who only spews hatred.

Hating somebody because they believe differently from you makes about as much sense as hating somebody because they look different than you.

And it is laughable that you would trot out these examples of reasons for your hatred; and I had nothing to do with any of them!

Didn't anyone ever tell you that stereotypes are toxic to clear thinking?

Or did you not listen because you were too busy incorrectly associating them with things you neither understand nor appreciate.

Did you come here to TALK to people; or unload on them?

Did you ever wonder why, even after unloading on people, you are not satisfied?

And you have to keep repeating the useless cycle?

And each time it seems to bring less and less satisfaction?

As if caught in a swirl of hatred and sinking ever downward with no escape or chance of happiness?

I gotta say.

I sure am glad I'm happy and I love my life.

I wouldn't want the stress of being filled with hatred.

Tell me. How is it when you meet a stranger but you know nothing about their politics?

Do you act pleasant? Do you smile? Offer a cordial greeting?

Is none of that sincere or honest? All of it tentative until you find out what their beliefs are?

Or do you hide all of this and pretend, so as not to cause a scene... (What unneeded stress!)

Then you save up all your frustration and bring it to the internet so you can unload on strangers?

Even though it doesn't ever get resolved, and just keeps on churning there, in the gut?

That sounds so sad!
Why are you being such a jerk?

Hating somebody because they believe differently from you makes about as much sense as hating somebody because they look different than you.

It's not hatred, it's anger.

White males in America have had enough and we're not going to take it anymore.
Hello hvilleherb,

It's not hatred, it's anger.

White males in America have had enough and we're not going to take it anymore.

You don't speak for white males in America.

Plenty of white males in America disagree with you.

Here's the reality:

There is no war on men.

What there is is a Class War.

If you are feeling like you are being oppressed, you are correct.

If you think it is being done by Democrats or women, you are completely wrong.

It is the rich and powerful greedy few which have made life difficult for much of America.

Jobs left because that's what capitalism does. It eliminates jobs to increase profits.

Why do you think Wall Street is doing so well?

Why are wages not?

Take a wild guess.

This is what the super-rich power junkies have done, not Democrats!

It wasn't women who forced themselves out of the home and into the work force.

It wasn't Democrats who did that.

It was the Class War.

And getting you to believe it is the Democrats fault is nothing but a slick con job.

You know what the holy grail of con jobs is?

The best con job is when the mark doesn't know he has been conned.

That's what all con men strive for.

To 'take somebody' and then they don't even know you did it.

What could be a better con than that?

You need to begin to wonder if your hero Trump has actually pulled off the greatest con of all time.

He 'took' the whole nation by fooling average unsuspecting conservatives into thinking he was on their side. (Really, he is on the side of the super-rich.)
It's not hatred, it's anger.

White males in America have had enough and we're not going to take it anymore.

yeah, white males are just so cheated. They are almost al the Senators. Almost all the congressmen. All, the presidents except for Obama. They run almost every corporation. they are most of the police. Vile just cannot stand all the advantages that white males get in America. he wants more and have no questioning.
^There it is folks. Newest entry in the Illiterate Dumbfuck Club.

Congrats, dumbfuck. You have some might ignorant company.


Red Crow
Felonia von Pantsuit
No Show Ho
Gate Way Pundit
God Bless America
Dark Soul
Virtue Signaller
Darth Omar
Eagle Eye
Teflon Don
I Love America
Getin the ring
Alice in Liberaland
God Emperor
J Craft
Toxic Titties
Talcum X
Boris the Animal

I'm reverend hellh0und now, not bull&terrier. What accolades do you expect from your list?